The 37 Best Yennefer Cosplays We've Ever Seen: Page 7 of 10

yennefer cosplay
With this much class, it's almost easy to be a supremely powerful sorceress. Almost.

12. MiraMarta

Other than for deadly precision in battle, Yen can use her mastered skills to teach and advise others in the way of magic.

Cosplay by MiraMarta

11. alberti

While Geralt isn’t a fan of fine wines and silk sheets, such as Yennefer. She still keeps the Witcher well wrapped around her finger, and it’s easy to see why.

Cosplay by alberti

10. Socracboum cosplay

It’s said that Yen wasn’t always beautiful. But perhaps through her training and studies, she was able to correct the wrongs done to her in her horrific childhood.

Cosplay by Socracboum cosplay

9. silverwolfieofficial

Yen’s lavish lifestyle leaves plenty of room for finer things. A busy sorceress must always make time for fine wine and relaxation.

Cosplay by silverwolfieofficial

Often times you can find Lisa bunkered down and scribbling away about far away lands, or curled up playing video games. Either way, it can be certain coffee is involved.
Gamer Since: 1999
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Friday the 13th: The Game
Top 3 Favorite Games:The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn, Dishonored, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

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Frankenstein's picture

Frankenstein 3 years 2 months ago

Nice post!

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