Fallout 4: Total Play Time Could Reach 500 Hours. Here’s 5 Reasons Why: Page 5 of 5

Here's why Fallout 4 is going to suck up all your time

1. You Can Build Your Own Settlement

The settlements always provided a place of solace for the players back in Fallout 3, they were places to go and rest and restock your supplies. You could also gather quests and make friends with the various inhabitants, which would always provide a nice respite from the horrors of the outside wasteland.

Fallout 4 is taking this attachment with settlements one step further and will actually allow you to make your own piece of Eden in amongst the desolation. You will be able to design and build your own houses and shops and over time it will become populated with fellow survivors.

Make sure it has at least 4 walls

You will be the leader and defacto guardian of this little slice of heaven and it will be down to you to keep away all the little nasties that will seek to destroy it.

More than ever before Fallout 4 is going to give you a unique and customizable experience, you will be able to craft and build a settlement that no other player in the world will create, you will be able to shape the landscape of the world with your very own hand.

Not only will the story keep bringing you back to this world, so will the sense of responsibility you have to the wellbeing of your citizens, to the people looking to you for protection in a world of desolation. You will be their hero.

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juanitabrillante's picture

juanitabrillante 8 years 11 months ago

Sounds awesome. This is my favorite genre.

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