[Top 10] Empires and Puzzles Best Yellow Heroes That Are Powerful

15 Jul 2022

May The Grace of Dawa Bless You

Empires and Puzzles has a ton of great, awesome heroes to pull for - and some of them belong to the Holy Element. Just ask the almighty Dawa to look after you as you do your summons, and one of these ten might even grace your roster afterward! Here we look at another batch of Best Yellow Heroes That Are Powerful.

10. Bertulf

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That bird looks tasty tho

Look, we love heroes who buff their allies - and Bertulf? Buffs his teammates fantastically well!

His Magnificent Meal has one effect: all his allies get a +100% normal attack for 4 turns. This might not seem much of a Special Skill, but considering RNG sometimes makes it impossible for heroes to unleash their attacks, or they might be suffering from ailments preventing them from doing so in the first place, normal attacks or tile damage can be your best bet at inflicting pain on your enemy - and boy does Bertulf power them up! The awesome thing is that this can be active alongside other buffs affecting attack instead of overwriting them, and the effect also stacks up to +160%. Powerful Heroes that make others powerful too? Sign us up for a meal, please!   

What Makes Bertulf Great:

  • Gives allies +100% normal attack for 4 turns
  • Can increase to +160% while the effect is active
  • Can work with other effects affecting attack

9. Mist

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Wings of Victory!

A fantastic 4* Holy Hero all in all, Mist can even make those Epic Quests/Tournaments somewhat of a cakewalk for you.

At Fast mana speed, her Valkyrie Charge does so much. It 1) deals 175% damage to the target and nearby enemies, 2) makes them immune to new buffs for 3 turns, 3) gives them -34% defense against Special Skills for 3 turns, and 4) gives them -64% mana generation for 3 turns. We have a soft spot for debuffers, and Mist may just be among the best of them in the game!

What Makes Mist Great:

  • Deals 175% damage to the target and nearby enemies and makes them immune to new buffs for 3 turns
  • Gives the target and nearby enemies -34% defense against Special Skills for 3 turns
  • Gives the target and nearby enemies  -64% mana generation for 3 turns

8. Griffin

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Baby to you, all he is, is the Invisible Man

4* heroes are nothing to sneeze at - and some of them you can’t even sneeze at. Griffin? Falls on the latter category!

His Invisible Strike, at Fast Mana Speed, deals 340% damage to the target - which can hurt a ton, particularly he hits a Dark enemy. Being from the Underwild family grants him a passive skill, too: 30% power is added to his Special Skill the first time he unleashes it if it does damage! Lastly, the attack will always bypass counterattacks and reflection - which makes him ideal to put in a lineup when facing enemies with those types of abilities attached to their skills considering his attacks won’t bounce back to bite him in the butt. Lastly, his design? Looks cool as heck too. We’re definitely a Fan of the Invisible Man! 

What Makes Griffin Great:

  • Has Fast Mana Speed
  • Deals 340% damage to the target
  • His attack always bypass counterattacks and reflection

7. Akkorog

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Welp, looks like you pissed him off

Players take a lot of care when arranging the formation of their heroes - and here comes Akkorog to mess them up for kicks.

His Colossal Chops exist to mess up enemy positions - which can seriously muck them up considering it may lead to the designated Tank not performing their tanking roles at all, or even the weakest character going front and center - thereby making them easier to dispatch. After this trollish effect follows pain to the tune of 280% damage to the target and nearby enemies, too! And his mana speed? Fast. Because of course it is.

What Makes Akkorog Great:

  • Randomly rearranges enemy positions
  • Deals 280% damage to the target and nearby enemies
  • Hast Fast Mana Speed

6. Bai Yeong

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Hello Cutie!

We love that this game loves Pandas considering it has one that’s at 2*, 3*, 4* - and now? Their Oldest Brother has come to play!

Bai Yeong’s Stunning Steel, at Fast Mana Speed, essentially hurts and blinds its target, considering it deals 320% damage and gives the target -75% accuracy for 2 turns. We don’t know about you, but we think this makes him a great hero to use against Dark Titans, especially since if you use Bai Yeong with other Holy allies, he gives them an undispellable +30% defense against Special Skills for 4 turns too! If you decide to use him in battle, know that he also has another trick up his Panda sleeve: he gives the target -a 75% decrease for any healing received for 2 turns. Bai Yeong? More like Bae Young!

What Makes Bai Yeong Great:

  • Has Fast Mana Speed
  • Gives target -75% accuracy and -75% decrease in healing for 2 turns
  • Gives all Holy allies an undispellable +30% defense against Special Skills for 4 turns

5. Anastasia

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Definitely a Supe!

Be a Minion or Fiend Summoner? Why choose when one can be both instead?

Anastasia’s a rare 4* hero who summons minions, and we already love her for this skill alone. But she’s more than that, as being a magician, her abilities morph depending on her mana charge.  At 1x mana charge she’s a minion summoner, but at 2x mana charge, she evolves into a fiend summoner that also deals 235% direct damage to all enemies! Hey, if RNG’s on your side, you may even get to see both effects in play at the same time!

What Makes Anastasia Great:

  • Skill changes depending on how long her mana has been charging:
    • At 1x Mana Charge, she summons minions for her allies
    • At 2x Mana Charge, she summons fiends for all her enemies and deals them 235% direct damage 

4. Eloise

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Talons for days

Since we have a Holy Minion Summoner, it just makes perfect sense we have one that’s a Minion Killer - and Eloise excels at that role!

Her Ravaging Talons destroy all minions currently on the field before dealing them the 270% damage - meaning heroes who had them before won’t even be protected from her wrath. Her skill also makes enemies who had minions become immune to getting them for 4 turns, so those minion summoners won’t be summoning anything under her watch! Hell hath no fury like a minion killer scorned!

What Makes Eloise Great:

  • Destroys all minions from all enemies
  • Deals 270% damage to all enemies
  • Makes enemies who had minions before immune to new minions for 4 turns

3. Hanitra

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Up in the sky!

We have a soft spot for dodgers because the animation for heroes actually dodging attacks? Really awesome. And the additional effect they get for dodging? Really awesome-r!

Hanitra’s a fantastic hero considering her Dancing Dodge gives all her allies a +45% chance to dodge Special Skills for 3 turns, with each dodge boosting their health by 275. So if the enemies release their attacks consecutively and all your heroes dodge them consecutively? Their HP can double in no time at all! She’s also great against enemies who reduce HP considering she makes her allies resist that effect for 3 turns. She’s definitely a phenomenal hero to include in your defense, that’s for sure!

What Makes Hanitra Great:

  • Has Fast Mana Speed
  • Gives all her allies +45% chance at dodging, and boosts health by 275 after each dodge
  • Makes all allies resist max health reduction for 3 turns

2. Kara 

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Another Supergirl!

A fairly new addition to the game, Kara makes a lot of people want to get her - and it isn’t hard to see why.

Her Shieldmaiden’s Protection makes her a Taunting Tank, as she prevents enemies from using Special Skills on her allies for 4 turns once active. To protect herself, she gets +74% defense against Special Skills for 4 turns - and to make her allies even deadlier, she gives them all (save for herself) +34% attack for 4 turns, too! How’s that for a SuperTank?

What Makes Kara Great:

  • Taunts enemies that prevent them from using Special Skills on her allies for 4 turns
  • Gets +74% defense against Special Skills for 4 turns
  • Gives allies +34% attack for 4 turns

1.  Topaz

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Pretty in Claws!

A Femme Fatale? Topaz can be described as such to a T. 

Her Lethal Needles make her another minion killer, though its effect intensifies depending on how long her mana’s been brewing, though all her allies enjoy a small amount of mana for each minion killed. At 1x mana charge, she destroys minions from a single target and deals 310% damage to them. At 2x, she destroys minions from her target and nearby enemies and deals them 350% damage. Leave her brewing for 3x mana, though? Woah. She destroys all minions from all enemies and deals them 390% damage to boot! What a ninja! 

What Makes Topaz Great:

  • All allies get a small amount of mana for each minion she destroys
  • Effects of her special skill depend on how long her mana has been charging:
    • She can target one to all enemies
    • She can deal from 310% to 390% damage.

And those are our Top 10 Best Yellow Heroes that Are Powerful! Holy moly they are great - and we hope you get to see them for yourself!

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