[Top 15] Fallout 4 Best Combat Mods That Are Amazing

Check out the best Combat Mods for Fallout 4!

Fallout 4 has been one of the most well-received RPGs of all time particularly due to the amount of content it has available in a huge post-apocalyptic world filled with different kinds of the unknown. The combat in the game is intense and amazing for its time. But it quickly gets repetitive and boring if you are a master at the game. This is where mods come into play and that’s why here are the 15 best combat mods for this great game!

15 . Bullet Time

If you want the combat in the game to mimic that of The Matrix movies then this mod is for you. The Bullet Time mod slows down the time which will easily help you make decisions. The slowing down of time will drain your AP which will make it more challenging. It works as a great alternative to VATS if you’re not a fan of the system.

Get the mod here

14 . Arbitration

The Arbitration mod does a complete overhaul of the game’s combat system. It makes the enemies much more aware of their surroundings and much more dangerous in combat. In short, they make the enemy intelligent and strategic. Other features like increased grenade detection distance, increased walking speed and realistic fall damage are also present with this mod. It also makes small refined changes to the overall combat environment.

Get the mod here!

13 . Tactical Distraction System

This mod allows a luring mechanic to the stealth portion of the game. In the base version enemies will be alerted of your presence regardless of how you approach a specific situation. With the help of this mod, you can lure them while in cover, take them out quietly and make your way silently to your desired objective. It’s a pretty basic mod that does the job if we’re being honest.

Get the mod here!

12 . The Deadly Commonwealth Expansion

The Deadly Commonwealth Expansion mod overhauls all of the major factions in the base game. The AI has been much more refined along with the addition of new armors, weapons, outfits, and different types of bosses. If you’re looking for a challenge because you think the factions are way too easy, then this mod will definitely be to your taste. The bosses all have unique features and have been voice acted separately to make the game feel much more realistic.

Get the mod here

11 . Live Dismemberment

The Live Dismemberment mod does a complete overhaul of the damage and injury system in the game. If you’re into blood and gore, then this is for you. It increases the chance of injury and limb damage for enemies and makes the affected areas look extremely realistic. It essentially makes the combat more gruesome and challenging. If you’re all in on immersion in the game, then this mod will surely spark your interest.

Get the mod here!

10 . Rain of Brass

The Rain of Brass mod keeps the shell casings for the weapons last longer than usual for the player and all the NPCs in the game. The shell casings last longer than an hour which duly improves the immersion a player strives for. It makes the gameplay much more intense with casings being released left and right. Combining with other combat mods genuinely increases the realism aspect of the combat and makes it much more fun.

Get the mod here!

9 . Weapons of Fate

This mod alters the behavior of bullets to make them more interesting and realistic. Each bullet has distinct characteristics that are combined to determine the bullet's trajectory. Also, bullets no longer vanish after a certain distance, instead of losing altitude until impact. This also adds tracers, glow and light effects behind the bullets. Furthermore, this mod resolves a well-known issue. Bullets no longer vanish after a certain distance, instead of losing altitude until impact.

Get the mod here!

8 . See-Through Scopes

Depending on your preference, this mod adds new scopes or replaces the short scopes. This is true for almost all of the vanilla weapons that can be equipped with scopes. It comes with 2.5x, 4x, and 8x scopes, as well as normal and recon variants. The sniper perk only affects the 4x and 8x scope variants. This mod also lets you customize the style and color of your reticles to suit your playstyles.

Get the mod here!

7 . Mornedil’s Combat Rework

This mod by Mornedil does a small overhaul of the game’s combat, health and damage system which makes the game feel even much more interesting and enjoyable. The enemies and NPCs don’t scale with the level of the player, the damage system is reworked including various health improvements. NPCs will also drop weapons when they suffer from arm damage which increases the realism aspect.

Get the mod here!

6 . SKK Combat Stalkers

Ever feel the enemies in the game are too forgiving and annoying? Well, this mod fixes it for you. Now enemies will randomly spawn and engage in dangerous and unforgiving combat with you. Other than that they will also ambush and stalk you whenever you’re roaming the Wasteland. You have to be much more aware of your surroundings that’s for sure. It randomly increased the difficulty of the game when encountering these enemies which is a challenge in itself.

Get the mod here!

5 . Better Locational Damage

This mod completely overhauls Fallout 4's combat, making it crisper and more intense. Headshots are scripted, and helmets can help prevent them. NPC health has been adjusted to avoid bullet sponges. Obtaining a well-balanced armor rating is critical for survival, as health no longer scales with level as a result of this mod. The weapons have also become much more lethal so you have to plan ahead of every encounter

Get the mod here!

4 . Weaponsmith Extended

Weaponsmith compiles all the weapon mods available for Fallout 4. It truly is the best mod you can install to get any kind of weapon you require. It contains modern weapons from classic ones to wacky ones, all for you to choose from. It also contains various armor mods to make your life a bit easier. There’s not much to add except the fact that you will be playing God in with these weapons.

Get the mod here!

3 .  SKK Settlement Attack System

This mod replaces the default settlement attacks with a fully customizable combat attack system based on SKK combat stalker spawning technology and user experience. It also has Vertibird combat and settlement patrols as options. The attack lasts as long as it takes for the player to arrive at the settlement to begin. Patrols between owned workshops in the same external world space that have settlers or defense are generated by the settlement patrol option.

Get the mod here!

2 . True Frags

If you’re tired of how the frag grenades work in the game, then this mod will solve that. When fragmentation grenades, fragmentation mines, baseball grenades, bottlecap mines, and MIRV grenades explode, they shoot deadly shrapnel. This increases the realism and immersion of the game to a greater extent. You can set the level of impact, range, and damage that the grenades do also.

Get the mod here!

1 . P.L.U.N.D.E.R. - Survival Combat Overhaul

The Plunder mod probably does the best combat system overhaul of the game. With this mod, explosions, flamethrowers, and other appropriate weapons generate fire that is harmful to the enemy. This can be used to your advantage when it comes to creating hazardous environments. Combat and damage have been rebalanced in order to ensure survival. Blood, shell casings, bullet holes, and other similar items have all been designed to be visible from a greater distance and to remain persistent for long periods of time. New combat AI, as well as numerous behavioral changes affecting stealth and tactics. The weapons, loot, and hitboxes have also been reconfigured to give the game a realistic and immersive feeling.

Get the mod here!

With these amazing combat mods, Fallout 4 can become more unforgiving and challenging. These will make you much more focused and keep you hooked on the game. Good Luck fellow Survivors!

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