What's up guys, all good? Frankenstein here in the area again and this time I come to bring you all, excellent content completely updated and new about League of Legends.
Today's article involves a very interesting topic, an incredible Top 10 about "Most Played Roles", ranging from the least popular and least used champions to the most popular and most used.
Will your champion be on our list?
Let's check it out!
10. Jungle
About Rek´Sai:
Rek'Sai is a powerful and highly mobile champion, suitable for the Summoner's Rift jungle. The use of tunnels gives her incomparable mobility in her jungle and enemy territory.
Reksai enters our Top 10 as a slightly more outdated option. Despite being a good champion, others replace him with much more mastery in his role, so in terms of popularity, he is one of the less popular champions and has less function even in lower links.
Why Rek'sai Jungle Is Least Popular?
- Low usability and when used it does not play such an impactful role in the game.
- The champion is behind other current and remastered champions.
- It is a very difficult champion to play and with low performance when used, even in low-level games.
9. Jungle
About Zac:
Here in our 9th position, we find Zac.
Zac is, to some extent, simple to learn. However, there are some mechanics and strategies that can be learned over time. Therefore, it is recommended that you train between 5 to 10 matches before going to the ranked games.
Zac's role is to be useful in fights. With his E + R combo, he will cause a lot of "CC", opening up a battlefront for the rest of the team to fight.
Why Zac Jungle Is Least Popular?
- This champion is one of the least popular due to his style of ganks.
- Present a weak/medium style of play.
- For having a reduced impact in the middle and at the end of the game.
- Because there are more popular and better options in the current patch.
8. Mid
About Aurelion Sol:
Aurelion is a very mobile champion, his main characteristic is his ability to "roam", with his incredible "clear wave", and his great distance from the enemy makes him a very defensive and offensive champion at the same time.
Aurelion joins the Top 8, as he is a champion that demands a lot of gameplay and attention since he is a champion with global "support".
Whenever you pull the wave with your "HEAVENLY EXPANSION" (W), you retreat or leave the lane, whether for the jungle or to perform ganks.
Why Aurelion Sol Mid Is Very Popular?
- This champion is very popular due to his global presence.
- For presenting a style of play that is both defensive and offensive.
- For presenting an excellent route cleaning.
- For presenting an impactful role in the game in terms of functionality.
7. Top
About Kled:
Here at position 7, let's talk about Kled.
Kled is a champion in which it will take you a while to learn how it works, but he has proven himself to be a solid pick.
Kled is not a very complex champion. From five accumulated matches is possible to join ranked games and have a good win rate
Kled is an "early game" champion. So try to create an advantage and snowball.
Kled's R is excellent for "picking off" enemies caught out of position. During the lane phase, use it to gank the mid / bot.
Why Kled Top Is Very Popular?
- This champion is very popular because of his atypical playing style.
- For presenting an excellent route phase.
- For being a choice where many don't know how to play well against him.
- For playing an important role in the overall presence on the mid and bot routes.
6. Jungle
About Viego:
Viego has playing patterns similar to a strong duelist fighter and a style of play that is similar to that of Nocturne since both are champions focused on the basic attack with skills that complement their kit. The main point to play for Viego is his skill passive, which allows you to become the downed enemy champion, giving you a chance to reward your dominance over several champions.
If you are looking for another duelist in the jungle who can become any enemy champion, consider adding Viego to your champion repertoire.
Why Viego Jungle Is Very Popular?
- This champion is very popular due to his battle strength.
- For presenting an excellent cleaning of the jungle.
- For being a safe choice and with a good global presence, since he gains a lot of mobility with the use of his skills.
- For being a champion with a huge impact on the game, especially in the middle/end of the game.
5. Jungle
About Lee Sin:
Taking position 5, as an extremely popular character and with high performance in the game, Lee Sin.
Lee Sin is one of the most traditional junglers in League of Legends. In the last international tournaments, he had a confirmed presence in the jungle.
Lee Sin is an "early game" champion. You have to focus on the ganks/invades from the beginning of the game and give "snowball" to yourself or your allies.
Due to Lee Sin's high mobility, achieving route goals like towers and focusing on kills ends up being much more rewarding.
Why Lee Sin Jungle Is Most Popular?
- This champion is very popular due to his incredible mobility around the map.
- For presenting an excellent start to the game, about so many other junglers.
- For being a champion with great impact at the beginning of the game, making sure that all routes always have a third player present.
4. Top
About Darius:
With great respect, we reached the Top 4 with a very powerful champion, Darius.
Darius is a top laner, however, with the new changes in Patch 11.6 it is also being used at Jungle. His specialty is sustaining damage, true damage, and DPS tank. His learning curve is medium to complex, and it is recommended to accumulate at least fifteen to twenty games of experience before joining the ranked games.
The player of Darius, if he gets a quick "snowball", can dominate an entire game alone and without much effort.
If the player is using the teleportation spell, then his global presence increases, being extremely impactful on any route, including helping in the jungle.
Why Darius Top Is Most Popular?
- This champion is very popular due to his incredible attack power and supreme route domination.
- For presenting an excellent start to the game oppressing your enemy.
- For being a very resistant and safe champion.
3. Adc
About Vayne:
Coming here in position 3, as one of the most popular and with an excellent role in the game, Vayne.
Vayne is the most popular ADC this season. His specialty and main function are to destroy all enemies in a team fight. Vayne has excellent mobility and does excellent damage based on the percentage of life. His learning curve is one of the most complexes, being indicated to accumulate at least one hundred games before joining the ranked games.
Vayne is a carry that stands out in the middle/end of the game. Even a bad game at the start can become a victory if Vayne's player gets a good number of minions and good equipment.
Why Vayne Adc Is Most Popular?
- This champion is very popular due to his incredible attack damage which is based on the percentage of life. Where no matter how tough the enemy is, Vayne will destroy everything and everyone.
- For presenting an excellent middle / final game.
- For being a champion with a lot of mobility.
2. Mid
About Yasuo:
Yasuo is a good champion early/end game.
Yasuo is a complex champion with very intense game mechanics. His specialty is "split push", "hard carry" capacity, and high mobility. His learning curve is one of the most difficult, it is recommended to accumulate at least fifty games before joining the ranked games.
Choosing Yasuo as the "first pick" can be very risky.
However, a good Yasuo player excels in any type of game.
Why Yasuo Mid Is Most Popular?
- This champion is very popular due to his high attack power and skill combo.
- For presenting great oppression of route at the early of the game.
- Champion with a lot of mobility, which allows him to be present on several routes after pulling his minion wave.
- For playing an important role in team fights.
1. Cassiopeia
About Cassiopeia:
Ending our list with an incredibly respected and very powerful Top 1, Cassiopeia.
Cassiopeia is an early/late game mid laner. His specialty is CC and damage over time. His learning curve is medium/difficult, being indicated to accumulate at least one hundred games before joining the ranked games.
Cassiopeia is a magician with unique mechanics, with great potential to be able to fight 2 × 1.
This champion has a very curious global presence since she can do a quick cleaning of routes and try to make some gank in another lane and also try to surprise the enemy Jungle.
Why Cassiopeia Mid Is Most Popular?
- This champion is very popular due to his incredible CC on his enemies.
- For presenting a lot of route pressure at the beginning of the game against your enemies.
- For playing a very important role in team struggles. For being able to change the entire course of the game, if you hit a good ultimate.
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