The Best Dota 2 AoE Heroes That Deliver Massive Impact
Despite what the random hard carry you got matched up with might claim, Dota is a team game and team fighting is a major component of the game. Winning team fights is an important part of winning any game, so you’re going to want to have heroes on your team that thrive in team fights. Here is a list of Top 10 Team Fight Heroes in Dota 2.
10. Omniknight
A former crusader, Omniknight discovered the truth of his God and planet which made his faith stronger
It’s very difficult to win a team fight when you’re dead, so a hero that can keep the team alive is important in a team fight. Omniknight is a perfect hero for this due to having strong abilities to keep the team alive while also being able to dish out some damage himself.
The main thing Omniknight brings to the team fights is Purification which is a really strong heal that also dishes out pretty good AoE damage. On top of that he can apply Repel to someone and make them immune to magic damage. His biggest contributor, though, is his ultimate: Guardian Angel. Guardian Angel makes Omniknight and all allies around him immune to physical damage which can just break the enemies lineup and can easily swing the team fight in your favor.
Purification is a great heal while also being a strong AoE nuke
Guardian Angel is a really strong ultimate that can quickly turn a team fight
9. Underlord
Having captured everything underground, Underlord leads his armies to the surface to continue their conquest
When it comes to forcing your enemies into awkward situations in a team fight, Underlord is the king. You’ll find it difficult to just get to where you need to be in the team fight when your facing up against an Underlord and that will truly swing the team fight in his team’s favor.
What Underlord has is that all of his abilities are about dividing the enemy team. Firestorm and Pit of Malice both create giant no fly zones that the enemy team has to avoid. Atrophy Aura can certainly turn a terrible team fight in your team’s favor due to the damage swing it brings. On top of all of this he can bring the team to the fight with Dark Rift, and in a worse case scenario he can get the team away from a fight that’s going sour. All of his abilities are really geared toward the team fight, so it’s no surprise he really excels at them.
Underlord’s abilities are all well suited to team fighting
Dark Rift can bring your team to a fight when your enemies least expect it
8. Faceless Void
Faceless Void is a being from another dimension who has appeared on the battlefield for unknown reasons
There are certain things that a hero needs to be good in a team fight, you can either have a variety of skills that in useful in all situations, or you can just have one really good ability that can help you dominate a team fight. Faceless Void falls into that latter category, but it’s a really good ability.
It’s not that his other abilities are bad, mind you, as all of them do a good job of annoying the enemies and really makes Void a priority to be taken down. The thing is just that Chronosphere is just that good and serves so many purposes in a team fight. Being able to freeze a group and allow your ranged heroes to take them down while beating on them yourself is amazing. Add on top of that just being able to cut off the enemy team or just picking off one problem hero before they can go off and you can easily see why Chronosphere is such an amazing ability to have in a team fight.
Chronosphere is an amazing team fighting tool that can split the team and allows you to pick them off
Faceless Void quickly becomes the center of attention, allowing your team to pick at the enemy
7. Dark Willow
Getting bored of her noble lifestyle, Dark Willow burned down her family estate to become a wandering grifter
In a team fight the more AoE you can bring the better, and if that AoE can annoy the enemy team that’s even better and Dark Willow has both of these things in spades. Dark Willow may not look like much, but in a team fight she can really hold her own and if you’re up against her you’ll find her constantly biting at you like a mosquito until you’re taken down.
She excels in a team fight setting because her moves all have notable AoEs while simultaneously debilitating the enemies. Whether it’s the the literal maze that Bramble Maze creates on the battlefield or the dangerous stun that comes with Cursed Crown you’ll find yourself constantly being impeded by her. On top of all of this her versatile ultimate can either regularly damage enemies around you or just make them all flee in fear as your allies pick them off with ease.
All of Dark Willow’s abilities allow her to control the enemy team and assist core heroes
The huge AoE on all of her abilities make her a key component to a team fight
6. Death Prophet
A former fortune teller, Death Prophet came back to life multiple times until eventually developing her spectral form
In a lot of ways, you can compare Death Prophet to someone like Faceless Void where on the surface her ultimate defines her team fighting abilities, and you wouldn’t be wrong in that assumption. However Death Prophet’s secret weapon is that even without her ultimate she is a true force to be reckoned with in a team fight.
Her team fight all starts with Silence which has a large AoE and can truly cripple some heroes. Once you’re defenseless from the silence she starts draining the HP of your valuable heroes with Spirit Siphon and picking on your back line with Crypt Swarm. All this time, however, she has Exorcism active and that’s where Death Prophet truly shines. The damage and AoE of Exorcism is nothing to scoff at and can steal a team fight that you could be positioned to lose in conjunction with her other abilities, along with what your team brings to the table.
With a plethora of AoE abilities, Death Prophet thrives against multiple heroes
Exorcism is an insanely strong ability that the enemy team is force to deal with
5. Earthshaker
A being from the earth, Earthshaker created himself out of an act of sheer will
At The International 2015 there was one moment, one disaster, that echoed throughout all of the Dota community and that moment was created by Earthshaker. That explosive is what a good Earthshaker can bring to the fight, and combined with a strong lineup you’ll find that your fights tend to end rather quickly.
Let’s elaborate on what else Earthshaker brings to the table, though, as he’s just a real pain to have to deal with in a team fight. Combining both the landscape changing Fissure to split the enemy team on top of the constant stun and incremental damage he dishes out with Enchant Totem and Aftershock and you’ll find that Earthshaker is not to be ignored in the midst of a team fight.
However, once you get that Blink Dagger is when the entire landscape changes. All of a sudden popping in and bringing down the fury with Echo Slam and, frankly, there’s no greater feeling. Comboing Echo Slam with the rest of your team’s AoE abilities is the first big step in evolving your team fight and it’s still effective in stealing a game to this day.
There’s nothing more satisfying than a well place Echo Slam
All of Earthshaker’s abilities allow him to constantly stun and annoy his enemies
4. Tidehunter
The former champion of the Sunken Isles, Tidehunter abandoned his people to set off on his own path
You watch him throughout the whole game, keep an eye on him, but when the time comes you never see it coming. Tidehunter blinks into the middle of your entire team and sets off the Ravage as you watch your whole team go down one by one, all because of this one fish. Tidehunter is the original team fight hero bringing a good variety of skills to the fight while having the silver bullet to help take down your enemies.
Gush is a great nuke and slow that also debuffs the enemy’s armor making them easy pickings for your carry. As he runs around reducing damage with Anchor Smash, you’ll find that Kraken Shell makes him nearly impossible kill. Then it’s that one moment when you think you’ve finally taken him down is when the secret weapon comes out. Ravage is the iconic AoE stun and it’s always going to be one of the best abilities of its kind. It doesn’t matter how farmed your team is, once you’re all hit with Ravage you become easy pickings for the enemy and that alone keeps Tidehunter high on this list.
Tidehunter has several AoE abilities to poke and prod at the enemies and weaken them
Ravage is the ultimate team fight weapon that can take an entire team out
3. Magnus
Forced to flee with his kin after a volcanic eruption, Magnus as sworn to seek vengeance on those responsible
When it comes to versatility of tools in a team fight, Magnus is the king of the castle. His abilities range from great supporting tools, to strong AoE, to game changing stuns that all form together greatly to make Magnus a beast in team fights.
The thing that really makes Magnus shine is how he seems to have a tool for every situation in any team fight situation. Shockwave is a simple ability but incredibly strong as a nuke that has a great AoE and travels a good distance for either hurting multiple heroes or sniping one out who is trying to get away. Empower is a great supporting skill for your melee carries and can turn an already scary carry into a terrifying figure to be avoided at all cost. Skewer is definitely his most versatile skill that can either be used to initiate on a single hero and bring them to your team, split the team so that they can’t easily support each other, or even just running away when things get too hairy.
However, Magnus has one last tool and that’s Reverse Polarity. This AoE stun is amazing in its own right, but just goes so well with all of his other skills. When you bring them all to a single point, it allows them all to get hit by your Shockwave, as your melee carry cleaves them down while under Empower, and all of this is after you bring the enemy team into the grips of your waiting team. Magnus is just a truly great team fight hero that you’ll always want by your side.
His multiple strong AoE abilities make Magnus a force to be reckoned with in a team fight
Reverse Polarity is an amazing initiation tool that can swing the fight in your favor before it even starts
2. Enigma
A being of the void, no one truly knows Enigma’s origins or motivations
When it all comes down to it, there’s only one hero you can think of that is the master of starting a fight, and Enigma is most certainly that hero. His abilities don’t really synergize super well, but he makes up for it incredibly with just how powerful his ultimate is.
Enigma is great at poking at heroes with all of his skills, though, and it’s nothing to scoff at. His eidolons will often go unnoticed as the take down the back lines, all while the enemy is getting their health ticked down constantly by Midnight Pulse. These abilities, however, pale in comparison to the glorious Black Hole. Black Hole is the greatest Disable in the game, bar none, and this one ability is that good that it can elevate Enigma heads and shoulders above his peers. Four seconds is a long time in a team fight, so when your entire team is caught inside Black Hole you’ll either be bleeding hard or just completely done by the time the its over and you’ll wish you had seen it coming.
Midnight Pulse does an amazing job ticking down the enemy
Black Hole is an iconic ability at this point, and remains one of the best ways to initiate in the game
1. Invoker
A master of magic, Invoker is proud of his abilities and travels the world displaying his power
We’ve gone from great disables to constant annoyance to versatility, and Invoker is going to somehow find himself in every category available. Invoker has the most skills in the game with ten and you’ll find that most of them are amazing team fight tools when put in the hands of a skilled player.
His skills are all greatly synergistic combo into each other very naturally. He has great AoE disables with Tornado, Ice Wall, and Deafening Blast that all serve their own unique purposes. Then he has high damaging skills with Chaos Meteor and Sun Strike to chip away at the enemy heroes and nothing is more demoralizing than having all your mana taken away with a well place EMP. Then when you add all these skills together, you’ll find yourself discovering great combinations for many many games as you dominate the enemy team in the team fight.
Invoker has a high skill cap on him, and because of this he becomes very rewarding at the highest level of play. Once you get the hang of him you’ll find your prowess and awareness in team fights on a whole other level as you take everyone down with ease.
Invoker has many strong team fight abilities that make him a force in a team fight
All of Invoker’s abilities combo together making him a joy to behold
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