We all know that the aliens are out there. And it is only a matter of time before they attack us. Here are some games to prepare you for the upcoming invasion.
Ever since Space Invader, us gamers have been obsessed with the possibility of an alien invasion. Aliens are perhaps the most frequently represented enemies. They can be green, purple, big or small, they can be masterminds like the Reapers or part of a hive-mind like the Zerg. No matter the form they take, we love them. More importantly, we love killing them. Here are some games that are the best at that:
10. Serious Sam 3: BFE
I bet he doesn’t floss.
The first entry on this list is an action packed first person shooter. Serious Sam is a throwback to the old style of shooters, featuring pickups, no cover system and a wild variety of guns. It is fast, it is wild, and it does not care. The game is known for its humor and style. Also, you can rip out parts of your enemies.
My personal rating: 3.5/5
No cover. All man.
9. Crysis series
The Crysis games have always been praised for their graphics. It’s easy to see why.
The first Crysis saw the debut of the nanosuit – a suit which allows its wearer to have different abilities, like super speed, super strength or invisibility. The different abilities of the suit allow you to handle every situation as you see fit. The games feature a wide variety of enemies, maps and weapons, and they also have a relatively long single player campaign (at least compared to other first person shooters).
My rating: 4/5
The hunt is on.
8. Defense Grid 2
Defense Grid 2 features a lot of different towers to fight with.
Hardcore gamers might dismiss tower defense games as too casual, but doing so with Defense Grid 2 would be a grave mistake. Sequel to the critically acclaimed Defense Grid: Awakening, the game features a wide variety of towers, enemies, and, surprisingly, an overarching story. Instead of monsters having a pre-laid path, many of the maps in DG2 feature dynamic pathfinding, forcing you to place your towers strategically.
My rating: 3.5/5
Colorful extermination.
7. Aliens Colonial Marines
There comes a time in a marine’s life when he has to decide whether he wants to waste ammo or save his life.
Some of you may be surprised to see this title on the list. True, when it came out, ACM was a bug-ridden mess (and the unnecessary pre-launch hype wasn’t helping either). But by now it has received a number of huge patches, rendering it relatively bug-free. It might not have revolutionized the genre, but it certainly deserves a look, especially if you are an Aliens fan.
My rating: 3/5
Flamethrowers and aliens.
6. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
If you ever wanted to fight aliens in fedoras, this is the game.
Did you like the general idea of X-COM, but didn’t much care for its combat? Did you also think about how fun it would be if X-COM took place in the sixties? If so, we’ve got the perfect game for you. XCOM Declassified puts you in the shoes of a special agent in the sixties, trying to stop the alien invasion. The game has been stripped of X-COM’s economy system and switches to third-person combat. If you’re looking for an easier, more action-packed version of X-COM, look no further.
My rating: 4/5
You have new orders.
5. Alien: Isolation
The only Alien in the game.
When it was announced that Alien: Isolation would have only one alien during the whole game, many people were worried. How could you make an engrossing game with only one enemy in it? But then, the game came out. It is regarded by many the Alien game we’ve been waiting for. It perfectly captures the atmosphere of the movie, and it is a terrifying experience. A horror shooter by genre, it uses its source material perfectly. Definitely a must for Alien and horror fans alike.
My rating: 4/5
Some things are better left lost.
4. Mass Effect series
Cool guys don’t look at explosions.
One of the flagship series for BioWare, the RPG/cover-shooter games of the Mass Effect trilogy are possibly the best sci-fi games ever made. You fight as Shepard, a human soldier against universe-eating robots calling themselves the Reapers. During your adventures, you will visit many places in the galaxy, fight and recruit all kinds of aliens, all the while being in a universe that feels real. While the last ten minutes of the third game may have been a bit of a letdown, the journey there is absolutely, without a doubt worth it.
My rating: 4.5/5
Go out there, and give them hell!
3. Half Life 2
Half Life 2 did to first person shooters what the fire did to human civilization.
You knew this was coming. One cannot talk about games involving aliens without mentioning Half Life 2. I don’t think it needs an introduction, but for those of you who have been away from civilization in the past decade, here it is: it’s an FPS, where you play as Gordon Freeman, trying to rid humanity of aliens. While the game certainly shows that it’s old, and a lot of the mechanics first seen here have since been implemented in other games, there is something about Half Life that is special and worth looking into, even 11 years after its publication.
My rating: 4/5
Now on every platform.
2. UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-COM: UFO Defense)
The game that started it all.
Yet another no-brainer on the list. UFO: Enemy Unknown (X-COM: UFO Defense in the US) is a classic (and a must) when it comes to the best alien invasion games out there. It puts players into the shoes of the commander of Earth’s combined forces, trying to repel an alien invasion, while managing their base’s economy and the planet’s panic levels. A true masterpiece, this game has a cult following to this day.
My rating: 4/5
See the gameplay for yourself.
1. X-COM: Enemy Unknown
The kills are even more satisfying in high resolution.
The remake of UFO: Enemy Unknown, this game was published in 2012, and has received almost universal critical acclaim. It follows the formula of the old game, but enhances it with modern game mechanics and graphics. Just as before, you are the commander of X-COM, tasked to repel the alien invasion. The maps and enemies are varied, each requiring different tactics and weapons to defeat them. The game, just as its predecessor, is hard, thus communicating to the player that defeating the aliens takes a lot of effort – and will not come without sacrifices.
My rating: 4.5/5
Jetpacks, drones and explosions.