10 Best PC Games of 2013 You May Have Missed Out On: Page 5 of 10

Liz from BioShock Infinite wearing a white and blue uniform. She is holding a blue book and acting aggressively.
Liz from BioShock Infinite, ready to drop some wisdom on you.

6. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

What would you do if your father was dying? You wouldn’t give up hope. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons lets you experience this dire circumstance by giving you a window into the emotional torrent that this situation creates.

The launch trailer for Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.

This is a story of bravery. You the player are also brave for choosing to play a game where you simultaneously control two characters. I’ve played this, and micromanaging the two is an obstacle at first. Once you are comfortable with the controls, the story begins to take hold.

I know the view is stunning, brother, but please don’t jump.

You will encounter giants and cross treacherous territory. You will control craft that travels on the land and in the sky. You will scale surfaces that have you shaking your head in disbelief. At times giving up will seem the best option. But your father is dying, and you will press on.

Standard nerd; computers & writing!
Gamer Since: 1988
Favorite Genre: FPS
Currently Playing: CrossCode, Exanima, Sickness, and Rocket League.
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