If you could visit your favorite RPG games... would you?
RPG games have teased us with some of the most enthralling worlds we’ve never actually set foot in. But what if we could? What if, by some obscure magic or intricate technology, we could turn our monitors into portals, giving us access to the very realms we’ve been fantasizing about living in?
But not all RPG worlds are hospitable, let alone survivable. Most of us wouldn’t last two days in Diablo’s Sanctuary before becoming demon food, or go an entire week without bathing in Fallout’s sun-baked, irradiated wastes. This following list, then, will discuss the ideal places to visit or even stay in, were such things possible.
This being a gaming site, we’ve excluded game worlds originating from movies and books. Sorry, Knights of the Old Republic fans, but that galaxy far, far away isn’t up for consideration.
So, without further ado, here are the10 Best RPG Games We Would Love To Be In.
10. Bastion

A colorful world awaits you in Bastion!
Bastion takes place after the catastrophic Calamity sundered the industrial city of Caelondia. But that the city’s vibrant beauty survived its destruction is a testament to its everlasting elegance.
The world’s floating fragments are rich with culture and personality, literally rising up from the void to form a path before you. Every step is a surprise, a new adventure, one that’ll take you everywhere from the ruins of civilization to lush woodlands flourishing with all manner of flora.
To top it all off, you’ve got this badass Morgan Freeman-esque voice narrating your every achievement. Who wouldn’t want some disembodied, god-like voice extolling your virtues every time you visit the toilet or go to the fridge for a slice of cold pizza?

9. Legend of Zelda

A cartoon fantasy world to explore!
Hyrule, the world in which the Legend of Zelda franchise is set, is sort of like a PG-13, cartoon version of Middle-Earth. It’s also home to some of the most beautiful locations in gaming.
We’ve enjoyed the halcyon charms of Windfall Island, soared above the airborne Skyloft on the shoulders of giant birds, and felt the wind on our faces as we galloped on horseback across the vast, verdant expanses of Hyrule Field.
And this world has really weird-looking people. Aside from the exceptionally beautiful Zelda and Link, Hyrule is inhabited by beak-nosed munchkins, men so rotund they can double as dirigibles, and women with faces shaped like feet. Zelda’s own father has eyes so hyper alert you’d think he’s snorting illegal substances 24/7. If you’re feeling down, visit Hyrule and take a gander at the utter hilarity that is its population of mutants. For that alone, it’s one of the best RPG games we’d love to visit!

8. Kingdom Hearts

Fighting alongside the heroes of your childhood
When you wish upon a star, dreams do come true… especially when you’ve got two entertainment industry giants working together to make them happen!
The Kingdom Hearts series is an entrancing confluence of Square Enix and Disney universes. Imagine swashbuckling next to Jack Sparrow one moment, and trading blows with Sephiroth the next. How about visiting Jack Skellington in Halloween Town, basking in the blue glow of Tron’s world, or going down the rabbit hole to Wonderland? And traveling between worlds is easy; all you need is to open a few portals, or a ride in your nifty Gummi Ship – operated by none other than Chip and Dale.
And Aerith doesn’t even have to stay dead! She’s chilling in town with Cid, Yuffie, and the annoying emo kid formerly known as Squall.

7. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Nothing to see here... it's just me and my horse vs. a giant and his mammoth!
The Elder Scrolls games have taken us on quests spanning Tamriel’s myriad regions, from the dusty, arid wastes of Morrowind to the grassy plains of Cyrodiil. But there is nothing more majestic than the snow-covered vistas of Skyrim’s mountains and frozen lakes.
And let’s not forget that Skyrim is home to the most badass people on the planet – the Nords, who are basically Tamriel’s Vikings. These guys are made of muscle, steel, and the hardest drinks that’ll ever burn your throat. When they aren’t bathing in the blood of Daedra or making leather chairs out of dragons, Nords like to turn themselves into werewolves and snacking on cheeses. And if you’re lucky enough to be born the Dragonborn, there’ll never be a shouting match you can’t win.
The world itself is harsh. Think that neighbor blasting Nickelback on his stereo at 3am is bad? Wait till you meet Skyrim’s giants and their pet mammoths.
But the best thing about Skyrim? It’s ruled by the capricious gods of mischief called modders, who can turn those hapless mudcrabs into f-bomb-slinging Samuel L. Jacksons, and dragons into dead-eyed My Little Ponies or rubber-necked Randy “Macho Man” Savages. There’s never a dull day in Skyrim, making it one of the best RPG games to live in!

6. Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Futuristic badassery
What makes Deus Ex: Human Revolution one of the best RPG games to be in? The fact that it takes place in our own world in the not-too-distant future – and it’s believable enough to make you say, “this could happen in twelve years’ time.”
Yes, it’s pretty much a cyberpunk dystopia where government conspiracies abound, multinational corporations are massive douchebags who want the whole pie for themselves, and high-tech terrorists find creative ways to liquidate hundreds of people in the blink of an eye. But it’s also a world where you can punch through walls, survive hundred-foot drops, and have blades coming out of your elbows. You even get to wear a badass trench coat with matching badass shades. That is, if you’re okay undergoing complicated surgery that’ll basically turn you into a cyborg.
After receiving such biotechnological augmentations, it’s off to see those dazzling, futuristic cities awash in gold, where robots patrol the streets and computer terminals can be hacked in seconds thanks to your computer-neural interface. Who cares about leg day when you can simply have doctors install enhancements in your thighs that’ll let you outrun cars and jump higher than basketball stars? Sure, you’ll have to crack a few skulls every now and then, living in this world – but that’s the price of progress!

5. Pokemon

Spend more time outdoors, kids!
It’s a world where graying old men compel little boys and girls to set out on their own to catch the most dangerous creatures on the planet. Welcome to the Pokémon world, where no childhood is ever boring.
Pokémon’s environments are not only colorful, they’re also teeming with exotic animal life – animals you can rip from their loving homes and families, jam into your cramped Poké Ball, then force to fight for you in some of most ruthless gladiatorial battles in this curiously bloodless realm. It’s a wonder PETA isn’t trying to tear a hole through the fabric of reality to storm the Pokémon world with torches and pitchforks.
Gotta catch ‘em all!

4. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

A bevy of beauties... except for that Lalafell. Get that thing away from me!
The Final Fantasy franchise is known for its elaborate, elegant worlds – some of the best RPG games to live in. But none of these worlds are as fully realized as the continent of Eorzea in Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.
So what’s so great about A Realm Reborn? How about riding an armored chocobo to war? The chance to fight alongside Final Fantasy XIII’s heroine, Lightning? Or laying waste to the enemy with the all-powerful Limit Break? A Realm Reborn pays tribute to every Final Fantasy title that came before it, from its friendly moogles to gargantuan Primals such as Shiva and Bahamut.
And when not impressing the locals with your Magitek Armor (last seen in Final Fantasy VI), you can chill with the rest of the community, who are among the nicest in the MMORPG scene. Not to mention changing jobs is a cinch – all you need is to switch your weapon. Imagine if you could become a rocket scientist by simply putting on a lab coat. How awesome would that be?
Last but not least, if you live in Eorzea, you’ll be as stunningly gorgeous as everyone else, as if you’re all young, fresh-faced models ready to grace every glamour magazine on the planet. That is, unless you’re the diminutive Lalafell, in which case you’ll just be creepy – like those dolls serial killers collect and store in their attics.

3. Dragon Age: Inquisition

A quaint village tucked away in the woods
With respect to game world size, Dragon Age: Inquisition is the Dragon Age series’ most ambitious; while once again set in the continent of Thedas, it gives you two enormous territories to explore: Ferelden and Orlais.
With Inquisition, the franchise is also at its most visually splendid. Bubbling streams, windswept grasslands, fertile forests, scorching deserts, teeth-chattering tundras, snow-carpeted mountains – if these don’t please the nature lover in you, nothing will. And the manmade structures – from bucolic farmsteads and sleepy settlements tucked in the woods to intimidating castles and impregnable fortresses – are just as gorgeous.
Culturally, Thedas is diverse. It’s sort of like a younger, hipper Middle-earth, where dwarves shave their beards, elves aren’t their high-and-mighty selves, and the horned Qunari – your archetypal warrior race – are waiting at your front steps, ready to break down your door, invade your home, and shove their bad cooking down your throat.
Magic exists, but it’s heavily regulated by the Circle of Magi. Flout the rules and you could end up on the templars’ chopping block. Don’t forget the dragons! And the darkspawn who, every few centuries, corrupt a god and invade the world en masse in an apocalyptic event known as the Blight. Oh, what exciting times we live in!

2. World of Warcraft

The World of Warcraft is a world of wonders...
World of Warcraft is massive in both scale and its number of virtual inhabitants.
Azeroth is split into continents Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms, Northrend, and Pandaria – and now there’s even an entirely new world in the form of Outland. Its size is mind-boggling, its variety sure to satisfy every individual hungry for adventure.
In Azeroth, silliness and seriousness go hand-in-hand, where Death Knights aren’t above making fools of themselves by dancing like idiots, and groups of savage monsters dress up as pirates on special occasions. And of course, it’s home to the criminally sexy night elves, and those cool trolls, who always seem on the verge of breaking into a rousing rendition of “No Woman No Cry.” The races of World of Warcraft are superstars, and we’re betting there isn’t a single gamer out there who wouldn’t love to get real-life lessons on “how to break someone’s face” from those badass orcs.
And then you’ve got zombie invasions, fishing tournaments, deadly plagues, celebrations of love and friendship… the list goes on and on. Because of the colossal amount of things to see and do in World of Warcraft, it’s one of the best RPG games to live in.

1. Mass Effect

Nothing quite like a good old-fashioned alien invasion
This sci-fi magnum opus is a straight up space epic along the lines of Star Wars and Star Trek.
Mass Effect is everything we want the future to be. Exciting, gorgeous, planets to visit? Check! A diversity of intelligent alien species, from the pretty to the grotesque, to hang out with? Check! Cool, high-tech toys, from futuristic guns and armor to hulking robots and sleek, sexy spacecraft? Check! And the technology is just awesome, including faster-than-light travel, cloning, bringing people back from the dead, and even a form of sci-fi wizardry in the form of biotics – which is like telekinesis on steroids.
And the aliens and even the A.I.s are absolutely hot. Girls get to hook up with Garrus, while guys have Tali’Zorah – who hopefully looks like Scarlett Johansson under that helmet.
It’s an entire galaxy brimming with unique, exhilarating experiences, fantastic technology to exploit, and lovely alien beauties to flirt with. All that makes the Mass Effect titles the very best RPG games to live in.

How about you, fellow gamers? Which do you think are the best RPG games to live in, and why? Tell us in the comments section below!