Would it surprise you if the hunter in your raid group actually turned out to be a super famous rockstar? It probably would, but should it? In an online game where anonymity is provided, no one needs to know who you really are. There are probably far more celebrities in Azeroth than you would’ve ever imagined. We’ve compiled a list of famous celebrities that have at one point or another revealed or hinted at being members of the WoW community. Have a look:
10. Chuck Norris
Starting off our list of famous people who have played World of Warcraft is the renowned Chuck Norris. There have not been any statements from Chuck Norris himself revealing his affiliation with the game, but Blizzard released a commercial that he starred in a few years ago.
If Chuck Norris really did play the game, which he probably does, how would you find him? It is difficult to guess what name his toon would have, but you can safely assume that he plays a human monk. Once you realize that, you’ve only got to follow the trail of corpses to find him. It is likely that Chuck spends most of his time in game one-shotting raid bosses and spawn-camping them. On top of that he probably has all in game achievements and an item level over 9000. If you find that guy, then you’ve got Chuck Norris
9. Matt Stone and Trey Parker
Troll 1 and Troll 2
These are the famous creators of Southpark, and yes they’ve admitted to playing World of Warcraft. In fact, one of the episodes of Southpark was titled “Make Love, Not Warcraft.” In it the South Park cast tries to stop a high level toon from continuously ganking them. The episode became so famous that Blizzard incorporated the name “Make Love, Not Warcraft” as a PvP achievement you can get from hugging the corpse of a dead member of the opposite faction.
These two are likely big trolls in the WoW community. They probably hang around trade chat all day on their low level Troll bankers and spam offensive content. Of course, It is all for fun though.
8. Mila Kunis
Definitely the best looking celebrity that plays World of Warcraft, that's for sure
In 2012 Mila Kunis was interviewed and admitted that she had a pretty bad World of Warcraft addiction for a while. She had quit playing for about a year when the interview took place, but if she is still going strong today we don’t know.
She was supposedly a pretty hardcore player getting into end game content with her alliance guild. She was always on at different times due to how often she had to travel for her job. She covered this up by telling her guildmates that she was an architect. Good one Mila. One character did recognize her once though. She was using voice chat in a group. She quickly abandoned that toon for another after that incident.
7. Mr. T
Mr. T apparently invented his own class and plays as a Night Elf Mohawk. He was in two ads for the game directed by Blizzard. He was portrayed as a tough Night Elf that rode around on his beast throwing Mohawk grenades on anyone who happened to pass by.
If you’re ever struck by a Mohawk grenade, then you can know that Mr. T graced you with his presence.
6. William Shatner
It seems likely that any celebrity who has had an affiliation with Blizzard has tried World of Warcraft. William Shatner is yet another actor who starred in a World of Warcraft commercial. It is likely that Blizzard took Shatner's existing toon and shaped the commercial around it. If this is the case, then Shatner plays a Tauren shaman. For the Horde!
5. Jimmy Fallon
Jimmy Fallon put together this awesome music video celebrating the most awesome video game in existence. He had help from Felicia Fay, Chris Hardwick, and many other Warcraft players in putting this awesome piece together.
What can we gain from this? Jimmy Fallon said it himself. World of Warcraft is one of his absolute favorite games. Again, we know very little about his virtual self, but we can probably assume that he is very social. He probably has many alts and runs a couple of guilds for all of his famous friends to hang out in.
4. Dave Chapelle
Does he really play, or was it simply a ploy to get laughs duing a performance? Perhaps we will never know.
This is a clear example of a celebrity World of Warcraft player blending in to the community. He announced after returning from Johannesburg, South Africa quite some time ago, that he loves the game. He also announced that he thought it was funny seeing rogues and other toons with names that referenced his show.
3. Adrianne Curry
World of Warcraft's Next Top Model
Most people probably assume that if you’re on the show America’s Next Top Model, that you don’t have an ounce of geek in you. That is a false assumption! Adrianne Curry is no poser. She is well established in both the Star Wars and Warcraft universes, and she is also apparently a huge fan of A Song of Fire and Ice.
Her main is Melkorsangel, the Unholy Dranei Death Knight that plays on the Nazgrel realm.
A bit of trivia here: she claims to have lost a lot of friendships while raiding… Maybe it is worse than Monopoly.
2. Robin Williams
He certainly looks like he enjoys video games
Robin Williams died before his time and is widely missed by the entertainment community. His time in the limelight changed many lives for the better, and we will always remember him as the magic Genie from the lamp. Apparently so will Blizzard. There is an in game tribute to Robin Williams on the coast of Talador. You can find a small lamp that you can rub, and if you do this a familiar face appears. It is very sweet and you ought to look it up.
This tribute was not only added due to the actor’s fame, but also because he was supposedly a player himself.
1. President Obama
Obama is not amused by your Horde
This came as a shocker! The President of the United States of America was a World of Warcraft player. In order to try and relate better to the average American, Barrack Obama created his own World of Warcraft account. He is by far the biggest celebrity World of Warcraft player the game has ever seen.
He created a human mage which was fitting since he is a very intelligent man. However, he didn’t play by the rules. Instead of questing and progressing like normal, the President decided to instigate new and never before seen peace negotiations with the Horde. It didn’t end well…
What celebrity World of Warcraft players do you know of? Let us know in the comments below.