Guess Which 10 Countries Are Adopting Esports Massively
Who would have guessed that the future of competitive sports would be focused on Video Games? Esports has been around for quite a while and is a pretty general term for saying any games played competitively in tournaments for prize pools. If you’re a gamer, then you have probably already heard the term. Countries, colleges, and different states within the United States of America has been recognizing Esports as a career and sport that is on the same level as traditional beliefs for the name. There’s good reason for Esports to be gaining such recognition as the players that attend these tournaments have a passion and dedication where they sacrifice hours on end to reach the level of play that they compete at.
Just like traditional sports around the globe, Esports causes stress, drama, tensions, excitement, happiness and a payout depending on your level of skill that is respectable. Countries from different sides of the world have been modernizing this sport in many ways and joining the bandwagon behind these games. Where money can be made, and advertisement to be had, there’s really no reason for a region to shy away from growing their Esports culture. Some countries are more successful than others but it’s apparent from statistics and the community around this movement that Esports is taking over - These are only 10 countries where Esports is growing massively.
10. Denmark
Players originating from Denmark are nothing short of excellent when it comes to gameplay. Whether you follow League, Dota 2 or Counter Strike: Global Offensive there are some major names that come from this country. The team Copenhagen Wolves based out of Denmark sponsors multiple teams for different major games including FIFA, CS:GO, and League of Legends which has been helping fuel the growth of Esports for this region.
9. France
French teams are a force to be reckoned with and definitely shows future promise and growth in Esports. Many teams have come from this country and even more players. Some of the most well known names for Starcraft 2 and Warcraft 3 are French. This country has true Esports growth and have made millions from tournaments alone, not accounting for advertising and support outside of tournaments, the potential is there and the increase of the scene is occurring.
8. Russia
The size of Esports in Russia is similar to that of France. What sets them apart is that their players come from a focus on Dota 2 and League of Legends, opposed to Starcraft and Warcraft. It’s a clash of MOBAs and Real Time Strategy games. Russia is successful in it’s form and able to make an impressive income from its players which influences the growth of esports and interest from younger audiences overall. Expect for this country to grow to be a top competitor over the next few years.
7. Ukraine
Dendi is one of the best Dota 2 players in the world and hails from Ukraine. One of the thing's he is famous for is his 95% hook accuracy with Pudge.
Home of some the Dota 2 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive legends, this country has proven that it is a force to be reckoned with. It’s had some of the greatest (single person) success stories in all of the Esports scene and continues to have returning names and faces. Although the success stories are focused mainly on a few names, these players have made over half a million during their career. This country will hold it’s place as one of the most experienced and many names are popping up following in the footsteps of their previous professional players.
6. Canada
Canada may not be known for being an aggressive country but when it comes to gaming, they take it seriously. With successful players in games ranging from Dota 2 and Smite, and League of Legends to Call of Duty, Counter Strike and Starcraft 2; Canada has proven that they’re growing and will continue to be a huge competitor not just known for a few titles, but for being so well rounded.
5. Germany
The success Germans have had when it comes to the Esports scene is impressive. With Dota 2 and Counter-Strike being the most played in the scene they compete at levels many can only dream about. They are strong and have proven to be profitable. It’s pretty clear that the competitive scene has become strong and will continue to grow over time. Keep an eye out for this country because as it gains more acknowledgement we expect there to be a spike in the amount of funds to massively grow the Esports scene.
4. Sweden
The countries on the list so far have been relatively close in regards to the size of their competitive scene but this country is when we see a spike in the amount of successful professional play. The players and teams of Sweden have more than doubled the profit that Germany has seen, being just shy of $10,000,000. Sweden is home to a popular brand “Kinguin” which is a strong contributor to the Esports growth in this country; being most known for their Dota 2 and Counter Strike players, Sweden has secured the fourth spot for what a successful country in Esports is.
3. China
Every country is known for different titles depending on what has become the most popular to their culture. It’s no secret that China has the best Dota 2 players and are well versed in MOBAs of all kinds. China's top five players have each made over $1.1 Million dollars each and continue to be the names that many players from this country aspire to be. If there is a Dota 2 tournament being played, you can expect to see China taking the top places. This country has many game lounges and is universally accepting of Esports, even being considered to encourage it, which is why the growth in the Esports scene is so massive for them and will continue to be.
2. United States
One of the only countries that have had success stories from the Call of Duty franchise, the United States has become a huge force. Home to the creators behind League of Legends and Dota 2, it’s only natural that the growth for the Esports scene would follow for them. Although it took some time to be considered a sport, the culture has become more aware and accepting of the idea, a few states have even labeled it as a sport which means the government is starting to recognize the competitive scene as respectable. A few colleges have already opened their arms offering scholarships and programs for successful or aspiring professional players.
1. South Korea
The epitome of Esports and competitive play. South Korea has completely accepted and formed a culture that not only accepts but promotes the Esports scene as not only a hobby, or a dream, but a job and a life. The idea of competitive play in South Korea is so regionally accepted that internet cafes, also known as “PC Bangs”, are abundant and filled. The players coming from South Korea are on another level of dedication and determination as a whole. Players stemming from this country tend to be more respected as professionals. While it may seem amazing and great, this is the first country to have programs for internet addiction and to label it as a disease with programs surrounding helping those who fall victim. At the end of the day, we still see a country successfully implementing Esports as a sport.
Every country has it’s mark in Esports and are growing massively as competitive play is becoming more well known. As we evolve as a world and become more accepting of Esports we can expect the scene to take over and be broadcast on national television within the next 10 years.
Which country are you from and how is the esports scene in your country growing? Share your opinion in the comments below.