10 Diablo Bosses Who Slaughtered Millions of Noobs Worldwide: Page 10 of 10

10 Diablo Bosses Who Slaughtered Millions of Noobs Worldwide
Prepare to die... oh wait, wrong game.

1. Duriel

Duriel... The absolute hardest boss in the franchise

I know that everyone finds different bosses to be difficult, but if there had to be one boss across the entire franchise that was the hardest it would be Duriel. At the end of Act II you hop through a portal into a very small cave where Duriel, the lesser evil in the form of a nasty slug murders you over and over.

Duriel has extremely high crit damage coupled with the cold element. Essentially, if he gets you once, you will die. The worst part about this fight is that you are not prepared. Often due to latency issues you would hop into the portal and the game would finish loading with you dead on the other side. You have to react quick or Duriel eats your face.

This is our list for the hardest Diablo bosses. Leave a comment and let us know who you think the hardest Diablo boss is? Also, leave a comment with your funniest noob story.

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Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Diablo 3, League of Legends, Dragon Age Inquisition
Top 3 Favorite Games:League of Legends, Diablo, Dark Souls II

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