10 Fighting Game Characters With The Deadliest Moves
Most fighting games have a character or two with a completely unfair moveset. We are not interested in that. What we care about is how brutal and deadly the move is. Does the move do an obscene amount of damage? Would the move be ridiculously lethal in real life? Does the move make you cringe? If the move fits these criteria, odds are you'll find it on this list..
10. Iori's Ultimate Combos
Iori is a character from the King of Fighter series with a severe multi-personality disorder. He has an entity called an Orochi living inside of him which he speaks to regularly. The relationship is very unhealthy since the Orochi constantly mocks and belittles him. Because of this he is rather cynical and likes to live alone.
Iori fights with a very violent ancient martial arts style which involves the use of claws or fist weapons. As can be seen in the video above, Iori uses some ridiculously lethal moves to finish his opponents. Most of his moves revolve around ripping open the opponent with his brutal claw weapons.
9.Yoshimitsu’s Stab
Yoshimitsu is a very special character from the Tekken series. While he might not look the part since he looks like a scary Japanese demon, he is the head of the Manji clan that seeks to protect the weak and defend the poor. It is for these reasons he has entered every Iron Fist tournament in the Tekken series, to brin Heihachi to justice and bring relief to the needy.
He has one of the most brutal and simple special moves in the game. He slowly charges up and then stabs you with his sword. That makes a lot of sense as to why it would do so much damage. However, even better is the fact that you can do a suicide move. If the enemy is standing behind Yoshimitsu, he can stab himself in order to stab his opponent. It is a quick way to secure a tie. The video above demonstrates a wide variety of Yoshimitsu's quirky but deadly move set.
8. Super Saiyan Transformation
Son Goku is well known as the most powerful fighter in the Dragon Ball Universe. The series gets slightly ridiculous with how powerful the characters get given that Son Goku could destroy an entire planet with a flick of his finger. The Dragonball Xenoverse fighting game obviously balances out this power discrepancy between the characters to create a fun and exciting game. However, the Super Sayan transformation is still overpowered like crazy!
The video above demonstrates what happens when someone transforms into a super sayan. The results are not pretty for the recipient of the beat down.
7. Spinning Pile Driver
Zangief is probably the most badass character out of any fighting game. He practiced wrestling by getting into fights with massive brown bears in Siberia. He made his first appearance in Street Fighter II and has since been part of the regular canon.
This Russian meat machine has one of the most iconic and brutal moves in any fighting game, and that is his spinning pile driver. He grabs a hold of the opponent, holds them upside down, jumps high into the air, and comes smashing down on their heads. In reality, it would probably kill you.
6. Izuna Drop
Ryu Hayabusa from Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden is considered one of the most popular ninja characters ever to be portrayed in video games. He is the leader of the Hayabusa clan and has mastered a move even deadlier than the spinning pile driver. While the move is simmilar, it involves a falling distance much greater than what Zangief is able to manage.
The Izuna drop involves flinging the opponent sky high into the air, quickly getting behind them, and then driving their head spinning into the ground. As the video shows, it is brutal.
5. Falcon Punch
Any list that claims to show the deadliest video game character fighting moves and does not showcase the Falcon punch is very unreliable. Falcon punch is one of the most epic moves in the Super Smash Bros series. While Super Smash isn’t a franchise necessarily known for its brutality, Falcon Punch certainly fits the picture.
Getting Falcon Punched would literally be the worst, and final, thing ever to happen to you. Additionally, due to how amazing the move is, Captain Falcon has to loudly announce whenever he is using it. His fist becomes covered in fire and he obliterates his enemies with the power of a thousand suns. Ok I made that part up, but it is still pretty great. The video above demonstrates what happens when two Falcon Punches collide.
4. Nut Punch
Johnny Cage from the Mortal Kombat series started out as a Hollywood star that no one could take seriously. He proved himself and ended up becoming one of the most respected and important defenders of the Earthrealm. Cage is defined by his arrogant and sly nature. One has to have good feelings about oneself in order to tatoo your own name across your chest. This goofy and arrogant attitude definately comes out in Cage's fighting technique.
One of Johnny Cage's signature moves is the nut punch. He will drop into the splits and send an uppercut flying right into the opponents crotch area. As you can imagine this move is quite brutal. It might not seem clear to you though that getting punched in the nuts could be considered one of the deadliest moves among fighting characters in video games, but let me assure you that getting your nuts crushed by a beautiful man doing the splits is in fact quite lethal.
3. Deadpool's 4th Wall Crisis
Deadpool is the ultimate poster child for instability. He is incredibly reckless and often does not consider the consequences of his actions upon himself or those around him. Since he has regenerative powers he doesn't have to concern himself with personal injury. His original role in the Marvel universe was as a villain, but later became more of an anti hero. He is considered by many as one of the most powerful characters in the marvel universe considering the arc in which he wipes out every living super hero in existance.
In Marvel vs Capcom he takes the role of a comedic fighter that can't seem to take the rules seriously. 4th wall breaks are common and are the reason why he is given the nickname: The Merc With a Mouth. This move is particularly dangerous because Deadpool doesn't just break the 4th wall, he breaks everything in order damage his opponent. Since he has this ability it should be logical to assume that he could simply wipe out the health of his opponents health bar if he wanted too. Having the power to break the actual rules of the game is what makes Deadpool so deadly.
2. Scorpions Spear
Scorpion is clearly the most obvious anti-hero in the Mortal Kombat series. He desires to revive his clan on earth and joined the forces of evil to accomplish that goal. He has aided the protagonist several times throughout the Mortal Kombat story line in order to achieve this. So Scorpion is not inherently evil but he is not necessarily good either. He knows what he wants, and what he wants is good, but he is willing to ruthlessly kill to get it.
Scorpion's trademark move involves flinging a spear head attatched to a chain at people so that he can pull them into melee range. This move is chosen not for it's damage or necessarily over powered utility in game, but for the sheer brutal nature of the move. The video above demonstrates Scorpions various abilities with his spear chain. The image below is pulled from the end of the video when Scorpion throws the spear into the opponents face. By looking carefully you can clearly see that the skull has a massive spearhead in it. If you look even closer, you can see that all the bones are completely broken, and if you look even closer than that, then you can probably tell that this person should be very dead by now.
1. King’s wrestling
King is a wrestler from the Tekken series that likes to wear a cat mask on his head. We don't judge here, what this wrestler puts on his head is for him alone to decide. Although, the story of the jaguar mask is actually quite tragic since it serves as a memento to his dead master. He wrestles in order to raise money for an orphanage that he was raised in. As a character with such noble motives,it becomes hard to hate him. You will hate him though if you're playing someone who knows how to use him right.
He is one of the most difficult to master characters in the series, but he has by far the deadliest move set of all. If a skilled king player can grab you in a hold, you’re screwed. King has an almost infinitely long progression of wrestling moves that require a large amount of skill to execute, but when done right you can expect to see King break all the bones in the opponents body and roll around with them on the ground for a few minutes. Check out the video, it’ll definitely make you cringe.
This concludes our list of the most brutal moves throughout fighting game history. Let us know in the comments which your favorite moves are and if we missed any.