10 Most Overpowered Ultimates in League of Legends
In League of Legends you can sometimes win simply by pressing R. A champion’s ultimate ability can have a game changing impact and completely flip the momentum in a game. Some champions have ultimate’s that seem completely unfair though. Whether or not these abilities are balanced is for Riot to say, but here is our list of the most overpowered ultimate abilities in League of Legends.
10. Nether Grasp (Malzahar)
The prophet of the void entered the League of Legends with the purpose of bringing the creatures of the void to Valoran. Malzahar had been a gifted seer that had been tainted by the outer darkness. His pilgrimage to find the lost city of Icathia resulted in being empowered by the void itself. By the way, if you don’t know what the void is, imagine that it is like hell… only purple. So Malzahar is essentially a guy with magical powers that wants to bring all the monsters from the other side into reality.
His ultimate ability involves suppressing the opponent for 2 seconds while melting their face off with damage. The community calls Malzahars abilities “space aids” since the animations look like a purple disease. Obviously getting melted down for 2 seconds without being able to react is slightly OP. Malzahar can usually win trades pretty easily after he hits level 6 in mid lane. He is a big lane bully!
9. Wish (Soraka)
If goodness was a person it would be Soraka. Not many champions in League of Legends has as pure and righteous motives as Soraka does. She was an immortal God living in an enchanted grove before she threw her immortality away in order to heal the sick and wounded off Valoran. Even though she was betrayed and nearly killed by the man she tried to save, she still presses on with her righteous pilgrimage.
Soraka has immense power and huge map precense. Her heals are almost game breaking as she can keep her entire team alive as long as the enemy doesn’t focus her down. Her ultimate is a global heal that affects her entire team. There are not a lot of things more frustrating when fighting a close battle in lane when suddenly your opponent’s health is all back. Soraka is an underestimated powerhouse that should be played more often.
8. The Equalizer (Rumble)
Rumble is a sad and misunderstood yordle. He was the runt of the litter, he was bullied all throughout his childhood, and he was beaten by those who should’ve appreciated his work. As a result the little technological genius built a giant mecha–robot to enter the League of Legends and prove his worth.
Rumble’s ultimate entails a line of rockets being fired in the direction chosen by the player. The rockets blow up causing massive damage and leaves a trail of destruction that both slows and damages opponents caught inside it. This is one of the best team fight ultimates in the game. Certainly powerful nuke ultimates are good when dueling, but this ability is really meant for team fights. A skillful Rumble can line up his rockets to hit the entire enemy team and completely flip a fight around.
7. Grand Skyfall (Pantheon when Jungling)
Skip to 25 seconds in for the actual footage
Pantheon lives only for the glory of battle. His tribe would not fight the armies of the other nations of Valoran unless they were outnumbered at least ten to one. Pantheon like the rest of his tribe was bred for war and found it insulting that the League tried to replace it. He has arrived on Summoner’s Rift in order to demonstrate the true art of war and what a real fighter looks like.
Pantheon is possibly the absolute manliest champion in the game, especially when you use his Ruthless skin. Fighting with his massive spear and shield, he mows down his enemies. His ult is as grand as his manly stature. He jumps into the air and comes down at a target location with such force that the ground fractures and enemies take massive damage. This ultimate is difficult to use in lane but not in the jungle. It is possible to deliver some of the most beautiful ganks the world has ever seen by ulting in behind the opposing laner. No amount of wards will protect you from the glory of Pantheon.
6. Globals (Jinx, Ezrael, Draven, and several others)
Jinx, Ezrael, Draven, and several other championsvhave global ultimates that cause massive damage when they strike. Jinx fires a massive rocket that picks up speed and blows everything up in a small radius upon impact. Ezrael fires a golden missile that is very wide and slices through anything it hits on its path. Draven throws a spinning axe that travels as far as he wants it too before looping back like a boomerang. These abilities are obviously OP since they can add global pressure to the map and kill an unsuspecting laner trying to recall. It is rather humiliating to get sniped across the map.
5. Enchanted Crystal Arrow (Ashe)
Ashe could’ve been in the previous point since she also has a global nuke, but her ability goes even further and adds a long stun on top of the damage. You might be winning a duel in midlane when you suddenly get sniped from base, loose most your health, and get stunned for 2 seconds. That is game breaking.
Ashe is too good to dislike though. She is one of the only true good people to come out of the Freljord. She desires for peace and unity while everyone else wants war. Another bonus to Ashe is her looks, she is one attractive champion.
4. Requim (Karthus)
If you play League of Legends even just a little you would know that Karthus would be on this list. Karthus was an incredibly weird dude with a creepy obsession with death. He embraced undeath and became a litch and now revels in his loving relationship with the grave. He is one creepy dude.
Karthus’s ult has a channeling duration for a few seconds during which most enemy players just sit back and accept their fate. Karthus targets all opposing champions and hits them with a powerful nuke. The ability can’t miss and can only be avoided with the help of an item like Zhonyas. What is worse is the fact that Karthus can cast this after death.
3. Riftwalk (Kassadin)
Kassadin looked upon the void just like Malzahar did, but unlike the Prophet of the Void he didn’t let the void consume him. He is now a hunter of all things that threaten to let the void endanger life on Valoran. Basically, he is a really cool guy. He’s a little creepy, but mostly just good.
His ult is one of the most annoying abilities in the game since he teleports a short distance instantly. His ult is like a flash with a 2 second cooldown. The more he uses it the more mana it costs, but it is still ridiculously overpowered. Oh, I am getting ganked. Better Riftwalk. Oh, I got caught in the enemy jungle. Better Riftwalk. Oh, I overextended. Better Riftwalk.
2. Curse of the Sad Mummy (Amumu)
Amumu has perhaps the most depressing and mysterious story amongst all champions in the League. He woke up one day as a mummy in a strange land. Everyone and everything he ever knew was long gone. He has no one and nothing, and no answers as to what had happened to him.
Amumu has a game breaking ultimate. If he can get in the midst of the enemy team during a team fight it almost guarantees a win. He stuns all enemies around him for 2 seconds while dealing massive damage. During this time Amumu’s team is free to unleash a world of hurt upon the incapacitated opponents.
1. Glacial Prison (Sejuani)
Only one champion has an ultimate ability that is better than Amumu’s and that is Sejuani. She is an incredibly tough grizzly riding fighter from the Freljord. She loathes Ashe and her desires of peace, and she resolves all conflicts through brutal violence. She fits excellently into the League.
Her ultimate is very similar to Amumu’s. It is a wide aoe stun that deals a large amount of damage. Only it is a ranged ability. This allows Sejuani to miss, but it also allows her to engage over walls with zero reaction time from the enemy. Even Amumu has to bandage toss over the wall which gives the enemy carries time to react. Sejuani doesn’t allow anyone to escape. She definitely has the strongest ultimate ability in the game right now.
This concludes our list for the most overpowered ultimates in League of Legends. Let us know in the comments below which your favorite ult and champion is.