10 Sexy Dota 2 Babes Who You Would Love to See in Real Life
Girls are wonderful; there's no arguing about it, and they are wonderful for many different reasons. Of these reasons, their physicality--their realness--would undoubtedly be near the top of the list. Women, as you know (I hope), are real beings and not just some polygons strewn together like they are in video games.
But what if these characters in our favorite games--in this case DOTA 2--were alive and in living color? Here are 10 Sexy Babes in Dota 2 who you would love to see in real life.
10. Enchantress
Come on, you know you’d be curious. Admit it.
9. Windranger

Image by creat78
Winner of last year’s sexiest tummy award, Wind Ranger is a stunner through and through. She’s a nature girl and spends most of her time scampering through the forest, you know, petting animals and what not.
Just looking at those large, golden brown eyes of hers takes me to a more peaceful place—a place filled with flowers and green meadows.
There we are, just the two of us, having a picnic and talking about you know, life and stuff. Wait, did I just describe a scene from Attack of the Clones? Christ.
8. Legion Commander

Sometimes, it’s what you don’t see that sparks the curiosity. Legion Commander is the boss, and that’s the way I like it. She is covered in armor head to toe, but she is a warrior after all and from the looks of it, she looks like she could be packing--a hard bod that is.
And she has a nose ring, which means something right? This might be a case where curiosity killed the cat, but for my money, I'm willing to take the risk.
7. Mirana
Image by Ji Zhang
This proud warrior princess is earnest and full of spirit. Possessed of such humility, she gave up her crown to protect the woods from anyone who might dare soil its beauty. Mirana is beautiful in a sort of political way, kind of like Angelina Jolie. I mean, I can see Mirana importing a bunch of children from Africa, can’t you?
Also, just think about what you could do with her ultimate, you know, the one that makes everyone go invisible. Oh Mirana, you exhibitionist you!
6. Phantom Assassin

Image by DotaCouch
This dark and shadowy figure knows how to hit hard if you know what I mean. She’s an assassin of course, but not just any kind of assassin, she’s an assassin without a cause.
In other words, she’s a rebel, and rebels are flippin’ sexy.
5. Crystal Maiden

This cool gal is a heart stopper for sure. She’s the younger sister of Lina, which makes me wonder about their mother...just kidding. She's more mild mannered than her older sis', but I tell you what though, her fashion sense is till spot on.
I mean, just look at those leggings? Oh, and don’t get me started on those shoulder pads, oh mamma!
4. Luna
Image by longai
What can I say, I have a soft spot for girls with Scottish accents, especially when they’re in a leather jumpsuit.
Maybe this list should read: 10 Babes you want to talk to on the phone after a bottle of whiskey; she would be number 1, for sure.
3. Drow Ranger

Another shadowy figure in a corset? Sign me up.
There’s just something about Drow Ranger; I think it’s her silver bangs and how they gently fall over her soft face. Yikes, get a grip!
Make no mistake boys, this is a fierce one, and certainly wouldn’t hesitate to stick you with a few arrows in your chest.
2. Lina

This fiery redhead is both cunning, fierce, and a bit, ahem, cocky.
And she shows it too: I mean, just look at that dress.
Can someone put me in a coma and wake me when this becomes the standard for women’s apparel?
1. Queen of Pain
Image by Solaice
What could be said about Queen of Pain? She is everything a dark mistress should be. Tight leather clothing? Check. Seductive demonic voice? Check. A desire to give you immeasurable amounts of pleasure and pain? Check and check!
This demonic being was summoned for one purpose, and one purpose only: fulfill the sick and twisted desires of man, which she does with unmatched skill.
And frankly, I would be terrified what she would do to me if she wasn’t number 1.
Well, there you have it, 10 hot babes in DOTA2 you would love to see in real life. What do you think? Did we miss anyone? Let us know down in the comments below.