One Question Remains: Who Will Win Worlds 2016?
Yes, this list in its entirety features strong teams from all around the world. But the real question would be- “Can they win Worlds 2016 and prove they’re the strongest?
It’s about that time again as different teams from around the world are challenging each other to top their opponents in their leagues. Different leagues are currently underway as our favorite teams battle it out to shine the brightest out of their respective regions. Doing so could award the honor of proving that they can make it to the biggest stage of all, League of Legends Worlds, the ultimate tournament of LoL that only the best teams of the year may qualify for.
And of course, to defeat all competitors at Worlds 2016 can name a team the best of Season VI. Doing so would also mean winning awards, cash prizes, and of course, the respect of every other teams in LoL.
You guys may still have hangovers from last year's intoxicating Worlds (Every LoL player was hooked, let’s be honest) but that shouldn’t stop you from taking a look at the strongest contenders so far who have proven their worth and showed their honed skills in their respective leagues. Worlds 2016 may still be a long road away from happening, but based on their performance and rosters so far this season, let's take a look at the 10 strongest LoL Teams who are most likely to be at Worlds 2016 and win.
But before we look at our teams, just know that the roster of the teams listed below are tentative, meaning, they can be replaced at any time or their contracts with their teams may expire before Worlds 2016 and have not been resigned. This list just shows the top teams who are most likely to be at Worlds (that said, most likely to win). So the active rosters shown below are the players who make up the teams as of writing.
Also, at the end of every team’s description, there shall be a win rate from 1 to 10 Teemos that’ll express my personal opinion of the chances of that team winning Worlds 2016. So without further ado, let's start off with-
10) "Qiao Gu Reapers (LPL)"
“Qiao Gu Reapers’ Team roster at Intel Extreme Masters Cologne 2015, a tournament series held just a month after worlds 2015.”
This is the newest and the most long-shot team in this list that I’m betting my so much of money on to be at Worlds. QG Reapers are making noise, stomping opponents, and basically winning over in China. They are currently winning on a daily basis on their league. With a few notable players, there is a certain possibility that we’ll see these guys on the World stages.
Active Roster:
- V- Top
- Swift- Jungle
- Doinb- Mid
- BoriSal- Mid
- Peco- ADC
- Mor- Support
- Uzi- ADC/ Sub
Qiao Gu Reapers is a fairly new team from China participating in LPL, China’s premier league. They are the least known on this list, but they are definitely not the least skilled. QG Reapers, despite being lesser known that most teams, have the potential to be the underdogs (like TPA or KOO). This call is a long-shot but after watching some of their games, I do believe that they have what it takes to make it into Worlds and maybe even surprise everyone.
QG Reapers has a promising roster with varying pro players from China and Korea. These guys have top-class mechanics and plays that probably when pitted against strong contenders from Worlds, shall prevail. I don’t know about you but I have faith in these guys. #QGReapers@Worlds2016
FB Page: Unfortunately, FB is banned in China. QG Reapers doesn’t have an official English page on the net yet. You can still search for their plays and recaps at YouTube though.
Likelihood of Winning Worlds 2016: 5.5/10 Teemos.
9) "H2K Gaming (EU LCS)"
“H2K Gaming’s old EU LCS Team roster cover photo taken just before the 2015 season of EU LCS started.”
We saw them last year, and there’s a really good chance we’ll see the EU superstars back on the World’s stage. But the real question would be- can they get past the group stages this time and win?
Active Roster:
- Odoamne- Top
- Jankos- Jungle
- Ryu- Mid
- Vander- Support
- Hulberto, Adryh, Knugen- Subs/ (Jungle, ADCs)
This team ran solely on perseverance the first time around. They didn’t qualify for EU-LCS immediately after the team was formed. But when they got into it, they had a flawless run of 6-0 in the EU Expansion Tournament (when the EU LCS expanded to 10 teams in the league).
Producing the likes of Febiven, the team has a solid history starting from 2015 as a team that basically never gives up. Their roster then has changed into a more international one with FORG1VEN from Greece, to Vander and Jankos from Poland, to Romania with Odoamne, and to Korea with Ryu. They tend to drastically change their rosters from time to time, but it’s for the good of the team which H2K has the luxury of doing as a corporately-invested team.
H2K has the determination and great management within itself. We’ll see if these qualities can carry them straight to the Worlds stages once again. Nevertheless, another important question for these guys would be: “Can they be determined and persevering enough to outshine the other pro teams at Worlds?”
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/H2kGaming.EU, active at 30k likes.
How likely are they to win Worlds 2016?: 6/10 Teemos.
8) "ahq e-Sports Club (LMS)"
“Group photo of ahq e-Sports Club saying ‘hi’ and appearing before their fans taken before a match at the group stages of Worlds 2015.”
Ahq is without a doubt a team that’s worth every bit of your attention. Going out of their way to the group stages last Worlds, they had a great run only to be beaten by SKT in the quarterfinals. Having one of the most fist-clenching games at last year’s Worlds (2015); can they turn the tables to their favor this time?
Active Roster:
- Ziv- Top
- Mountain- Jungle
- Westdoor- Mid
- Albis- Support
- Chawy, RD- Sub/Mid, ADC
Last year at Worlds 2015 didn’t look so hot for ahq. They’ve stayed at 5-8th place after losing whole-heartedly to SKT 3-0 after a very promising run at the group stages. But it wasn’t all bad as they pulled an upset when they beat C9 at the Group B tiebreaker game. The loss wasn’t taken in vain (pun intended) though as ahq is still a top tier team in LMS, Taiwan’s premier league.
This time, they had an addition of Chawy, a very popular and skilled Mid-laner from Singapore. With him as a wildcard, ahq is prepped and suited up for battle once again. With victories left and right, ahq is definitely standing out from the others in their league and is definitely worthy of a spot and another shot at Worlds.
Their standing (as of writing) in LMS is pretty decent as they’re one of the leaders in LMS’s ranks. ahq’s history is a stretch (literally) as the team is a product of two top teams merging and thus became one of the strongest forces, not only in LMS, but also GPL, a premier league spanning across TW/HK/Macau and SEA servers. Like the others they are underdogs but with enough passion and luck, these guys certainly have what it takes to be the next champs if given the chance.
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/AhqESportsClub, active at 332k likes. (Warning: The page doesn’t post in English.)
Chances of Winning Worlds 2016: 7/10 Teemos.
7) "Counter Logic Gaming (NA LCS)"
“CLG looking sharp and ready to take on their opponents at the IEM World Championships, the final stage of the IEM Tournament series.”
Another sound name that’s always expected at Worlds. The NA powerhouse never fails to deliver a show for all of their adoring fans. But now with Doublelift out of the picture, they are probably still able to make it to Worlds. But can they best all odds this time without their former hyper-carry?
Active Roster:
- Darshan- Top
- Xmithie- Jungle
- Huhi- Mid
- Stixxay- ADC
- aphromoo- Support
- HotshotGG- Sub/Mid
Counter Logic Gaming, the oldest established LoL esports team, has always brought us joy to watch them every time. However, just like the other teams mentioned before, they have undergone really heavy roster changes along the way. The team is always hyped to win at Worlds, but inevitably fails to because some teams just outclass CLG’s old-as-time strategy of “protect Doublelift and he’ll carry”.
But this season’s different as Doublelift left to lift the team of TSM, their long-time rivals instead. But this wasn’t a problem for CLG as they’re still a very skilled team; in fact they’re ahead of TSM in the NA-LCS standings (as of writing).
Despite drastic changes to the team, CLG’s skills haven’t deteriorated at all. They still have the likes of Xmitihie, one of the greatest junglers in NA (who’s also the winner of the Best Lee Sin NA some seasons ago), HotShotGG, the man who founded CLG and a veteran Mid-laner embed in LoL history, and aphromoo, a name feared by every other supports in NA.
There may be a lot of changes to CLG, but it’s still clear that they have what it takes to win Worlds this 2016.
FB Page: http://https://www.facebook.com/CounterLogicGaming/, active at 196k likes.
Chance of Winning Worlds 2016: 7.5/10 Teemos
6) "TPA Assassins (LMS)"
“TPA Assassins asserting their dominance and showing their tiger looks in their League Team Roster photo.”
The least presently-hyped Seasonal champs in our list. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not because they’re the weakest but because they are the underdogs who made history in the past, but not recently these past seasons. Can TPA redeem their former glory and get themselves into Worlds once again and win? #ComebackEzReal
Active Roster:
- Morning- Top
- REFRA1N- Jungle
- FoFo- Mid
- Bebe- ADC
- Jay- Support
- Achie- Sub/Mid
The Season 2 champions. This small team from Taiwan bested all odds against them in 2012 when they, the underdogs from Asia, managed to get through their stages and defeated top teams such as Najin Sword, Moscow Fantastic Five, and at the finals, their similarly sponsored “sister” team, Azubu Frost (TPA was also sponsored by Azubu back then).
After those glory days, however, TPA hasn’t stepped up to even the semis plate. They’ve also lost most of their original players from Season 2.
But Bebe, their prominent ADC who inspired the Blue Ezreal Meta, is also the same ADC from the Season 2 reign of TPA. He is the key player to TPA’s success these days, leading them to win a lot of their games in their league. Their roster looks stronger than ever and it’s pretty safe to say that the Taiwanese team can make it to Worlds and win. They’ve done it before and I’m pretty certain they can do it again.
It’s been far too long since we last saw TPA make plays and dominate international games as well as they did in Season 2. But it’s possible that Season 6 just might be their year to win Worlds once again.
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/tpaLoL, active at 507 likes. (Note: The page doesn’t post in English.)
Chance of Winning Worlds 2016: 7.5/10 Teemos
5) "Fnatic (EU LCS)"
“Fnatic, waving goodbye to the fans after losing a hard-fought semi-finals against to then KOO Tigers at Worlds 2015.”
One of the four Worlds champions, the EU powerhouse is still going on strong to this day. Despite losing key players over the years, there's no doubt that Fnatic will not miss the party this year at Worlds- not by a long shot.
Active Roster:
- Gamsu- Top
- Spirit- Jungle
- Febiven- Mid
- Rekkles- ADC
- Klaj- Support
- Sanchez, Mikyz- Subs/ (AD, Support)
Fnatic is a kingdom-of-a-franchise that spans over almost every popular MOBA game with different esports team under its belt. But in LoL, they are known as they first winners of Worlds way back 2011. They started it all as the first champions, the commemorative skins, the hype, the comeback, and the ward cheering. There’s nothing this team has already done that the other teams haven’t, other than winning two Worlds (set by SKT), and attending every season of Worlds (set by TSM, Fnatic missed one in Season 2).
While it is also true that they’ve lost some sound players over the years, they still have a very strong roster today. With Febiven, the boy who 1v1’d Faker at the Mid lane, Rekkles, the ADC with the highest kill score in LCS, Spirit, the phenomenal Jungler from Korea, Klaj and Gamsu are fairly new, but they are still strong pro players nevertheless. It’s no doubt that their edges are still the sharpest they can be.
Despite this, they haven’t won any premier tournaments recently. But that doesn’t change the fact that they are a very strong force to be reckoned with at EU-LCS, Europe’s most prominent premier league. With history on their side, can they finally get past the series of lost semis and win Worlds for the second time?
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/FnaticLoL/, insanely active at 926k likes. *Most liked LoL esports team.*
Chances of them winning Worlds 2016?: 8/10 Teemos
4) “Team SoloMid (NA LCS)"
“Team SoloMid high-fiving and shaking hands with their cheering fans as they enter the stages of NA LCS.”
If you're a huge fan of them (like me), you should know that they are the pre-Oscar Leonardo DiCaprio of Worlds as they are have produced countless of quality performances over the years, but they have yet to bring home the bacon. The only team to have been through all 5 seasons of Worlds, will luck be in their favor to break their Worlds Championship Finals dry spell this season?
Active Roster:
- Hauntzer- Top
- Svenskeren- Jungle
- Bjergsen- Mid
- Doublelift- ADC
- YellowStar- Support
- TheOddOne, Reginald, Valkrin- Subs/ (Jungle, Mid, Support)
A serious contender for Worlds since Season 1. TSM has all the skills, the right players, and the name to make it into Worlds. A continuous streak of upsets at Worlds, TSM has to make a stand now to win Worlds and etch their part in LoL’s history books.
For the longest time, CLG’s Doublelift has been a very big threat to them but he’s had a change of heart and now became their main ADC. Not to mention Valkrin and Gosu, both prominent players (one being one of the most popular streamers of all time), have joined their ranks as substitutes. Although it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows for TSM as their long time Top-laner, Dyrus, has just recently retired from pro play. In addition, TSM isn’t looking too well on LCS ranks (as of writing) for they are just below their strongest opponents. Time will tell if TSM can pull through the rough patches they are currently in.
Last Worlds, they’ve let a lot of fans down by failing to even get through the groups stages. TSM now holds an insanely strong team, but they can they adjust to the new tides of their new changes to the team and sail their way to victory this time around at the next Worlds?
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/TSMPRO/, very active at 476k likes.
Chance of this team winning Worlds 2016: 8/10 Teemos. (I’m still hoping!)
3) "ROX Tigers (LCK)"
“ROX Tigers’ photo of the whole team shopping, bonding, and basically relaxing after all the heavy games and training at a mall in China.”
Seeking revenge for last year's finals, KOO Tigers made some major changes that really helped them decimate the competition so far this season. With these changes taking place, can ROX Tigers do what KOO Tigers failed to do last year?
Active Roster:
- Smeb- Top
- Peanut- Jungle
- KurO- Mid
- PraY- ADC
- GorillA- Support
After a hard-fought championship Finals last season, the runners up at last season’s Worlds have invested in a new name. But that’s not the only thing that’s changed as their skills have improved so much since Worlds 2015. They’re currently acing LCK undefeated (as of writing); even defeating former contenders from last Worlds finals, SKT.
Smeb, proving to be one of the best, if not the best, Top-laner in the world is currently dominating his lane matches, leading the team to victory every time. And the team once previously known as KOO Tigers has definitely improved since the last time we saw them at Worlds 2015.
As we recall, they’re the only team to have defeated SKT in a game at Worlds 2015, depriving SKT of a flawless victory. We’ve known them as the underdogs then, but right now they’re an unstoppable force in LCK this season. KOO Tigers are long gone and buried in the past, and with that out of the way, can ROX finish what they started at the next Worlds?
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/TigersLOL/, active at 25k likes.
Chances of Winning Worlds 2016: 8.5/10 Teemos
2) "Immortals (NA LCS)"
“A side-shot group picture of the NA leaders (as of writing) after some jaw-dropping performances at the NA LCS.”
There's a new team in town with veteran pro players that's currently leading the ranks of NA LCS. Let's take a look at their side and decipher the history and chances of the new leaders of LCS standings (as of writing).
Active Roster:
- Huni - Top
- ReignOver- Jungler
- Pobelter- Mid
- Wildturtle- ADC
- Adrian- Support
- Impactful, JummyChu- Subs/ADC
Since taking Team 8's LCS slot, acquiring top pro players, and being backed up by powerful investments, Immortals' ride to the top is really, really straightforward. Rocking the LCS standings at 11-1 (as of writing), they've proven their worth enough to be featured here in our list.
At first, we all thought that it was just a facelift for Team 8 but it just got a lot better. Other than acquiring 2/5 of Fnatic’s entire force, they also get Pobelter and Wildturtle- both being solid names in their regions, and Adrian, a promising support who’s proven his skills these past few seasons.
But don't worry if you're a fan of Team 8, Dodo8 happens to be the manager of Immortals (the others are in good hands and are still playing LoL). Their achievements are still on an empty pillar because of the fact that they're just a newly formed team, but by the looks of it, they have more than enough skills, mechanics, and experience to carry themselves straight to Worlds and win.
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/gg.Immortals/, active at 24k likes.
Chance of winning Worlds 2016: 8.5/10 Teemos
1) “SK Telecom T1 (LCK)"
“SK Telecom T1 showing their ultimate game faces for their League team roster photo for the LCK.”
Surprise? Not so much, right? Last year's Worlds champions are still dominating after their near-perfect clean sweep Worlds 2015. Everybody ride the Korean hype train!
Active Roster:
- Duke- Top
- Bengi- Jungle
- Faker- Mid
- Bang- ADC
- Wolf- Support
- Blank- Sub/Jungle
It's basically a right to see SKT at Worlds this 2016. The all-Korean team is sure to try to defend their title against anyone who’d like to try and take it for themselves. However, despite their strong efforts, they've been rolling down the ranks in LCK, Korea’s premier league, as they’ve had a pretty rocky start this season.
They also came up short at 3rd place at the 2015 KeSPA Cup a month after Worlds (winning would mean a seed to IEM-Cologne). But that didn't hinder our Season 5 champs as they proved their dominance once again by defeating everyone and winning IEM Season X, the final stage of the IEM tourney (passing Ever, the team that beat them at KeSPA).
There’s really not much to say about them at this point. They have always been the fan favorites to win, and their hype train is still going on strong to this day. With of course, Faker at the front seat treated as the God of Mid-lane (and rightfully so).
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/SKsports.T1, active at 128k likes.
Chance of Winning Worlds 2016: 9/10 Teemos.
Now that we've seen our list, you're probably pumped to see these guys clash at Worlds 2016, right? Well, you should pump your brakes. Worlds 2016 is a long road away from happening. But in the meantime, don't forget to support your favorite teams in their endeavors to make it into Worlds. Who knows? Maybe they might just be the next Season Champs.
For now, here're some hype videos to get you pumped and screaming for your favorite teams from the top regions of League. Enjoy!
NA LCS (North America)
Now that everything's said and done, what about you guys? Who do you guys think are the strongest teams of 2016 and will we see them at Worlds 2016? A penny for your thoughts on the comments section below!