10 Things that Players Hate About League of Legends
League of Legends has become the absolute most popular e-sports game in existence. It has one of the largest player bases in the world and leads the moba industry. There are lots of fans who still can’t let go of the game after years of playing. It is fun, it is competitive, and it is intense. However, there are some recurring elements that a lot of players hate. This list is for those people. Here are the top ten things people hate about League of Legends.
10. Patches
Kassadin and his annoying riftwalk is often considered one of the best champions in the game
Starting at number 10 is the constant patching that Riot does. Some people, like me, love the constant updatesgame changes. It makes the game feel alive. The huge jungling changes in season 5 serve as just one of the examples of how drastic the changes can be. Some people can’t stand this because it requires them to adapt and play differently. These people usually play steamrolling champions like Kassadin (RIP) that fear the ever looming nerf to come. If you want to play OP champions and grief the enemy team you’ve got to pick one of Riot’s little love bugs that never get touched. Riven, I’m looking at you.
9. Sunlight
The outdoors with sun and light can be painful for the avid LoL player toe experience.
League of Legends suck for a person’s vitamin D intake. It is common for players to spend hours upon hours in a dark basement somewhere playing this game. They will only leave at night to get their regular Mountain Dew and Dorito fix. Leaving during the day can be dangerous since many League players, especially the pros who spend 14-15 hours in a row everyday playing the game, are incredibly sensitive to sunlight. This is all part of Riot’s grand master plan to turn their player base into loyal Urgot fans.
8. Dodging
Dodging in Team Builder is even worse since it takes so much longer to find team members
Dodging from ranked or draft mode is highly irritating because champion select can take almost 10 minutes as it is. It sucks when your whole team finally selects their champs and the last pick of the enemy team dodges… Don’t be that guy! On the other hand, the pressure to dodge can be strong when you recognize a troll in champ select. Dodging not only gives you a small timed lockout from playing again, but you lose points in your ranking. Dodging is one of the things that make League of Legends suck!
7. Teemo
Teemo and his numerous skins
On Riot’s GD forum you can find petitions upon petitions to remove the annoying little yordle from the game. Not many people can remember where the hate started from honestly. Maybe it has to do with the fact that this champion can double as a ward and is the troll player’s number 1 pick to grief people. Anyway, this little champion won’t be going away anytime soon since Riot loves him. He has more skins than most other champions in the game with the release of the newest Omega Squad skin.
6. Feeders/Trolls
Troll if you will, just don't grief other players.
MID OR FEED!!!! I WILL CARRY WITH YI JUST CHECK MY LOLKING SCORE! We’ve all played with them and we all hate them. When someone trolls on purpose it is just demoralizing for the team members who aren’t a part of it. If you get a premade 5 man team together to troll around then that’s fine, but don’t be the douche that drags innocent team members down.
As for feeders, I have more sympathy for them because everyone has REALLY bad games sometimes. I remember going like 2-15 with Zilean once and letting the enemy team win before 20… That is a dark memory. Those people who intentionally run into turrets and feed the enemy team while raging though are just frustrating to play with.
5. Last Pick
Sigh... Unfortunately this is a common occurance
Being last pick can be super lame because you are often at the mercy of whatever your team chooses to do. Even if you get a lane you want you have to choose a champion with good composition to fit the rest of the team. It is a pretty selfish thought process, but it is solo Q. On the other hand there are those who love being last picks because they don’t really care who or where they play. Props to you!
4. Playing Support
Thresh is just one of the many awesome supports you could play
What is it with the hate against supports? I have a confession to make: I main support. I enjoy mid and top, but jungling and support are by far my favorite roles because of the fun utility the champions have. Don’t even ask me about playing ADC, I can’t do it for some reason and I’m totally worthless at it. Supports are often the underappreciated MVP's of the game. The reason people hate it is because you get no recognition. Unless you have some very grateful team members that are able to recognize the game changing hook you landed as Thresh, your job will be very ungrateful. On top of that, people always say their records as 10-4 , 3-5, or 2-2. No one ever includes assists so it sucks when your douchebag mid yells at you for being 2-8… Even when you have 25 assists.
3. Ragers
Calm down and let it go man
In my opinion there is nothing worse than playing with a rager. The only reason this isn’t number one on this list is because I believe the next two items are even more hated by the general League public. The game is fun and enjoyable until someone decides that they want to throw death threats and awful slurs at their jungler for not giving them blue buff. Raging is often accompanied with heavy feeding, lousy play, and a loss. It is sometimes funny to see ragers react to when the team turns the game around and wins. Seriously don’t rage! You’ve all watched streamers that threw a tantrum and you probably turned the stream off because it made you feel yucky. Well stop being douche nozzles in game and share the love instead.
2. Connection issues
Please don't leave
Attempting to reconnect… Your character is having a seizure on the screen and you know that because of the lousy server connection you’re going to lose your promos. That is an awful feeling and can often cause serious raging if a person doesn’t have enough control over themselves. We’ve all been there, we’ve all lost games to disconnects, and it sucks the same for all of us. When this happens you’ve got to learn to let go and laugh since getting angry or putting someone down wont achieve anything. Connection issues are lame and definitely one of the absolutely worst parts about League of Legends.
1. Losing
And there it is
Here it is! The number one thing players hate about League of Legends! This might sound ridiculous to some of the more casual members of the community, but League of Legends is dead serious to some people. Telling them that it is just a game will often result in horrific things said about your mother. For many it is a dream to go pro in League and every loss is a set back to that goal. Unfortunately not everyone will achieve that dream but that doesn’t change the way a lot of community members feel about it. For the pro’s losing can mean that they don’t eat dinner that night… Well maybe that’s an exaggeration, but it is definitely more serious for them. I don’t think that I have ever played a game before in which winning or losing was so important for the players. Well maybe Fifa on my Xbox with some of my European friends… But I won’t go there.
So there you have it folks, the top reasons why League of Legends suck. Let us know what you think by writing a comment below. We want to hear what your reasons for hating League of Legends are.