10 Worst League of Legends Champions Who Desperately Need a Buff
When we lose at League of Legends we often like to place the blame on someone else. Often the case is that you were probably a big part of losing that game though. However, if someone on your team played one of these champions then you can feel better knowing the loss was not your fault. These are the top 10 worst League of Legends champions in the current meta.
10. Talon
Talon is Noxus deadliest assassin
Assassin is the name of the game in the current Meta. Bans will often include champions like Zed or Fizz (although he is more of an anti-mage than assassin but whatever). The point is that no one likes laning against an assassin. Talon takes the 10th spot in the worst League of Legends champions list. He has some of the highest burst damage in the game and a relatively low skill cap. Due to this it’s common for Talon players to snowball mid-lane.
So why is he on this list? Well, Talon players will often snowball themselves out of the game by not being able to close it. Talon can all in… and die. That is exactly what happens past the 20 or 25 minute mark. If the opposite team lasts long enough to catch up in damage then poor Talon is often out of the game. His one chance of escaping happens to be his ultimate which is usually used as an engage. What Talon really needs is a new passive that allows him to be invulnerable for a short duration after popping any ability. By doing that he would still snowball early but also snowball late. #balanced
9. Garen
The Might of Demacia cares only for righteousness and justice
The might of Demacia! Garen is the champion that League of Legends has always needed to bring justice to the fields. Garen is designed to help new players get into the game. He is easy to use and understand, and also very fun to play. His dance reminds of a nostalgic cartoon most of us watched as a kid. However, no amount of dancing is going to help this champion deliver justice. He has a silence, a buff, and he can spin to win.
His ultimate is extremely weak though. The damage isn’t bad and the concept is good. A massive divine sword falling from heaven to execute your enemies… yup, it sounds pretty good! But the cooldown is so ridiculous long that many other champions will already have used their ult twice, some even three times before Garen can execute again. What they should do is remove the cooldown on his abilities all together. That would ensure that he is fun to play and that he is able to deliver swift justice.
8. Galio
Galio lost his master and hopes to find a new purpose in the League
I love Galio! Just not playing him. His story is quite tragic which makes the fact that he is on this list even worse. This champion is supposed to play a unique role as a tanky mage. However, all he manages to do is to be a relatively tough skinned champion with mediocre abilities. His Q is a skillshot that does decent damage and his shield with the healing passive works as well. The gust on his E is next to useless and his ultimate can easily be interrupted or gotten out of with enough tenacity.
Galio needs some loving from Riot or he won’t be viable for a long time. A simple fix to make Galio awesome would be to turn his ultimate into a passive ability. Whenever a champion gets within a certain radius they are taunted and explode, it would be awesome!
7. Bard
Bard should be much better than he is... He is kind of a God anyway
Bard is the newest member on the League of Legends roster and he makes us ask the question: What was Riot thinking? He is supposed to be a supporting champion with a very unique playstyle. In the end though, Riot made him too broad and now he sucks at everything.
He has a skill shot that can stun, he can place health packs on the map, and he can create tunnels through walls. I thought the tunnel thing was super awesome until I learned that enemy champions can walk through it as well. What? And then there is his aoe Zhonyas ult that is extremely situational and feels very bland. Bard needs a buff to his ultimate that gives all allied champions the invulnerability of Zhonyas but no longer freezes them in place. Also, make it last for a full minute while you're at it.
6. Twitch
Don't be surprised if Twitch players are toxic
Twitch should be better than he is, and many would argue that he shouldn’t be on this list at all. Face it, Twitch’s early game sucks! If he can make it past the 20 minute mark he can participate and do a beasty amount of damage. However, up until then he is nothing but vermin cannon fodder. A simple way to change this around would be to switch up his passive a little bit and give him permanent invisibility that is only broken upon losing half his health. That way champions would have to predict where he is at all times. That is much more fitting of the rat champion.
5. Taric
So fabulous, so outrageous
Most people probably saw this coming. Others might feel it is truly outrageous to place Taric on this list. He is fun, he is fabulous, and his armor of the 5th age skin is completely adorable. However, his cooldowns are horrendously long, his heal is underpowered, and his ultimate doesn’t feel as quite as Fabioesque as we want it too. He needs a huge buff and Riot can start by removing his cooldowns completely. With less cooldowns Taric will be able to showcase all of his outrageous gems all the time. Isn’t that what we all want?
4. Zilean
Zilean's artwork makes him look a lot cooler than he feels in game
Zilean recently had a bit of a makeover to try and make him fit in the current meta a little bit better. It didn’t work. Zileans magic was not enough to make his time in the limelight lasting. He is simply to squishy for only one damaging ability. So he has a speed up and a cooldown reducer, and a pretty awesome resurrection ult. He needs more damage though. Perhaps Riot could mess around with his ult so that instead of raising an ally he can place it on an enemy to guarantee a kill. That would be pretty sweet. Bring in the first insta-kill ability in the game, but make sure to keep Zileans cooldown reducers so he can spam it.
3. Nunu
Nunu is actually the little guy on top of the yeti
I really want to like Nunu… but he is awful. As the third runner up for the worst champion in the current meta it should be no surprise that he is not very fun to play. The jungle is where he belongs no matter what support mains say. His bite allows him to forego smite. However, with the recent changes to the jungle it is dumb for a jungler not to take it. So Nunu has sustain, a small attack speed and movement speed buff, and a targeted nuke with a crappy range. His ult is easy to get out of and he is quite squishy. Nunu needs his ultimate to be global, that would change things up for good.
2. Alistar
You can't milk those!
No matter how bad he is, you still can’t milk those. Alistar is a favorite among many support mains, but right now he is a very unviable pick. Alistar is the runner up on the list of sucky champions because he has some of the longest base cooldowns in the game. His heal and passive have horrible scalings that make them useless.
The only good thing about the Cow is that his ult allows him to ignore 70% of all damage taken. To make Alistar viable again they should give him a new ability on his E called "Milk Cannon." It would be a skill shot that did damage to all enemies and healed all allies within the radius. Then people would learn to fear the bull!
1. Urgot
The sexiest champion in the League
You all knew this was coming. Urgot has been ranked among the worst champions for as long as I can remember. He had some glory days upon his release but since then he has been next to useless. His abilities are mediocre and his ult is only good for looking at crabgot’s disgusting channeling animation. Urgot desperately needs some love from Riot.
He can bully an opponent out of top or mid lane sometimes, but his early game never transitions and he simply does not have the numbers or the mechanics to be competitive in the current meta. An innovative fix for Urgot would be to give him a charm ability that one shots any champion or monster targeted, and it should also work on Baron.
This concludes our list of who we think the absolute worst League of Legends champions are, but we want to hear what you think. Let us know in the comments below who you think deserves the number 1 spot for the worst champion in League.