11 Awesome Building Games to Play in 2015: Page 3 of 11

best building games
11 Awesome Building Games to Play in 2015

9. Black and white 2

I Hope Hes on Our Side

If you have ever wanted to be revered as a benevolent forgiven god or tyrant tormentor, then Black and White 2 is the game for you. Using a hand which changes colors to white or red based on youre actions, players build and dictate the outcome of an entire civilization. Defending youre civilians from harm or casting fear into their hearts is literally at youre fingertips. As a god, players can cast miracles which are performed as a result of worship received by devout citizens.

To assist in your endeavors, players are granted a mystical creature to support every aspect of a players civilization creation. Animals such as a monkey, cow, wolf or tiger are selectable at the beginning of the game and eventually symbolize youre intentions. These creatures can perform miracles or demolish entire nations at the click of a button. This removal of micromanagement provided by youre creature allows players to focus on larger aspects of the game. Although released in 2009, this game still holds its own against many new titles and is worth a shot.

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