11 Best Open World Zombie Games to Play in 2017 (PC): Page 9 of 11

Best Open World Zombie Games

3. Dead Island 2

Welcome to Dead Island 2, the no-holds-barred killing spree we’ve all been waiting for. Paint the town red with an array of deadly weapons and unlimited murderous fun, alone or with friends.

Tear through California’s rising Undead population faster than a terrier on speed, and enjoy the beauty of Unreal Engine 4 graphics while you rip every Undead creature in sight to shreds. No plot, no missions, just killing.

Which is a breath of fresh air somewhat in the genre, and could be pretty useful for anger management. Boss has unrealistic expectations? Dead Island 2. Partner keeps nagging you? Dead Island 2. Child just got sent home from school again? Dead Island 2. [Note: We at GamersDecide do not condone the use of video games as a form of escapism and take no responsibility for any events which may occur as a result.]

So enjoy that gory freedom. It’s yours to take. Over, and over, and over again.

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Male, adult, likes cinnamon poptarts.
Gamer Since: 2000
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
Top 3 Favorite Games:Not a Hero, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Deadpool

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