Looking for RPGs with the hottest babes? Look no further!
We love RPGs for a variety of reasons: their beautiful worlds, their immersive gameplay, and of course, their memorable characters. It just so happens that some of those characters are incredible, gorgeous women!
In this article, which we’re calling 11 RPGs with the Hottest Babes, we celebrate some of gaming’s most wonderful ladies. Join us then, as we begin the countdown!
11. Persona (series)
The Persona series is weird. How often do you play games where you have to shoot yourself in the head to unleash the power within you, or dive into TV land to fight the demons haunting your friends?
But its weirdness is what makes it special, and what makes its women that much more magnificent. These are ordinary people who take on the extraordinary like it’s eating cake, and we can’t help but find that awesome.
You’ll end up wishing you could make friends with these characters. There’s Chie, a martial arts enthusiast with a sunny disposition; Yukiko, an elegant and intelligent young woman whose family owns an exquisite Japanese inn; Yukari, a popular high school girl who deeply loves her friends; and Aigis, perhaps gaming’s most alluring android.
If you’re looking for games with unique themes, or simply RPGs with the hottest babes, you can’t go wrong with the Persona series.
10. Fallout 4
The citizens of Fallout 4’s irradiated Boston may be a bunch of dusty, greasy people without access to soap and clean water, but that doesn’t stop them from being admirable, and yes, sexy.
Piper, Fallout 4’s intrepid reporter, will do what it takes to make sure innocent people are safe from harm. If it means putting her life on the line to uncover the ugly truths about the world, then so be it. We can’t help but fall in love with her tough-as-nails attitude, not to mention her angry face is smoking hot.
If you prefer companions on the ruthless side, there’s Cait, a cage-fighting Irish lady whose gift is sending people to the E.R. At the opposite end of the spectrum is Curie, whose kindness and warmth will make you see sunshine, rainbows, and kittens.
Nuclear fallouts have never been this fascinating! It’s one of the RPGs with the hottest babes, and it’s one you’ll be playing for months on end.
9. Parasite Eve (series)
Parasite Eve’s one of the oldest series on this list, but we felt compelled to include it. These games are not only classics, they star one of RPGs’ strongest women: Aya Brea, an NYPD cop possessing incredible powers, such as lighting things on fire with her mind, and even transforming into a winged, blue-skinned creature. How did she get these powers? From a cornea transplant. Yes, we know, it’s mind-boggling.
When Aya isn’t busy saving the world from monstrosities too ugly to describe, she’s a friend to children and humanity in general. Her modesty would never allow her to admit that she’s a heroine. And a heroine she is, as she’s put herself at risk just to save an innocent life so many times were she any other person, they’d already be dead.
8. Hyperdimension Neptunia (series)
Who knew spoofing the game industry could be so sexy?
Hyperdimension Neptunia is a vastly improved remake of the 2010 console turn-based RPG, also called Hyperdimension Neptunia. Its whole concept is a play on the game industry. The story revolves around the “Console War,” which takes place in a world called Gamindustri. The title itself refers to the abandoned Sega Neptune project.
To top it all off, the game has you playing as a variety of beautiful women, all of whom can transform into more powerful – not to mention more ravishing – versions of themselves. It’s a console war like you’ve never seen before, and one you’re not likely to forget.
7. Final Fantasy X
The guys at Square Enix sure know how to make pretty people. And with Final Fantasy X, they truly outdid themselves.
Who can forget the sweet, gentle priestess Yuna, and her subsequent transformation into a short shorts-wearing, gun-toting badass? She’s got an exquisite singing voice too, not to mention some impressive dance moves.
Then there’s Rikku, a girl with an infectiously bubbly personality and a pair of wicked blades. Yes, we’re aware her clothes don’t leave much to the imagination. But please, do pick up your jaws off the floor, and behave yourselves, because she can slice and dice with the best of them!
Paine is a silver-haired butt-kicker who isn’t afraid of using her gigantic sword on anyone who messes with her. So avoid any fantasies about a romantic candlelight dinner while staring into her enticing red eyes – she’ll just break your heart!
And then there’s Lulu.
Lulu defies description. She’s just that amazing.
We hate you, Wakka.
Image by lithriel
Image by MadeleineInk
6. Borderlands (series)
Image from http://pixshark.com/borderlands-wallpaper-lilith.htm
The Borderlands series isn’t only chockfull of guns; it’s also home to some of the most beautiful women in gaming.
Lilith may have the face of an angel, but don’t let that fool you. She is one dangerous lady, one who won’t waste a second ripping you to shreds should you fall on the wrong side of the law – and she’ll do it all with maniacal glee. Then there’s Maya, a dazzling spitfire who can litter a battlefield with corpses within seconds. Of course, we’re not forgetting Moxy, another charming lady who can put ten holes in you as soon as you look at her funny. Like Lilith and Maya, her sex appeal is off the charts.
The Borderlands games are among the RPGs with the hottest babes; if you haven’t play them yet, we don’t know what’s wrong with you.
Image by LoveStruck2
5. Final Fantasy XIII
The Final Fantasy XIII games may be the most divisive entries in Square Enix’s hallowed Final Fantasy series, but you can’t fault them for giving us some of the most beauteous heroines in gaming.
First and foremost is Lightning. Don’t let her bubble gum-pink hair fool you; she is one of the toughest women you’ll ever meet. And she’s real classy, too, somehow being able to combine elegance and badassery without flinching. Did we mention this soldier also has one of the coolest-looking blades in gaming?
Let’s not forget Lightning’s adorable sister, Sera. Sure, she was useless in the first game, but she made up for it by kicking as much posterior as any video game heroine in the second. And then there’s Vanille, a cute girl with an even cuter accent, and Fang, another attractive woman with a sexy accent, and who manages to be hot despite looking like she hasn’t showered in weeks.
A list of RPGs with the hottest babes isn’t complete without the Final Fantasy XIII games!
4. Dragon Age (series)
What’s a fantasy series without beautiful women?
The Dragon Age franchise has no shortage of strong, butt-kicking hotties, but there are two in particular we just can’t get enough of: Morrigan and Leliana.
As the Witch of the Wilds, Morrigan has access to all sorts of magical abilities. Most impressive of those is her ability to shapeshift into a giant spider, or bear, which should make going on a date with her very interesting. Aside from being intelligent and brave, this exotic beauty is also dangerous and wary of humankind. But that doesn’t mean she is invulnerable to the more delicate emotions, as she is one of the characters you can romance in Dragon Age: Origins. Just don’t let her take you home to meet her mother!
Leliana’s personal journey is long and unusual. She starts out as a bard in Dragon Age: Origins, but rises up the ranks to become the Inquisitor’s spymaster in Dragon Age: Inquisition. With her beautiful voice, this fair lady can soothe your battered soul, or fill your heart with valor. And if you do end up together, don’t even think of cheating on her. Trust us, she will know, and she will have a blade between your shoulder blades before you can even say “sorry.”
The Dragon Age games are among the RPGs with the hottest babes – but let Morrigan and Leliana convince you of that themselves.
3. Mass Effect (series)
Space! There’s so much to love about it. From cosmic anomalies, to magnificent spaceships, to heavenly bodies… and by heavenly bodies we mean the gorgeous women you get to hang out with if you’re, say, a big shot like space-faring hero, Commander Shepard.
Mass Effect’s women are a mixture of the courageous, intellectually brilliant, physically divine, and dangerously skilled. Among the first we meet is Ashley, a tough soldier who becomes one of Shepard’s greatest allies. Then there’s Tali’Zorah, who proves that beauty is more than just about looks; this alien has her face permanently covered, yet she’s considered one of the sexiest women in video games.
Mass Effect 2 introduces us to Miranda Lawson, who was genetically enhanced to be the perfect human specimen. That means exactly what it means, so please wipe that drool off your face. Even the Normandy’s artificial intelligence gets a hot makeover when EDI takes control of a sexy robot body in Mass Effect 3.
So when you’re feeling lonely, just remember that the universe is vast. And somewhere out there, there’s probably a wonderful, green-skinned alien-robot hybrid thinking of someone like you.
Image by spirit815
2. Final Fantasy VII
Yet another Final Fantasy game makes it to this list!
But can you blame us? Final Fantasy VII is a hallowed classic for so many reasons – one of them being its strong, unforgettable cast.
And that cast includes Tifa. Though she can knock your teeth out with a well-placed fist to the mouth, this martial arts expert has a heart of gold. We can’t tell you the number of times we’ve wanted to smack Cloud upside the head for treating her like she doesn’t exist.
Aerith is another favorite. A lovely person who only wants the best for others, she will lay down her life if it means saving yours. Yes, we’re still not over her death. Seeing a giant sword go through the spine of gaming’s most beloved flower girl remains one of the most harrowing life experiences you can go through.
Of course, if you’re sick of all that death and sadness, there’s always the plucky, Materia-obsessed ninja, Yuffie. Her antics are comedy gold, and it certainly helps that she’s as cute as heck!
Definitely among the RPGs with the hottest babes. We can’t wait for the remake!
1.The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
We all agree that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the best video games ever created. We also all agree that it has some of the most amazing women in gaming.
Let’s start with Ciri, Geralt’s adopted daughter. Despite her youth, she doesn’t really need anyone to protect her; she’s a bonafide badass who has no trouble skewering monsters or dodging spectral armies. We love her so much we can’t help but wish she had more screen time in the game. Heck, they could make an entirely new game centering on just her, and we’d buy it.
If you’re into fiery redheads, Triss Merigold is your gal. Don’t get your hopes up, though; the poor woman’s absolutely smitten with Geralt. Still, you could admire her from afar, which is probably for the best. Getting too close to her could burn you – literally.
And last but not least, we have Yennefer. This dark and dangerous lady is not one to be trifled with, unless you want her shooting a crow through your skull. Did we mention she’s really, really old? As in probably-older-than-your-grandmother old? Ah, the wonders of magic!
Looking for RPGs with the hottest babes? Start with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
We hope you enjoyed this list as we did compiling it! Do you feel we left your favorite character out? Tell us in the comments section below!
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