11 Top PC Games of 2013 You Might Have Missed Out On: Page 4 of 8

Gorgeous game design and a twisting plot will keep you coming back.

6. Volgarr the Viking

Gameplay trailers the many ways you can die.

How about an ax to the face? That always works.

Volgarr the Viking is a pixelated arcade style game where you play as a rage filled viking. It has a simple control scheme but with a steep difficulty. The reward for adapting is lasting just a little longer than you did before.

Even with no discernable story it's still an enjoyable game. There are alternative paths you can take but they require near perfection to complete and are even less forgiving than the main path. So will you answer Odin's Call?

Face inhuman creatures ready to send you back to the grave.

Top 3 Favorite Games:Mass Effect 2, Dragon's Prophet, Sunless Sea