The best video game trailers? We have ‘em all right here!
A great video game trailer doesn’t only excite us with astonishing visuals and heart-pounding action; it pulls us right into the story, granting us a glimpse of what it’s like to be in a space marine’s boots, or to do battle with a ten-foot-tall demon. This is what makes you want to purchase a game: the promise of an experience worth having.
Here, in our humble opinion, are the 12 Best Video Game Trailers Ever Made – phenomenal trailers that astound and impress, and that leave you wanting more.
1. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – “Ghosts of the Past” Trailer
This gorgeous cinematic trailer revisits one of the most significant events in StarCraft lore – the betrayal of Terran ghost, Sarah Kerrigan, who is left to die in the Zerg invasion of Tarsonis.
It’s devastating, not only because of the aforementioned betrayal, but also because we see how it breaks Jim Raynor. His revolution to bring the architect of Kerrigan’s downfall, Arcturus Mengsk, is partly due to his desire for vengeance.
Once the trailer’s succeeded at moving you, it then proceeds to give us all the explosive action of a summer blockbuster. Ravenous Zerg, space marines with giant guns, mysterious pyramids, and Jim Raynor making a deal with a shady figure – if all that doesn’t get you pumped up for StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, then nothing will.
2. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – Campaign Story Trailer
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
Which is why I probably shouldn’t be given that kind of power, because it’ll only make me want to kidnap the entire Blizzard team and force them to make Warcraft IV.
Abraham Lincoln’s words of wisdom lure us into this trailer by offering us a clue to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s story – a story that becomes clearer as the trailer progresses.
Aside from its intriguing cautionary tale of power’s corruptive influence, and the showcase of the awesome futuristic military technology we’ll be able to use in the game, the visuals are absolutely jaw-dropping. Those character models – including the excellent Kevin Spacey as Atlas CEO Jonathan Irons – are the most realistic we’ve seen from the gaming industry so far. One of the best video game trailers out there!
3. League of Legends – “A New Dawn” Cinematic
Ever wondered what your favorite League of Legends champions would look like rendered as high resolution CG models? Look no further than the cinematic, “A New Dawn.”
The characters look amazing, not to mention them ladies are looking mighty fine! Not a word is spoken, but we feel their every emotion, from fear and anger to pride and vindictiveness. This says a lot about the skill of the animators, giving these bundles of pixels and polygons realistic body language that people can actually read.
Aside from the characters and animation, there’s so much to love about this trailer. The stunning setting, the action, the colors… this is definitely one of the best video game trailers ever made.
4. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II – “Tyranid Invasion”
It’s probably harder to make a bad Warhammer 40,000 trailer than it is to make a good one. The property has it all: badass space marines, badass babes, badass giant mechs, and some of the most hideous alien freaks ever conjured up by the makers of this science fiction epic.
The trailer for Dawn of War II – Tyranid Invasion is pure action, so expect surplus amounts of blood and gunplay. It also has a nasty surprise towards the end, which should please fans itching to play the franchise’s version of Alien’s Xenomorphs.
5. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – “The Trail” Opening Cinematic
If you have an inquisitive mind like mine, you’ve probably spent countless nights wondering what it would be like if a raven tore through somebody’s skull. Well, this cinematic trailer is sure to satisfy the curiosity of us special few!
In “The Trail,” scenes of violence and war are interspersed with quieter moments. The latter reveals Geralt of Rivia as a man who’s more than a master swordfighter – he’s also cunning and intelligent, able to read the environment for clues about its recent history. As for the lady he’s pursuing… wow, I hope I never get on her bad side. Seriously, the things she’s capable of? It’s like watching a horror movie.
Packed with action, magic, and heavy helpings of gloom and doom, this is one of the best video game trailers in existence.
6. Assassin’s Creed 3 – E3 Official Trailer
The might of the English army is something only spoken of in frightened whispers.
But to an Assassin like Connor, rushing headlong into an army of Redcoats? All in a day’s work, my friend. And sure, we too question the historical accuracy of a single man taking on hundreds of English soldiers at the same time. But hey, badass is badass.
Say what you will about the Assassin’s Creed franchise (and part 3 in particular). When it comes to making a damn good trailer? These guys know what they’re doing.
7. Prey 2 – “Bounty” Trailer
There’s nothing more heinous than attacking a passenger airplane. The heartbreaking deaths of hundreds immediately puts vengeance in your heart, pulling you into the trailer in your desire to see those responsible dead. And then you catch a glimpse of the possible culprit and… what the hell?
It’s futuristic supersoldier versus tons of butt-ugly aliens in Prey 2’s “Bounty” trailer. A majority of the video has you, the protagonist, pursuing a target, while filling thugs with bullets along the way. And there’s nothing like a Western-inspired soundtrack to make you feel like the badass high tech cowboy that you are.
It’s total, nonstop, high-speed action sure to keep the adrenaline pumping, making it one of the best video game trailers you can watch.
8. Far Cry 3 – “Stranded” Trailer
To a gamer, paradise is beautiful character models, astonishingly detailed environments, and boatloads of action.
The first minute of “Stranded” is shot like a home video, which, as we all know from watching found footage horror movies, does wonders for immersion. It becomes a whole lot more personal when you’re convinced you’re the guy behind the camera. When we finally discover the mess these guys have gotten themselves into, you’re hooked. As for main villain, Vaas? Insane, scarily unpredictable, and absolutely unforgettable.
One of the best video game trailers ever.
9. Star Wars: The Old Republic – “Hope” Cinematic Trailer
There isn’t a geek alive who doesn’t love that galaxy far, far away. So when the “Hope” trailer came out for Star Wars: The Old Republic, you can understand everybody’s excitement.
And that excitement is justified, too. This trailer accomplishes in a few minutes what the prequels couldn’t in more than six hours of lackluster, overhyped tripe. Imagine hundreds of armored troopers, robots, and Sith – all cutting each other down like there’s no tomorrow. And just when you think it can’t get any cooler, here comes Darth Malgus with his ability to fling people around like paperweights, looking like he woke up with a cactus between his butt cheeks, and .
And then it gets even better with the arrival of… well, we’re not going to spoil it for you. Just watch, and enjoy.
10. Darksiders 2
Heaven vs. Hell. Angels vs. Demons. No battle is as epic as the ultimate conflict between Good and Evil.
But there’s a third party on this battlefield – Death. As one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Death is a living weapon of mass destruction.
Size? Speed? Numbers? These are nothing against Death; he’ll cut through armies of demons like a hot knife through so many blocks of butter. He’s got a scythe that transforms into deadly dual blades, and all the moves that’ll make Kratos weep. Heck, he’s even got a spectral horse! It’s the Grim Reaper like you’ve never seen him before, starring in two of the best video game trailers ever made.
11. Titanfall – “Free the Frontier” Gamescom 2014 Trailer
Wait, is this purely CG, or do I see some live action elements thrown in? I can’t tell, the graphics are just that good.
You can’t go wrong with footage of a soldier who can run on walls and do somersaults like it’s nobody’s business. Seriously, that single somersault is so intense that the video flips over like a scene from Inception.
And then you have giant freakin’ robots. No description necessary; their badassery speaks for itself!
“Free the Frontier” has more explosions, more gargantuan, mechanical monstrosities, and more incoherent military chatter than the Michael Bay Transformers films – and we love it.
12. Batman Arkham Knight – “Father to Son” Announce Trailer
We all know how Bruce Wayne’s parents died, but it’s rare to hear his father’s thoughts about his son – thoughts which are finally conveyed to us in the “Father to Son” trailer. Suffice it to say that it’s heartbreaking, lending a sense of gravitas to the whole thing.
It’s also chilling seeing how Bruce has perverted the legacy of his parents. Sure, he’s a hero, and what he does as Batman saves lives. But how would his parents, were they still alive, feel about the path he’s taken?
There’s no shortage of action and visual wizardry in this video, but it is Thomas Wayne’s narration of his Last Will and Testament to his son that gives it the heart so few trailers have.
That’s it for our list of the 12 Best Video Game Trailers Ever Made! How about you, gamer friends? What do you think are the best video game trailers ever made?