The 31 Best JRPGs for PC in 2017
JRPGs have caught the love of gamers all around the globe. The incredible adventure and memorable characters has turned this genre into one that is much loved and rightfully so. Thanks to sites like Steam, many amazing JRPGs are now available on the PC. With there being so many great ones, I’ll be telling you about the 25 best JRPGs you can play right now.
31. Agarest: Generations of War 2
Your offspring will carry your will until the end.
- Developer: Idea Factory
- Genre: Turn-based, Adventure, Dating Sim, Strategy
- Official Site
Despite being a the third installment in the Agarest series, You don’t need to play the former game to be familiar with it; if you did, then you might recognize familiar faces from the previous ones.
Here, you play as Weiss, an amnesiac, and is told that he killed a mythical being. To make up for his crime, he must become a Vessel to hold the power of the being that he slain. The said power will be used to revive the same being. The price to pay for betraying the divine is too costly…sending the traitor and everyone down his line to a limbo between salvation and damnation.
If you have played Xenogears on the PSX, then the battle style would be somewhat familiar. It employs grid positioning that you (and your enemies too) can use to your advantage during a battle. Aside from the usual RPG elements, combos and follow-up attacks can be done as long as your turn allows you to. Outside combat, the storyline itself is a huge plus, and you can micromanage the stats of the next generation’s hero and determine the ending route not only by choosing who you ‘date’ and ultimately unite with (if you get what I mean), but also by the choices that you make along the way. The simplicity of combat and the complexity of raising story flags add a lot of replay value, making Agarest: Generations of War 2 one of the best JRPGS that would keep you hooked for a long time.
There are a lot of aspects that define a JRPG, and I hope this gave you the heads up of what to play and what to expect this year in the Japanese RPG scene. It doesn’t matter if you like seeing damage numbers over 9000 or panty shots on your screen; there’s always a JRPG for you.
Now, which one do you wish to play?
Burn baby, burn.
30. Soul Saga
Taking your first steps seems easy-peasy.
- Developer: Disaster Cake
- Genre: Turn-based, Adventure
- Official Site
If you’ve got too much of the complicated game stuff, unwind and enjoy the old-school style of traditional, turn-based adventure RPGs. Soul Saga unveils Mithos, a son of a guildmaster who went missing while engaging on a quest to slay the king of dragons. Due to this, Mithos sets off to an adventure with the engineer Elise, his best friend, to complete what his father has started several years ago.
Despite its simplistic nature akin to Final Fantasy III on NDS, the same simplicity is the charm of the game, having the traditional turn-based battle system with 3D elements that are bright, making it seem to pop out of the screen.
As Mithos gets farther from his starting point, he would soon be in the quest to understand the cause of the seemingly diminishing energy of the floating islands of Medonia, and probably do something about it. Soul Saga features unique elements too, like the Character Lunchbox system replacing the typical item inventories holding the party’s healing potions; it carries meals that have different effects depending on its type. A Cooking system will be implemented too, which further increases the variety of food you can take in battle.
The game is currently on Beta version 6.1 and is expected to be released in 2015.
Four against one..? That’s cheating! Oh well, let’s get this done.
29. Edge of Eternity
Edge of Eternity’s gameplay somewhat brings back the memories of a PS2 RPG.
Developer: Midgar Studio
Genre: Turn-based, Adventure
Theme: Humans vs Metal Monsters
It’s a mystical, fantasy world where there’s lush greenery, vast plains, towering mountains – and dark spaceships. Yep. While it seems like your typical world of swords and magic, End of Eternity adds alien invasion in the mix, corrupting humans and animals alike, turning them into heartless metal monsters.
Daryon, the game’s redheaded hero, heads out to escape from the attacks of his own kind and ventures across Heryon in search for the way to save his world and define his own self along the way. But it seems that the Crystals have a different plan in mind…
Do I really look that tasty to you?
The graphics remind me of Chaos Rings on Android and Final Fantasy X/X-2 on the PS2 – which looks a little dated (in a good way), and the music gives the JRPG feel to it. Toss in the familiar HUD, command options, and the active time battle gauge which allows you to execute an action when it’s full and voila, a nostalgic trip from something new!
Edge of Eternity will be available via Steam in December 2015.
Official Site: http://www.eoegame.com/
28. Cosmic Star Heroine
At 7:40, Alyssa and the gang fights a Mobile Plant that got tired of waiting for dinner…
Developer: Zeboyd Games
Genre: 2D, Turn-based, Adventure
Theme: Spying, Roaming other worlds
Apparently, uncovering a controversy by accident can change one’s ranking from top agent to legendary hero. Okay..?
Alyssa L’Salle happened to be one, and with tons of fans glorifying her actions, her publicity can lure ALL the bad guys from her star system – which includes everyone from human to the creepy tentacle ones. Of course, the top agent always saves the day, but with several worlds against her…
It’s me against the world – or maybe worlds?
Showcasing retro 2D graphics without the grid (Yay to diagonal movement!) and the absence of loading a separate screen for battle sequences, Cosmic Star Heroine revives the feel of playing the old Phantasy Star titles. The combat system will seem familiar to those who have played Chrono Trigger, and the character dialogues were witty and humorous enough to make you wonder how such banter can even exist between humans, robots, and aliens.
Cosmic Star Heroine pays homage to the old-school JRPG genre and will be out in 2015.
Official Sites: www.zeboyd.com, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1596638143/cosmic-star-heroine-sci-fi-spy-rpg-for-pc-mac-ps4
27. Undefeated
It's a trip down memory lane when 16-bit graphics was (and still is) cool.
Developer: Aldorlea Games
Genre: 16-bit, Turn-based, Adventure
Theme: Military recruits turned into something way more
Scaling up the ranks of the military might be a pain in the bum, especially when you are given something that you’re not really fond of, say, an axe to chop monsters off – and chop onions with. Follow the steps of Marcus, Fela and Bastion as they start (rather unmotivated, I may say) their lives as recruits charged to protect their Kingdom, find a bizarre item in one of their skirmishes and solve the mystery why the Wastelands are slowly taking over their world.
Well hi there, mister. Want us to rip all those horns off?
If you’re a fan of old-school 2D graphics with sprites following the leader’s every step combined with nice character and bestiary artwork, you might want to give Undefeated a spin.
Official Site: http://www.aldorlea.org/undefeated.php
26. Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim
Ys in its 3D glory.
Developer: Nihon Falcom
Genre: Action
Theme: Solo-adventure Hero
With the franchise’s many installments, Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim is the series’ first time to render a game in 3D. The game features anime-style graphics which could be considered common in most Japanese RPGs, and it provides hours of gameplay with the traditional level-grinding, platforming, equipment enhancing, and tons of dialogue from the place’s lore to downright hilarious side comments.
Meet Adol Christin, a redhead swordsman, as he is washed to Canaan Island’s shores and embarks on a journey to investigate the archipelago and get entangled with the conflict between the elven-like Redhas and the human Eresians.
Redheads and swords usually go hand-in-hand.
While the game seems dated, the gameplay is actually fluid, and you might end up glued to the screen for hours whacking monsters and frying mobs with a ricocheting lightning spell, or perhaps throw away your keyboard when you can’t seem to master the Dash Jump early. If you’re a fan of anime, action-RPGs, the Ys series, or someone who wanted a game easy enough to play yet hard to master, it is recommended that you try this one out.
Official Site: http://www.worldofys.com/ysvi/
25. Fairy Fencer F
Fairy Fencer F gameplay
Furies are incredibly powerful weapons left over from an ancient war. Fencers are constantly trying to find ways to get them. This causes two fencers, Fang and Tiara, to get engulfed in this huge ancient war spanning millenniums. It’s a story that has received a widespread opinion. The story has been praised by fans as well as the lovable characters.
The controls of the game are great as well, as one can tell the amount of time that the developers took to make the game feel right for PC users. The gameplay has been said to be a bit grindy and that can be seen as a con, though it never feels overly grindy. There is quite a bit of DLC that can get on one's nerves, but still an enjoyable game with or without them.
24. Tales of Zesteria
Tales of Zesteria PC gameplay.
In the continent of Glenwood, alongside humans there are the Seraphim. These are supernatural creatures who can interact with humans. Sorey is the main character who was raised by Seraphim, and his childhood companion, Mikleo, is a Seraphim. In this game, Sorey heads out to save Glenwood from the negative creatures of Hellion.There is no denying that Tales of Zesteria is an incredibly pretty game.
The world is large and vast, filled with different creatures as well as a large assortment of items. The customization for the game is superb with a large array of options for you to customize your character. The battle system revolves heavily around artes. These are special abilities that differ depending on the character you control.The story has been met with some criticism. It’s nothing memorable and isn’t anything that impressive. Still, the incredible visuals and large vast world is enough to justify why you should play this game.
23. The Legend Of Heroes: Trails In The Sky
PC Trailer for Trails In The Sky
The Liberl kingdom runs off of advanced technology after being conquered by Queen Alicia II ten years ago. Estelle heads out on a journey with her brother Joshua only to learn of a conspiracy to take over the Queen. A fun story that has you engaged and interested is one of the charms of this game. The world building here is incredible and all the characters are enjoyable as well.
The gameplay is more or less your basic turn based strategy system. There are battle bonuses at the end of each turn which comes in the form of a wheel. The gameplay system requires some thinking and will keep you busy. The soundtrack is great and there is a hefty amount to do throughout. It’s an overall satisfying game. It’ll take a while to beat as the game is quite long, but the interesting gameplay and worthwhile story will keep you thoroughly invested.
22. The Last Remnant
The Last Remnant battle gameplay
The Last Remnant features a more political storyline than the games seen previously. You’ll be playing as Rush who is searching for his sister, but things only get complicated with the introduction of a war. The game is taken place in three separate areas. Battles are not random, as in you aren’t randomly ambushed with no way of preparing, but instead a battle is initiated when an enemy is encountered.
The Last Remnant has a fantastic soundtrack and great art. The gameplay is quite unique and just like the game itself, it’s worth giving a shot.
21. Disgaea
Disgaea PC playthrough
Boy is this game weird and I mean that in the best way possible. The game is crazy and that is evident through the outlandish gameplay. You control a cast of characters on a map where you choose where to move to and how close you’d like to get to the enemy. You also have the option to throw characters or items. You can also throw your allies up ledges to reach enemies in spots that would otherwise be hard to reach, or you can even throw your enemies around!
There’s a lot of grind involved in this game and it will definitely take countless hours. Even the customization is deep to the point that it’ll take some good time to customize a character to your need. The story ls lighthearted and fun as one would expect from a game like Disgaea. A very fun and energetic game that will definitely have you putting countless hours into it.
20. Final Fantasy 3
Tips and Review for Final Fantasy 3.
A young orphan named Luneth explores a cave where he accidentally falls into a hole. There he finds the crystal of light that gives him some of its powers.
It then tells him to find three others just like him to save the world from the Cloud of Darkness, who is responsible for all the chaos in the world. The Final Fantasy series is perhaps one of the most well known JRPGs in the world. While Final Fantasy 3 isn’t one of the top, it’s definitely an enjoyable game. It’s got the turn based battle system that the series is well known for.
The PC port is identical to that of DS/mobile version. The game features a revamped job system as well as new abilities for characters. While Final Fantasy 3 may not be on the level of say 7 or 10, it’s still a game full of enjoyment.
19. Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale
Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale gameplay.
This a very fun game with cute characters and light hearted comedy, but is surprisingly deep due to its story. Recette is the main heroine you control who is out to squeeze the very last cent out of the customers.
This is due to the amount of debt piled up by her deadbeat father. You also have a loan shark who is actually a fairy, and it follows you around everywhere. You spend time stocking up on goods which you will sell at your own shop. You get to change the prices of the goods you’ll be selling as well as customize your shop. It’s a fun game which doesn’t take itself too seriously. It has a unique charm and is wonderfully captivating.
18. Final Fantasy 6
Final Fantasy 6 Steam gameplay
Considered by many gaming enthusiasts as the greatest JRPG of all time, Final Fantasy 6 is a timeless classic. The PC version isn’t the classic that fans know and love, but rather more of a port similar to that of the mobile version. Even so, it’s fantastic in it’s own right. Even if it comes with some problems. An issue fans had with the series was the sprites.
They tended to be overly pixelated and even out of place. There may have been a few problems, but this still is a port of one of the all time greats, and it definitely shows. The well written story as well as lovable characters are still there. It’s a game that any PC JRPG Final Fantasy fan needs to play.
17. Epic Battle Fantasy 4
Epic Battle Fantasy 4 Boss
With 170 items for customization and 150 different skills, there’s definitely a lot to do in this epic fantasy. It is a flash game but a great one at that. It has some fun humor and doesn’t have any random battles. There is an upgrade system for equipment. As you progress further, your equipment develops as well. The story is hilarious and fun as intended to be but also very simple. It’s just your basic save the world and isn’t anything ground breaking.
One thing that fans will be able to appreciate will be that with each changing equipment, it becomes visible on the character. A real cool addition not seen in many games. Epic Battle Fantasy 4 is a fun and enjoyable game which will give you countless laughs.
16. Legend of Heroes: Trail In The Skys SC
Trails In The Sky SC Hard Mode.
The story takes place a few hours after the first chapter where Estelle and her brother Joshua find out a conspiracy is taking place to overthrow the queen. Joshua has disappeared and Estelle heads out to look for him. Here she faces characters from the original as well as meeting new ones along the way. The first part of the game was great, as is the second installment. It has an engaging story which has built upon the first one. It is long but very rewarding.
It also has a phenomenal soundtrack and an overall beautiful game. The gameplay is similar to the first, and that is a good thing. Stories in JRPGs are put on a pedestal as fans expect a journey worthy of praise. Legend Of Heroes has that and deserves all the praise it has received. The soundtrack fits in well as well creating an incredible sequel above the original.
15. Megadimension Neptunia 7
Neptunia Demension Gameplay
With three different chapters, there are three different stories waiting to be told. Each revolves around the Gold Third. They’re a group of four members whose goal is to take over the four nations in Hyperdimension. Compared to predecessors in the series, Neptunia 7 still has moments of laughter in its story but has also made the story more serious. The soundtrack is fantastic and sets the tone for what is happening.
The gameplay has improved as well, as support characters give certain stat boosts. Playable characters have also gained different moves and abilities. The game boasts having three different worlds and three different stories. There is a bit of level grinding and the coliseum battles can be quite difficult. Neptunia 7 still does a lot well with a fun new gameplay and a story with humor but still serious. The battle for best girl is a battle worth enjoying.
14. LiEat
LiEat Episode 1
Efina turns lies into physical beings and eats them. It’s weird but oddly enough it works. The story is broken up into three chapters that all PC gamers can enjoy. There are also multiple endings depending on what you choose to do. It’s a cute game with its own set of charms. The game is aesthetically pleasing and has some wonderful artwork. That being said, the game is really easy and the battle system doesn’t really stand out.
All in all, LiEat is a fun and cute, and is definitely a feel good game. Beating monsters and eating them is how you survive in this game.
13. Learn Japanese To Survive! Hiragana Battle
Learn Japanese To Survive! Steam Gameplay
A JRPG that helps you learn a language is something you don’t hear about quite often. Hiragana Battle does just that. The characters in the story learn Hiragana as do you. The gameplay is that of matching the Hiragana to the Romaji, which is one of the three basic languages in Japan. The game also features quizzes to help see what you’ve learned. Fans have stated that this is a good way to get into the language.
It combines the style of a game while incorporating ways to help you learn the language. If you want to learn the language, this game is definitely one you should try.
12. Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 8 Quality Test
Squall Leonhart and his group of friends defeat a sorceress who has engaged them in battle. After her defeat, they learn that Ultimecia is the true force behind all of this. Squall then sets out to defeat her, and falls in love with an ally along the way. The brilliant Final Fantasy 8 was released originally on the PlayStation but is available for PC users. One big difference that isn’t appreciated by many fans is that the OST has been replaced for those who use Steam.
This is sad as one of the highlights of 8 is its breathtaking soundtrack. Even so, it’s still a great game. Final Fantasy 8 has gorgeous visuals and a compelling story. It revolves around love and betrayal. The gameplay is the lovable Active Time Battle and the battles are as smooth as ever. Even with the removed original OST, this is a game worth playing.
11. Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 7 PC Walkthrough
Not much can be said about Final Fantasy 7 aside from that it’s considered by many to be the greatest game of all time. That is saying a lot. The original released on PlayStation in 1997 is a classic that any and all JRPG fans should play. Luckily, the PC version holds up. The story follows first class level soldier named Cloud. He’s joined a rebel group that is against Shinra, who uses all of the world's natural life energy for their own gain.
Along the way he begins to realize that he isn’t who he thought he was and suffers from memory loss. His closest ally gets killed by the man who he once looked up to with much admiration, and he himself doesn’t know who he is. The story is one of the best you’ll find in video games, and the story is enough reason why one should pick it up. While it may not have the same charm as the original, it is a fantastic mod nonetheless. The phenomenal story and lovable characters return for this emotional journey. Whether or not you think Final Fantasy 7 is the greatest of all time, it is a game you shouldn’t pass up.
10. HyperDimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1
HyperDimension Neptunia Gameplay
Neptune is one of four goddesses and is in a drawn out fight known as the console war. After a battle against the other three, she loses consciousness only to wake up and have amnesia. She decides to join a monster hunter known as Compa to defeat monsters together. The second HyperDimension on this list and definitely the best one. The game is quite hard with some incredibly difficult bosses, something that doesn’t seem like it would be the case at first glance.
You play with 3 characters on the field as well as 3 characters as support. There is some grinding involved, but that’s nothing new. It has an interesting story with some fun and lovable characters. It is pretty difficult, but as long as you grind it out then it’s not an issue. The art is great as is the sound, making this a great addition to the HyperDimension series.
9. Crosscode
CrossCode gameplay
Lea is the protagonist who has lost her memory and is mute, as in she can’t speak. The only way she can regain her memories is by playing CrossWorlds. Here she learns hidden secrets and why she’s in this game in the first place. A 2D action RPG with graphics resembling that of SNES combined with an incredible story and fast action gameplay. Crosscode is a truly great game.
The puzzles require a lot of thinking and the visuals are great. The enemies pack quite the fight and require strategy to deal with. There are a ton of side quests which are a ton of fun. There is a lot of exploring to do in them and never feel like a hassle. If you're a fan of classic RPGs, then this is one you must pick up.
8. Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey
Atelier Firis Steam Gameplay
Firis is a young girl who wishes to explore the world rather than stay in her boring town. She befriends Sophie and Plachta who were the main characters of the previous game, and they teach her alchemy. Firis is told she’s allowed to leave the town as long as she passes the alchemist certification exam, or she must stay at home. She then begins her journey to become an alchemist. It’s the second game in the “Mysterious Saga” and it’s a good one at that.
The area map is larger than that of the previous game. Before you would choose a location on the world map and travel there. Now the whole world map is connected making for a much more organized adventure. The story is cut up into two parts. Weapons give characters different abilities so it's wise to think before giving characters certain weapons. The exploration is free and you no longer need to return home. It’s a fun game full of adventure and things to do.
7. God Eater 2 Rage Burst
Rage Burst Weapons Gameplay
The Blood special units is a unit of people with special abilities known as “Blood Power.” When they learn something has happened at the Spiral Tree. They go to investigate and are surprised at what they find. What a great story this game has. The story is more than enough in itself to justify making the purchase. For some people this game is comparable to Monster Hunter but easier and less of a grind.
There is a new mechanism added to the game known as “Blood Rage.” By attacking more enemies, a yellow gauge fills up which will come in handy for players. The visuals for the game are absolutely stunning. The customization is great and has a lot for players to do. The battles are fun and satisfying, with the music fitting the tone of each moment.
6. Akiba’s Trip: Undead And Undressed
Akiba’s Trip Gameplay
In Akihabara, a shopping area in Japan, creatures known as Synthisters are attacking people and eat their social energy to continue living. The only way to beat them is with sunlight, so prepare to strip them so their bodies are completely exposed to the big bright sun. Akihabara has been turned virtual and the result is very satisfying. The game itself is incredibly beautiful. The colors are vivid and it truly feels like you're in Akihabara.
The battle system is actually quite strange as it involves stripping the opponent to beat them. It’s quite strange but the brawling aspect is actually quite cool. The customization is massive and deep. Overall the game is very light hearted and fun. It doesn’t make much sense but it doesn’t need to. It wasn’t made to make sense. A visually stunning game and one that’ll have you spending hours stripping enemies.
5. Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 9 PC Gameplay
My personal favorite game of all time. Final Fantasy 9 is one of the best, and to me the best, game in the massive series of Final Fantasy. The brilliant characters and the equally brilliant story makes this entry in the Final Fantasy series stand out. It follows Zidane and his group of bandit friends who are off to kidnap the princess Garnet. Little do they know that the princess wants to be kidnapped and escape the kingdom.
What follows next are twist and turns that were hard to see coming and moments of pure beauty. The PC version has the same port as the mobile, but it’s still great in its own right. Fantastic stories, a brilliantly well written story, and more makes this game and absolute masterpiece. If you’ve never played Final Fantasy 9 or even if you have, try it/try it again. It’s an unforgettable journey with some incredible moments. The characters are all lovable and the soundtrack is one of the best in the series. A true spectacle that one shouldn’t miss out on.
4. YS Origin
YS Origin Boss Gameplay
The land of YS is a beautiful world where inhabitants lived peacefully. That is until demons decided to invade. An all out war began and the goddess of YS had disappeared. A search party was created as YS would not be able to survive under these circumstances. Ys Origin plays more like a hack and slash than it does a RPG. There are two playable characters with a third one being unlocked when you beat the game with the other two.
The characters play very differently from each other. It is a difficult game, though the difficulty can be adjusted. The gameplay is fun and adventurous, and the soundtrack is solid throughout. The game has a Arena Bonus Mode as well as a Boss Rush Mode. These are fun modes that give you certain rewards. YS Origin is a fun and interesting game with plenty of enjoyment to go around.
3. Final Fantasy 14
Final Fantasy 14 Gameplay
The land of Eorzea has been mostly ruined due to a devastating event. The player travels five years into the future where Eorzea is still being built, but is about to be attacked by an empire from the north. The brilliant Final Fantasy 14 was released to much complains of fans. With numerous complaints, Square Enix decided to release the newer and much improved version, A Realm Reborn.
It takes the negatives of the original and turns them into positives. The graphics look splendid and the attention to detail is appreciated.The soundtrack is phenomenal as one would expect from a game from the Final Fantasy franchise. The class system is large and a joy to dive into. The gameplay takes a bit to get used to, but is great nonetheless. A Realm Reborn is an experience every PC gamer deserves to play.
2. Tales of Berseria
Tales of Berseria Gameplay
Velvet’s older sister is killed by a disease on a night known as the Scarlet Night. Years later it returns and she witnesses her brother-in-law, who once saved her when she was a child, now slaughter her own brother in a ritual that will keep him safe. Years later he is seen as a hero and Velvet is out to get her revenge. The story is a dark one rather than light hearted and fun where revenge is the main driving factor.
An incredible story is Tales Of Berseria’s strong point, and that’s saying something considering all of the strengths. The world is gorgeous and a fun to go through. Battles are very fun as you get to create combos and dish them out on enemies. The characters are also great and all feel fresh. The fluid cutscenes are incredible and the artwork is especially gorgeous. Berseria is a game that is one of the best JRPGs one can find on the PC.
1. Final Fantasy X/X2 HD Remastered
FFX HD Remastered new features
Tidus is a blitzball player and a famous one at that. His hometown of Zanarkand is attacked by a monster known as Sin in the middle of his match. He finds himself in the world of Spira. Here he learns of the truth behind his father and the monster that attacked his hometown. This comes two in one and that definitely serves as a plus. Final Fantasy X is an incredible game which deserves all the praise it gets. Of course being HD remastered, the game looks excellent. The story of FFX is amazing as is the breathtakingly good soundtrack.
The gameplay is traditionally turn based, but adds some interesting perks thanks to things like customization. FFX2 is good as well, though not as good as the predecessor. It’s still an enjoyable game nonetheless and definitely appreciated. This time the female companions from the original get a chance to shine. Even though most will go straight for FFX, and rightfully so, FFX2 is still a good game. Overall, if you are a PC gamer who enjoys JRPGs, FFX/X2 is a game you must play, as it is the best JRPG currently on PC.
PC Fans Rejoice
There are some incredible JRPGs on the PC as this list shows. PC gamers will definitely be thrilled to know there are so many great games for this genre that they can play. These 25 are the cream of the crop and ones that fans should definitely check out. Some of these will be games fans will recognize, and others not so much. Still, these are the 25 best JRPGs on the PC that will have fans sharpening their tools, and getting ready to head out on an adventure.