As WoW players, can we all agree to these 15 points?
World of Warcraft has a very rich culture. The game’s history is full of entertaining Easter eggs, almighty cockroaches, and tauren of unusual sizes. Many of these elements lie close to the hearts of the fans and others… not so much. This is a list of 15 memorable experiences and elements from the game that every World of Warcraft player can understand
1. Selecting Faction
Alliance human. One of the most played races in the game.
If you’re over 12 you’re automatically on the Horde side. The WoW community has undisputable evidence that all Alliance players are prepubescent boys that at some point made advances on your mother. It sounds an awful lot like Call of Duty actually. Of course this isn’t true… supposedly
2. Getting Murdered by Turtles as a Level 1 Noob
You know this has happened to you! #TrueStory
It doesn’t have to be turtles. It could be bats, rats, cats, or gnats. The point is, at one point in time all players were noobs. All players bought gear from the armor vendor, and all players got wrecked by critters.
3. Therapeutically Killing Murlocs
Murlocs make such good punching bags.
The Murloc is Blizzard’s greatest mistake. No other creature is so profoundly annoying and stupid. The sound they make is somehow both nauseating and catchy. Once you've heard the call of the Murloc you will never forget, never ever forget.
4. Dancing For Gold
Isn't it beautiful?
We’ve all been there and there is no shame in it. There were those times when you ran out of gold and couldn’t afford to repair your gear. So instead of begging for gold in trade chat you logged on to your sexiest toon, went to your main city, and danced your way to fortune and glory. I learned that this does not work well with blood elf males or dwarves.
5. Too Many Mammoths!
Nope, they are not extinct.
It is quite astounding how durable the World of Warcraft NPC's are since they have to deal with daily stampedes of Wooly Mammoths. If you are the person that blocks the quest giver with your oversized elephant mount, we all hate you.
6.Getting Camped
It really is though.
Getting destroyed by level 100's while you're questing through Stranglethorn just sucks. Again, this is only fun when you are dishing it out. If you play on a PvP server then just know that this will happen to you. You’re playing all happy like with your level 33 warrior until some level 100 priest of doom shows up and spawn camps you until you log off. Try again in 30 minutes.
7. This "Thing"
You don't want to get in a fight with this guy!
Discovering an undead riding a T-Rex while wielding a massive cannon on top of a mega shark is not normal, except in World of Warcraft. It is things like this that really set Blizzard apart as a game developer from other companies. Who doesn't want to fight Mr. Epicus Maximus? Yup, that is his name.
8. Killing Gamon or Hogger
I think Gamon takes the price here but the Alliance does have Hogger. These are probably the most ridiculed, slandered, and consistently murdered mobs in the game. No one can remember how it started, but we all know that every day these mobs must die, and die, and then die again. Bonus points if you can kite them halfway across Azeroth! Check out Wowcrendors rap battle.
9. Fishing in Stormwind
Cholera for everybody!
This should not be allowed. You might catch a fish or even get a fun little surprise achievement, but odds are that the only thing you'll get is cholera. Just image what people throw in that water! At least it’s better than Undercity…
10. Graveyard Running
The long run back to your body...
This has been mostly remedied in later expansions, but many of us still remember when there were too few graveyards and running back to your body took forever. Remember when there was only one graveyard in desolace? Not a good time!
11. Leeroy Jenkins
The wonderful achievement for being able to down an obnoxius amount of dragonlings in a very short period of time. Everyone on WoW knows about Leeroy Jenkins, and everyone has seen some adaptation based on the original. Here is the 2005 video that started it all.
12. Walking Because You Can't Afford Riding
Too poor to ride.
Riding is super expensive and most of us couldn’t afford the flying mounts on our first toons. It’s nice and all that Warlords of Draenor doesn’t have flying, but we spent lots of gold on that. Walking is a sign that you’re poor, and that is just the way it is.
13. Wiping Over and Over in Raids
Wiping is one of the worst things that can happen to a raid.
We’ve all been there, especially since the onset of LFR, and it sucks. There have been countless LFR groups that wipe, wipe, and wipe until the group gives up and disbands. Bad raid groups are like a nasty bowel movement. You keep wiping and it never gets better. You don't want to be stuck staring at this loading screen over and over.
14. Hating Tuesdays
Serious first world problems.
There have been so many Tuesdays I’ve had off of work planning to play WoW the whole day instead. Then I log in and remember that it’s maintenance day… Estimated time of completion starts at 11 am, then 12 am, and then 1 pm. Yeah, Tuesdays aren’t all that great.
15. Achievement Hunting
Whoever thought of this at Blizzard deserves a raise.
Almost all games these days have a huge list of achievements, but World of Warcraft takes the crown. With well over 2000 achievements and several hundred feats of strength, there is always something to do in WoW. Some are fun and have you traveling the world killing critters; others are pointless like falling to your death or leading orphans around your faction capitol.
These are things that all World of Warcraft players can relate too. Let us know in the comments what you think and what your absolute favorite memories of WoW are.