Meet the Heroes of the Storm characters - all 36 of them!!
Kerrigan, Thrall, Diablo … these are some of the most cherished characters in gaming history. Blizzard’s Heroes of the Storm gathers these celebrated heroes and more in one package…. But can you match the name to the face of everyone in the game’s 36-strong roster?
No? Well, fear not! In the spirit of public service, we’re here to provide you a handy list of all of Heroes of the Storm’s playable hero units. For simplicity’s sake, we’ve categorized them according to the four hero types – Assassin, Warrior, Support, and Specialist. So, without further ado, here are your Heroes of the Storm characters!
Assassin Heroes:
1. Thrall
Heroic liberator and Warchief of the Horde
Born to slavery, Thrall eventually gained his freedom, allowing him to liberate his fellow orcs, who had been imprisoned by humans after the Second War. Thrall then led them across the sea, where they founded Ogrimmar city in the continent of Kalimdor. Allying with the trolls, tauren, and goblins, he became Warchief of the Horde, and aided the Alliance in the war against the demonic Burning Legion.
A powerful shaman, Thrall is capable of rending the earth, and frying the opposition with a chain lightning spell. He can even sic fiery wolf spirits on enemies. Playtime with Fido had never been so blisteringly intense!
2. Jaina Proudmoore
Peace at the edge of her spear
After the devastating Scourge invasion of Lordaeron, Jaina Proudmoore guided the survivors of her fallen kingdom to safety. Though a master of the arcane and a gifted warrior to boot, she believes in peace above all else, and only resorts to violence once diplomacy has failed.
As an archmage, Jaina blasts through the opposition with waves of water and ice magic. Her attacks chill enemies, slowing their movements down to a crawl. And when feeling extra spiteful, she can summon a mighty water elemental with a penchant for sending enemies to a watery grave.
Ex-soldier. Notorious felon. Total badass. Tychus Findlay is the toughest outlaw in the Korpulu Sector. Ally to Jim Raynor and a ferocious force on the battlefield, Tychus hits hard and hits fast, and he does it all with the cold efficiency of a black-hearted sociopath.
Tychus is all about big guns and big explosions – and the bigger, the better. His minigun is unique in that it’s slow to start but gains speed the longer he peppers enemy combatants with bullets. And when the situation calls for it, he either calls down a massive laser drill to wreak havoc on foes, or pilots the gargantuan Odin mecha – which is basically death on two, robot legs.
4. Kerrigan
Vengeance never looked this good
She’s one of the most recognizable faces in video gaming, and easily a favorite among Heroes of the Storm characters. Kerrigan was once a Terran ghost, until she was left for dead by Arcturus Mengsk. Unbeknown to her betrayer and former friends, the Zerg had plans for her, transforming her into monster with limitless psionic potential. Now she lords over the Zerg as the ruthless Queen of Blades – arguably the most dominant force in the Korpulu Sector. Recently, her intentions have taken a nobler route, with her sights set on destroying Amon, the Dark God threatening the existence of all life in the galaxy.
In battle, Kerrigan makes use of savage leaping attacks and piercing blades to perforate enemies. With her spines, she pulls enemy units towards her for a tight, fatal embrace. Her ultimate moves include summoning a gargantuan Zerg ultralisk that slashes its way into battle, and channeling a powerful psionic storm that blasts all nearby enemies into the next world.
5. Nova
That's one kiss you'll likely never forget
A gifted psionic, Nova serves as a ghost for the Terran Dominion. Her unparalleled skills and uncanny dedication to getting the job done have earned her a fearsome reputation, so much so that even the likes of Jim Raynor would think twice before crossing her.
Despite her stunning looks, Nova prefers to remain unseen, and so she automatically cloaks after 3 seconds out of combat. She’s also master sniper, offing targets from afar, or pinning them in place with a single, well-placed shot. She confuses enemies by creating holograms, and can call down a powerful precision strike that deals heavy damage to all caught in the blast.
As the High Thane of the Wildhammer Clan, Falstad was instrumental in the founding of the Council of Three Hammers – the regency ruling over the Kingdon of Ironforge post-Cataclysm. Also called Dragonreaver, Falstad has the favor of the red dragons due to his role in the rescue of the Dragonqueen.
A gryphon rider, Falstad has the advantage of speed and high altitude, raining death from above with his boomeranging hammer and searing lightning strikes. He can also hinder movement and even push enemy units off their feet with vicious gusts of wind.
7. Valla
Fear the woman who can fight in high heels
Valla was the lone survivor of a hellish invasion that slaughtered everyone in her village. The traumatic experience filled her with a fury she couldn’t contain – until the Demon Hunters found her. Devoted to ridding Sanctuary of demonic pestilence, they gave her rage direction and honed her skills. With her new family, Valla now vows to eradicate all evil plaguing the lands. And she’ll do all that in high heels and a corset tight enough to crush lesser ribcages.
A prodigy with the crossbow, Valla fires multiple arrows simultaneously in a wide arc, and special arrows that attack in a chain. She can even rain arrows on competitors. She also boasts the agility of a champion gymnast, able to somersault to safety, and shoot her arrows while pirouetting like a top. It’s now wonder she’s one of the most popular Heroes of the Storm characters!
8. Illidan
Blind as a vampire bat
Named the “Betrayer” and imprisoned for 10,000 years for permitting the Burning Legion entry into his homeland, Illidan Stormrage was freed by Tyrande Whisperwind to atone for his sins. But the power-hungry Illidan sided with the Legion again, leading to his permanent banishment. Now he rules the shattered realm Outland with an iron fist, annihilating all who would oppose him.
Illidan uses his superior athleticism to his advantage, diving into combat swinging his twin blades, and dodging enemies with ease. His attacks have a vampiric quality, siphoning life energy from his targets to heal his wounds. At his most malevolent, he exterminates foes with a brutal charge, or transforms into a heinous demon capable of lightning-quick strikes and stealing the health of his enemies.
9. Raynor
Fighting for peace and justice
A former marshal on some backwater colony, Jim Raynor played a key role in the revolution to abolish the tyrannical Terran Confederacy. But the revolution’s leader, Arcturus Mengsk, turned out to be a genocidal psychopath, so Raynor turned his attention to bringing his ex-boss to justice. Though he’s got the Zerg – who are bent on the domination of every species – to worry about, too, it was his faith in Kerrigan that ultimately transformed her into a more heroic figure.
A beacon of hope in a sector torn apart by conflict, Raynor is an inspiration to allies, temporarily boosting their attack speed as well as his own. He’s a master marksman capable of demolishing foes with a single penetrating round. He can also summon two Raiders to assist him in combat, or the colossal Hyperion battleship to lay waste to all unfortunate enough to enter its shadow.
10. Zeratul
Not a fan of Amon
Without the help of dark templar Zeratul, the Zerg Overmind would have never been destroyed. Zeratul is also responsible for uncovering the secret experiments breeding Zerg-Protoss hybrids for Amon – the fallen Xel’naga who seeks to destroy all species in the Korpulu Sector. It is now his quest to stop Amon at all costs, which means allying himself with Jim Raynor and even Kerrigan.
Zeratul is a renowned psionic assassin and warrior. As such, he turns invisible outside combat. He cleaves through nearby enemies with his blade, and punishes them with a fling of a singularity spike. He can also teleport. His most dangerous abilities include being able to slow time in a specific area and attacking at furious speeds. It’s no surprise he’s one of the most-picked Heroes of the Storm characters!
11. Kael’thas
Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider was once a master mage of Dalaran. When Quel’thalas fell to the Scourge, he renamed the survivors “blood elves” in honor of those who had died during the invasion. His people having become a slave to an addiction to arcane magic, Kael’thas vowed to find the cure for the malady – which led him to ally himself with Illidan and, later, the Burning Legion.
Kael’thas activates Verdant Spheres to empower basic attacks. His fire-based attacks burn enemies and can even cause explosions. He can also stun up to three opponents simultaneously. His most dangerous skills include the ability to summon a phoenix that attacks all units in its path, and a huge, slow-moving fireball that incinerates all competitors hit. One of the most intimidating Heroes of the Storm characters!
Warrior Heroes:
12. Anub’arak
His spider-sense is tingling
Once Azjol-Nerub’s proud Spider King, the towering monstrosity Anub’arak fell during an invasion led by the Lich King. He was then resurrected and forced into servitude as the undead Traitor King.
Anub’arak likes to lord over insects, so every time he casts a spell, a scarab beetle is born. He can quickly burrow underground and then resurface to impale foes, and harden his carapace to give opponents a tougher fight. When royally pissed, he summons a ravenous swarm of locusts to deal periodic damage to enemies standing near him, or weaves a strong enough web to ensnare a single hero for eight seconds.
13. Chen
Kung fu pandaren
Chen Stormstout is many things in one: a wandering adventurer, a mighty warrior, one of Mother Nature’s biggest fans, and of course, a Brewmaster. Forever on the lookout for wondrous tales, rare ingredients, and a good drink, the globetrotting pandaren has been to the many corners of Azeroth, and has participated in many of the world’s most groundbreaking events.
Chen likes to drink, and for good reason: it augments his armor! This pandaren also brings his martial arts expertise, fiery breath, and enormous barrel to the battlefield. He can even split himself into three elemental spirits, each with its own special techniques.
14. Stitches
He just wants to play!
A creation of the depraved Abercrombie the Embalmer, Stiches is a towering mass of rotting, undead flesh sent to terrorize the populace of the village of Darkshire. Now the abomination roams Duskwood, slaughtering and feasting upon all unfortunate enough to cross his path, and… looking for friends to play with?
When it comes to Heroes of the Storm characters, Stiches is a clear favorite, and it’s easy to see why. Stitches is a force to be reckoned, not only because of the ease with which he wields his enormous hook and cleaver, but also because he emits a poisonous gas cloud every time he’s hit. Perhaps the most dangerous thing about him, however, is his ability to gobble minions and heroes up. This nasty brute can also vomit putrid bile, damaging and slowing down opponents while improving his own movement speed. Not to be taken lightly!
15. Arthas
The cold never bothered him anyway
Though he’s one of the most popular Heroes of the Storm characters, Arthas is one frozen heart that won’t be letting it go any time soon. Arthas Menethil was once the idealistic yet impatient prince of Lordaeron. In his desire to gain the power necessary to destroy the undead Scourge endangering his home, he was tricked into wielding the blade Frostmourne. Doing so cursed him, transforming him into a Death Knight. Now, as the Lich King of the Scourge, he is the nemesis of all things living, not to mention he’s a major pain in the posterior at summer beach parties.
Arthas brings his chilly persona to the arena, damaging and slowing down foes with ice-based attacks. But when he’s feeling extra mean, he can also summon an army of undead ghouls, or a huge skeletal dragon capable of dishing out ridiculous amounts of pain.
16. Diablo
Diablo, experiencing having breasts for the first time
Diablo, Lord of Terror, and the youngest of the Prime Evils. His fiendish machinations have embroiled the realm of Sanctuary in horror and chaos, claiming countless victims, and even spurning the angels of the High Heavens to intervene in mortal affairs. Though this devilish brute is no stranger to defeat, he is exceedingly resilient, never failing to return more powerful than ever – even if it means undergoing a sex change and growing breasts.
On the battlefield, Diablo enjoys throwing his weight around with fire-based and physical attacks, such as a grappling move that positions an enemy behind him. He also consumes the souls of the slain to increase his health. When feeling particularly evil, he likes placing exploding runes under opposing heroes, or lighting the place up with his fearsome lightning breath. One of the most terrifying Heroes of the Storm characters!
17. Tyrael
The faceless face of justice
As the Archangel of Justice, Tyrael has always had a soft spot for the mere mortals of Sanctuary – an enduring sentiment that has often put him at loggerheads with his fellow Archangels. Not one to care about what others think of him (haters gonna hate), he continues to serve as defender of humanity. With the holy sword El’druin in hand, he slays any and all demons who dare threaten those under his protection.
Fueled by righteous indignation, Tyrael smites evil by flinging his sword into the thick of battle. His divine aura shields him and allies from damage. He bowls over enemies with a vigorous charge attack, while his sanctification spell gives nearby friends temporary invulnerability. And when he dies, he explodes – which, you have to admit, is a pretty darn awesome way to go.
Nothing screams rock n’ roll more than a big, hairy, horned brute wielding a giant ax.
Headbanging E.T.C. enters the fray with scorching heavy metal riffs, invigorating allies with electrifying guitar solos and melting faces off enemies with devilish tunes. But a genuine rock god thrills with more than just his brutal melodies; E.T.C. also has all the right moves, such as a powerslide that stuns foes and a vicious stage dive that deals incredible damage.
The Barbarians of the snow-coated Dreadlands have violence and savagery tattooed into their DNA. Her tribe may be long dead, and her homeland nothing more than a steaming pile of rubble, but Sonya lives on, always ready for battle, and forever looking for a way to reclaim her people’s past glory.
Sonya maims the competition with ruthless attacks, including a long range spear throw that pulls her towards the target, a seismic slam, and a whirlwind move that has her spinning around and disemboweling all in her path. Her most potent skills include leaping into the air and then crushing enemies upon landing, and transforming into fury incarnate, granting her immense attack and defense bonuses. A hack-and-slash hurricane in the right hands, Sonya needs high levels of competency to play properly.
20. Muradin
It’s hammer time!
When his stint mentoring Arthas went to hell, Muradin the dwarven mountain king was thought lost forever. But as luck would have it, Muradin didn’t die. He was in fact alive, albeit with a tiny problem of the amnesia kind. Now he and his magnificent beard serve as rulers to the Bronzebeard clan.
With his mighty hammer and ax, Muradin brings the power of the storm to the battleground. His electrifying moves can stun as well as hamper enemy movement, while a leap attack has him crashing on opponents with all the force of a meteor. He isn’t above using his fist in a battle, however, with a brutal haymaker that knocks a single foe several steps back. And when push comes to shove, he enters an avatar state that augments his health and offense.
Support Heroes:
21. Rehgar
Are you not entertained??
Before he became Warchief Thrall’s trusted advisor, Rehgar Earthfury proved his mettle in the arena as a gladiator. That life is long behind him, however; now, as a shaman, he hopes to renew a world that has been brought to its knees by endless strife.
Rehgar takes his duties as a shaman seriously, healing and shielding allies in battle. Having led his own team of warriors in the past, he also knows how to bring out the bloodlust in his allies, which vastly improves their combat prowess.
22. Brightwing
Brightening up your day!
Looking like lizards with butterfly wings, the Faerie Dragons are known for their playful nature, and for assisting the night elves in their ventures. Possessing incredible magic, they can phase in and out of existence, a talent they exploit when engaging in mischief. And the adorable (yet lethal) Brightwing is all about mischief.
While Brightwing’s abilities heal allies as well as hurt foes, perhaps her most amusing trick is turning enemies into sheep with her polymorph spell. She can also teleport, and use pixie dust to increase a target hero’s movement speed. When it comes to healers, Brightwing is one of the best Heroes of the Storm Characters.
23. Li Li
Small stature, big mouth
Li Li Stormstout had a boring childhood, until she began spending time in the library. This introduced her to the travel journals of her uncle, Chen, which awakened in her a yearning for adventure. Now, as an adventurer herself, the mischievous pandaren accompanies Chen on his journeys.
Li Li knows a thing or two about healing brews, making her a boon to all parties. But she’s far from helpless, capable of summoning elemental dragons that will have all foes running.
24. Uther
Legendary paladin, legendary beard
The legendary Uther the Lightbringer co-founded the Order of the Silver Hand, and was its first paladin. He led the Alliance in the assault on the Horde and the Dark Portal, which effectively ended the Second War. He eventually became friend and mentor to Arthas, the crown prince of Lordaeron. Noble and just, Uther is a bastion of righteousness in a world often inundated by wickedness.
Uther swings his hammer into battle, flattening all adversaries in his way. But his chief priority is the wellbeing of his allies, whom he keeps alive with a variety of healing spells. When circumstances are dire, he can summon a divine storm that scorches enemies, or bestow upon an allied hero a divine shield, making them invincible for a limited time.
25. Malfurion
Likes taking to animals
The chosen student of Cenarius, the demigod of nature, the archdruid Malfurion Stormrage has defended the night elves for millennia. Thanks to his actions, the night elves were able to fend off the demonic Burning Legion and other threats. Today, he continues the fight against those who would corrupt the sanctity of the earth.
Malfurion regenerates allies’ lost health and mana. He communes with nature, commanding roots to entangle and crush unfortunate targets. His most potent offensive spell simultaneously damages and silences enemies.
26. Tassadar
Self-sacrifice. It’s kind of his thing (Image from
A high templar with a fascination with the dark templar, Tassadar’s decision to align himself with Zeratul sparked civil war among the Protoss. Combining his own psionic powers with the dark templar’s, however, proved effective against the Zerg. This culminated in his self-sacrifice that destroyed the Zerg Overmind, causing Tassadar to transcend into a spiritual existence.
Tassadar can detect stealth units, and provide allies and himself with psionic shields. When on the offensive, he can bring down a psionic storm on enemies, or transform into an Archon, a state that highly augments his defenses. When it comes to support class units, Tassadar is one of the best Heroes of the Storm characters.
27. Tyrande
If her arrows don’t poke you in the eye, her ears or her eyebrows will
Tyrande Whisperwind helped defend her people from demonic invasion more than once. She formed the Sentinels, an army tasked with guarding their lands. A High Priestess of Elune, she now leads the kaldorei – or night elves – alongside her husband, Malfurion Stormrage.
Tyrande can heal both herself and her allies. She can command an owl to reveal all in its path, and call down a pillar of moonlight to scald enemy combatants. When the need arises, she rains death on the enemy, or renders allied heroes and herself temporarily invisible.
Specialist Heroes
28. Sylvanas
Ungrateful undead
Once an accomplished ranger-general, Sylvanas Windrunner was killed defending her homeland, Silvermoon, from the Undead Scourge. Forced into enslavement as the Death Knight Arthas’ banshee, Syvanas eventually reclaimed her freedom. Gathering other freed undead under her rule, she became the Queen of the Forsaken, who now fight alongside the Orcs in the Horde.
On the battlefield, Sylvanas’ basic attacks stun enemy units and structures for a second. Her withering fire seeks heroes, while her shadow daggers damage several units at a time provided they’re clumped together. The banshees under her control can also be used to attack foes. At her most diabolical, Sylvanas employs exploding arrows and mind control to gain an advantage over the enemy.
29. The Lost Vikings
Probably historically accurate
The Lost Vikings are a trio of warrior Vikings operating as a single unit. They had just defeated the evil, intergalactic emperor, Tomator, when they stumbled into the Nexus.
The Vikings pummel the enemy senseless with spinning attacks. When caught in a tight spot, they can jump out of harm’s way, or temporarily boost their armor. When the going gets rough, the Vikings hop into their longboat, then proceed to bombard the opposition with cannon and mortar fire. Alternatively, they can immediately resurrect dead Vikings and gather them all in on spot. Never down for long and always eager for battle, the Vikings also boast the fastest respawn times in the game.
30. Azmodan
As ugly as sin
Azmodan is the Lord of Sin and one of the Lesser Evils – a group of butt-ugly demons reigning over the Burning Hells. As part of a scheme to control all the Hells for himself, Azmodan banished Diablo to Sanctuary. He then picked a fight with another Lesser Evil named Belial, embroiling the Hells in civil war. Ever the greedy demon, he has also set his sights on conquering Sanctuary.
Azmodan and his giant nipple rings may inspire fear and disgust, but as a general and master tactician, he also inspires allies, granting them additional health and the ability to cause more damage. He can summon demons – from warriors and lieutenants to a small army of grunts – and even incinerate foes with fire-based specials. At his nastiest, he creates a black pool around himself and his allies, temporarily augmenting their strength.
31. Zagara
Mama Zagara
The ambitious Zagara serves her Queen, Kerrigan, by being mother to the Zerg brood. This proud mama is devious, unyielding, and utterly without mercy, doing whatever it takes to ensure the survival of her children.
As you can guess, the broodmother’s game is all about spawning her little Zerg monstrosities all over the battlefield. She carpets the floor with disgusting creep tumor, which improves the mobility and regeneration rate of her kiddies. She can also create a Nydus Network to facilitate safe and instantaneous travel over vast distances, or summon a horrific maw that devours everything caught between its teeth.
32. Murky
The face of vengeance
Murlocs have it rough in the Warcraft universe. An ancient, frog-like race, they are often the target of hunters and the occasional passerby who’s just looking for something soft and fleshy to test his new sword on. But baby murloc Murky has been watching. And it will be a cold day in hell before he lets the crimes against his species go unpunished.
Murky likes things slimy, as the green goo hampers enemy movement, giving him ample opportunity to spit exploding pufferfish at them. When situations get sticky, he encases himself in a bubble shield and escapes, only to return with a vengeance, tagging along with him either a small legion of murlocs or an angry octopus. Murky also lays eggs that reveals a target location. Upon death, he respawns at the egg, which only means one thing - he can give birth to himself. Weird.
33. Nazeebo
Freakshow on the loose
A master of voodoo, the Witch Doctor Nazeebo is a blood-curdling presence on the battlefield, so much so that even the demons he hunts flinch at the sight of him.
Ritualistic incantations have coated his basic attacks with poison. His communion with the spirits of the Unformed Land lends him occult power, allowing him to summon a variety of monstrosities, including swarms of corpse spiders and exploding toads, zombies that form a defensive wall at a desired location, and the terrifying gargantuan. He can also channel a ravenous spirit, a powerful entity that slices and dices its way into the thick of battle. A strange pick, but undoubtedly one of the most impressive Heroes of the Storm characters.
34. Gazlowe
Hopefully his next invention doesn’t blow up in his face (Image from
Once a thief, the goblin Gazlowe served Thrall as his chief engineer during the early days of Orgrimmar city. Now he manages one of Kalimdor’s biggest port towns, and is one of the most respected individuals in the goblin community.
Gazlowe rides into battle with one of his inventions – a mechanical exoskeleton that packs quite a punch. He lays down proximity mines and zaps foes with a charged electric strike. He can also create turrets on the fly. Gazlowe is a salvager, collecting scrap from destroyed structures to restore mana and speed up ability cooldown. And when things heat up, his robo-goblin powers up to become a more lethal tool of destruction, or he drops a grav-o-bomb 3000, which sucks in enemies to deal heavy damage. One of the more complicated Heroes of the Storm characters, only an expert can use Gazlowe effectively.
Abathur loathes chaos to such a degree that we can safely say he’s suffering from obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. His passion, as you can expect, is order and perfection, particularly in the organisms that enter his laboratory. As the Zerg’s evolution master, his job is to ensure creatures are at the peak of their evolutionary potential – a job he’s doing quite well, thank you very much.
Abathur spawns mines and locusts, as well as gifts allied units or structures with armor and new abilities. The work he’s proudest of involves transforming minions into more lethal monstrosities, and creating perfect clones of allied hero units. One of the trickier Heroes of the Storm characters to play.
36. Sgt. Hammer
Girl loves her tanks
Sergeant Bama Kowalski, also known as “the Hammer,” likes ‘em big. And they don’t get more massive than a lumbering siege tank.
Sgt. Hammer’s tank can transform into a stationary siege weapon, which, thanks to its long range and power, is perfect for destroying enemy structures. Its artillery deals greater damage from afar, but when up close, the tank can lay spider mines or decimate foes with concussive blasts. Unleashing the full potential of her tank, Sgt. Hammer can have it fire a single, powerful missile, or call down a napalm strike to obliterate all in the affected area. Definitely one of the most explosive Heroes of the Storm characters!
And so there you have it, all 36 Heroes of the Storm characters. Take your pick!
So, been playing any Heroes o the Storm lately? Who are your favorite Heroes of the Storm characters, and why? Please share your opinions with us in the comments section below!