Can you survive a dystopian future...

A woman turns "psycho" due to overusing implants and substances. When humans overdose on these innovations, their bodies start to rebel and turn violent against anything organic around them.
Too many boosters, too many shots of technofluid. Your enhanced lenses flare, then sputter out in a burst of static. Brain-extension in overload from all the drugs, wild thoughts of murder and revenge spin through your brain. The stupid meatbags walking the street around you are worthless, they deserve to die. Your body lurches violently. It feels sort of out of control when you reach for your weapon, but in a great way, a dark way, an exciting way. Getting ready to fire, you have visions of meatbag bodies strewn over the pavement. You can wreak havoc, so long as the Psycho squad doesn't get you first…Set in a near-future earth where technology has gone horribly wrong, Cyberpunk will have you addicted from the first hit.
Are you ready for Cyberpunk 2077?

Futuristic cops are called in to handle cases of mass murdering "psychos"
We’ve come to expect great things from Polish game developers CD Projekt Red and I for one can't wait for the Cyberpunk 2077 release date to be made public. It’s been a hotly anticipated game since CD Projekt Red announced the project in 2012. They've been tantalising us with rumours of a lurid "dark future" in 2077 where artificial intelligence rules the universe and sophisticated techno-bots provide pleasure and menace in equal proportions. As managing director Adam Badowski puts it, technology has become "both the salvation and the curse of humanity."
Cyberpunk 2077 is billed as a ‘true RPG’. The story sets you down into the sprawling, seedy metropolis of Night City. It’s nonlinear story and sandbox elements are designed for ‘mature’ gamers. Although it is primarily a RPG, CD Projekt Red promises that it will also have some aspects of a multiplayer game.
CD Projekt Red announces Cyberpunk 2077
Rumours surround the Cyberpunk 2077 release date...

A view of the Cyberpunk 2077 world where humans and cyborgs co-exist
When are we going to get our hands on Cyberpunk 2077? Rumour has it that this year is off the cards, and even a 2016 release date is looking more and more unlikely.
Managing director Adam Badowski has admitted recently that the company has its entire focus on The Witcher 3 at the moment, with the result that the Cyberpunk 2077 release date has been pushed back to 2016. Cyberpunk will continue to take a back seat until The Witcher 3 is out.
When Adam Badowski recently spoke to Game Pressure, he said "The moment we announced 'Cyberpunk 2077', we certainly got busy with it. Later on, it turned out that we needed help in completing 'The Witcher 3.' We have put a large part of the team to work on finishing the game. Once it's released, we'll be able to focus on 'Cyberpunk 2077.' After all, we haven't announce its release date so no one can complain."
At least he’s honest about the Cyberpunk 2077 release date. We know that CD Projekt Red isn’t a huge development company like Ubisoft after all. No one can argue that concentrating on The Witcher 3 isn’t a good thing – I’m looking forward to getting my dirty little hands all over that one just as much!
I’m not ashamed to admit I’m one of those nerdy kids who was obsessed with Bladerunner, watching it repeatedly (shows my age, too, I know!). If you’re familiar with it, you’ll feel right at home here in this grunge dystopia, awesomely updated to bring us right into the 21st Century and beyond. Call me a masochist but I just love that bleak, nihilistic feeling in the trailer. Mmm! Give me more!
Badowski has revealed that, when the Cyberpunk 2077 release date finally comes around, the game will "feature a dystopian futuristic world in which ultra-modern technology co-exists with a degenerated human society."
What are some new things we can expect?
Cyberpunk 2077 is bigger, darker and more dangerous than its predecessor, Cyberpunk 2020. There will be lots of players you don’t know about and a wider story arc. Veterans of the first game will be able to see how ideas progress and are taken further than you ever thought possible, right to the bitter end. As creator Mike Pondsmith comments darkly “the street finds its uses for things”.
Creator Mike Pondsmith riffs on Cyberpunk
So go get a punk haircut, get some piercings, get desperate and dangerous, plunge yourself into Cyberpunk 2077 as soon as you can!