If you have played Dota 2 long enough, you'll understand that comeback is real...
Let's take a look at some of the most exciting comebacks in Dota 2.
10. Mouz vs Fnatic
2:24, Naga Siren kills Alchemist and both Pugna and Skywrath Mage can't do anything to stop her because of that well-timed BKB pop.
After losing their barracks on top and mid lane, Fnatic decided to go all-in with a final push and a Divine Rapier on Alchemist. BigDaddy fearlessly went straight for the remaining mid towers, hoping to expose the ancient. But he had no BKB, relying only on his ultimate and overall tankiness.
Spell Immunity is crucial when you want to push without being interrupted, especially by a team with multiple stuns and strong disables. In this case, Black King Bar could have been Fnatic's key to victory.
Mouz made Alchemist pay for his reckless decision. Nature's Prophet with his newly obtained Divine Rapier, along with Naga Siren teleported to the Dire's ancient to deliver the killing blow.
9. Empire vs NiP
2:35, a Call Down on two heroes, an important kill goes to Gyrocopter.
1-18 is a sad score to have, especially when your enemy has both heavy nukes and brute force. Night Stalker had completely shut down all the squishy casters, creating enough space for his allies. Empire, however, didn't give up, and found the opening they were looking for, killing Lina.
That allowed them to buy much needed items, such as a Black King Bar for Gyrocopter and Eul's Scepter for Jakiro, which made escaping ganks and getting solo pick-offs much easier. They quickly and carefully made their way back into the game. Playing safe and sticking was really important. Empire gave NiP no chance to recover or disrupt their plans.
8. Na'Vi vs. Orange.Neolution
5:08, you dont see Aegis denials very often. If ever.
Orange.Neolution had tons of stuns, huge teamfight spells, escapes, disables giving then an early game advantage. All that opposed to Na'Vi's squishiness and moderate damage output. Orange.Neolution had all the tools they needed to shut down Puppey's Black Hole's and even catch the elusive Puck. With excellent map control and reaction they countered every gank attempt from Na'Vi.
After another successful fight and quick Roshan kill, Windranger denied the Aegis. That was the mistake Na'Vi were waiting for. The Dire team's confusion made them lose a big fight near Radiant's ancient camp and this got Na'Vi get back into the game.
7. PR vs NiP
1:50, Chronosphere catches four, turning the tides in PR's favor.
With Hero kills almost tied, both teams have the combos and items they needed. The only thing PR lacked was crowd contol, which made them lose the fight near the Dire ancient camp. Axe, Disruptor and Venomancer did a great job by keeping everyone at bay, leaving Void vulnerable and Juggernaunt on the loose.
Two reckless fights cost PR two sets of barracks. But when NiP smoked up and went for another push, chshrct landed a perfect Chronosphere, by predicting the enemy team's movement. He caught four enemy heroes, and Witch Doctor and Necrophos joined him immediately, with immense follow-up damage from a Death Ward and Reaper's Scythe.
6. EG vs Newbee
0:25 and 1:52, game-changing Hookshots by UNiVeRsE.
EG did a great job protecting their core and creating space for him in fights. Even after being utterly dominated in early and mid-game, Suma1l managed to build Butterfly, then Crystalis and Satanic, which drastically increased his survivability and damage output.
UNiVeRsE and Fear kept Newbee in place by harassing their most dangerous team disruption heroes. Seemingly unimportant things, like getting rid of a support or not letting them join the fight can ensure your carry's safety and seal the game for your team.
5. Pubstack vs Prostack
A game-breaking Echo Slam by Nigma on 2:42, followed up by Mass Seprent Ward, saving those caught by SingSing.
Nigma's revenge, served cold with some jokes and big plays. Both teams relied heavily on magic damage and teamfight spells. It was easier for the Radiant, with Skywrath's early burst damage, Treant's slow and Magnus' Reverse Polarity's to get solo kills in the beginning. The Dire did not give up though. 'Never give up!' is probably the most important lesson you can learn from most pro games.
Earthshaker's massive stuns synergized extremely well with Wall of Replica+Vacuum and Shadow Shaman's ulti, giving Phantom Assassin the chance to get near and . Always supporting and protecting each other, they managed to pull off a smooth comeback.
4. LGD vs DK
2:55, LGD go all-in with a final push.
DK, with their strong push destroyed two lanes of LGD's barracks with ease, their Nature's Prophet getting an ultra-kill. What saved LGD was Batrider's long-range dives. He made each Burning Lasso count, either forcing out one or two big spells or killing a dangerous support.
This helped LGD recover. Nature's Prophet, who died defending Dire's mid barracks, decided to outrun LGD, heading straight for their remaining towers and ancient. Batrider teleported back to stall his push, but there was no real need to do it -LGD was already unstoppable, melting towers in a matter of seconds.
3. Secret vs VG
15:12, VG take their revenge.
Secret, being outpicked heavily by VG, still managed to execute their split-push strategy, leaving VG to defend the exposed throne against armies of megacreeps. VG however didn't give up, successfully preventing every reckless attempt to push by Secret. Secret should have tried to push together, with Axe's Berserker's Call as a distraction to protect Tiny while he gets his job.
After a number of post-buyback deaths and too deep dives, Secret found themselves defending, unable to control or even get close to Shadow Fiend with a Divine Rapier.
2. Na'Vi vs Vega
0:05, the first in the series of game-breaking Reverse Polarity's that led Na'Vi to victory.
A long and hard game for Na'Vi. Vega, despite lacking great teamfight spells, got ahead with a 28-19 score with heavy damage dealers Leshrac and Shadow Fiend. Despite that, Na'Vi made use of the highground advantage and the element of surprise.
In the video, we see one of the most devastating Reverse Polarity's ever, executed by Dendi, who then skewered his foes to their doom. An immediate follow-up was done by SoNNeiko, the team's guardian angel with his Winter's Curse. And of course, XBOCT, well known for his Rapier plays, just tore Vega to shreds.
1. Alliance vs Na'Vi
0:40, Alliance's ticket to victory, an amazing Dream Coil by s4.
The best, the craziest and most famous comeback in the history of Dota 2. The International 4 Grand Finals, the clash of titans, if you will. The final match is almost even and both teams are focused on pushing. Alliance's Nature's Prophet and Io/Chaos Knight, were pushing two lanes at once while Na'Vi destroyed the middle barracks.
After getting what they wanted, Na'Vi retreated quickly to defend their base and possibly get a kill or two. They were in a rush and did not bother moving away to a safer spot before channeling their TP scrolls. And that's where s4 comes in with his million dollar Dream Coil. Not only does he disrupt the three hero's TP channel, he makes sure that the most dangerous ones have to take a long walk back to the base. Rubick and Batrider manage to teleport back, but there's literally nothing they can do to stop or even stall Alliance's relentless push.