Meet The 10 Merciless WoW Bosses Who Have Slain Millions of Noobs Worldwide
Blizzard has a habit of creating brutaly insane boss fights, and why shouldn’t they? Many of their fans have been around since the game was called Orcs vs Humans. The raid bosses we fight are characters that fans have gotten to know for years. Save murlocs, there is not a character in the game without a solid fan base. The following list takes a look at the hardest raid bosses throughout all time in World of Warcraft. Here are the top 10 most difficult and grueling bosses in the game:
10. Spine of Deathwing
Deathwing burning down the city of Stormwind.
Deathwing was the aspect of Earth and a big pain in the wow players butt. I’m sure that many players remember casually questing in a zone and suddenly getting torched because Deathwing decided to fly by. The entire wow community was looking forward to getting a chance for payback when the Dragon Soul raid came out. However, the Spine of Deathwing fight ended up being far more brutal and difficult than anyone could’ve anticipated.
This fight is very difficult to solo even in the best current raiding gear. One of the most difficult and annoying aspects of this fight is that if you are not evenly distributed on Deathwing’s back… then he rolls and wipes the group. To beat him you need burst down tendons that hold the dragon’s armor in place. This needed to be done three times but the window of opportunity to DPS the tendons is incredibly short. As a result high burst classes were favored and the poor warriors and retribution paladins had to stay home.
9. Lich King (Heroic)
Frostmourne, the blade that poisoned the prince of Lordaeron
The promising prince Arthas went emo, stabbed his dad, and now commands the demon hordes of the scourge. What is not to love about this guy? Except for his boss fight. The Lich King was one of the most anticipated boss fights simply due to his long history of screwing with the wow community.
Not only was this fight extremely difficult on its own, but Blizzard was experimenting with a raid lockout which made it difficult for raids to practice. This boss fight was so difficult because it included a lot of cheesy one shot mechanics. Throughout the fight raid members needed to avoid valkyries and platforms that would lead to them getting launched off the pillar. Even in the most recent gear the Lich King can prove a challenge since he can simply toss you off his tower.
8. Mythic Operator Thogar
This fight can be very frustrating if people don't know what they are doing.
One of the latest expansion's bosses had to be on this list. Thogar is the operator of the Grimrail and a very cruel Orc. In fact, instead of killing you himself he often lets your character get mowed over by trains. This fight is much like Garrosh’s in the sense that you need to avoid the burning wheels of death, or trains in this case. If you are going to fight Thogar just remember not to get tunnel vision... Get it?
7. Lei Shen (heroic)
The Thunder King looks like he benchpresses too much.
A boss named the Thunder King has to be good! Lei Shen defeated an August Celestial single handedly, unified the Mogu, and stole the power of Storms from Ra-den. That is quite the resume! This boss requires an incredible amount of technical knowledge and coordination by the raid members. The five phase fight requires a lot of key positioning and proper target management in order to avoid the instant wipe mechanic. The key to the fight is to manage the conduits on the battlefield. If Lei Shen doesn’t get his conduit power up he instantly wipes the raid.
6. Garrosh Hellscream
Garrosh in his final battle. He stands completely alone.
The amount of destruction caused by Garrosh is rivaled only by Arthas. He led the Horde into a nasty civil war, started an all-out world war with the Alliance, and poisoned the entire continent of Pandaria. This orc is no good and I’m sure that most players are glad to see him finally get what he deserves in Warlords of Draenor.
This fight was brutal and was made even more difficult by the introduction of LFR. Garrosh seemed pretty simple in theory, but it was surprisingly difficult for raiders to down the adds before they spawned the fire wheels of doom that would wipe the raid. Additionally there were the debuff pools on the ground and the massive amount of adds that needed to be managed.
5. Lady Vashj
The Naga... who likes them?
The queen of the Naga was, and still is, an insanely tough raid boss. Many players have tried to solo farm their tier 5 gear only to realize that they don’t stand a chance against Lady Vashj.
; She stands in the middle of a room and has adds continuously crawl up to her whic gradually increases her damage buff. During this phase she is invincible until you can find and dispose of the right slimes… Definitely sounds like a naga fight. However, even in gear from the latest expansion she can one shot you. If the second phase lasts long enough her damage output quickly becomes ridiculously overwhelming.
4. Vaelastrasz
R.I.P Vaelastrasz!
This red dragon drew lots of sympathy from players who had grown friendly with him through various quest chains back in the game's early days. After losing to Nefarian in battle, Vaelastasz is corrupted and forced to fight the raid against his will.
This fight was difficult enough on its own with its large burst aoe damage. The insane part of this fight though is a debuff called Burning Adredaline. Vaelastrasz will randomly target players during regular intervals and hit them with a condition that gives them an insane boost in damage, attack speed, and resource regeneration. That sounds great! Untill your character blows up and dies that is. Burning Adredaline eventually kills your toon and causes a large aoe explosion… Enough said.
3. Kael’Thas Sunstrider
The most flamboyant boss to date.
The lord of the blood elves finally met his doom in Tempest Keep. He is the final boss of The Eye raid and is still to this day one of the most challenging raid bosses in MMO history.
On his own Kael’Thas is difficult to beat, but his advisors make the fight so much harder. Thaladred, Lord Sanguinar, Capernian, and Engineer Telonicus fight the raid in ascending order. After they are all downed, they revive and fight you all together. What makes this so incredibly difficult is the insane crowd control and DPS output by the advisors. You will often be chain CC'd for over 30 seconds. If that’s not enough, in between phases you have to fight the advisors weapons that come alive.
2. M’uru
This guy almost looks like a Pokemon, or an elemental from Final Fantasy.
The raid on Tempest Keep holds one of the Naaru guardians that makes for an insane boss fight! One simple word can be used to describe the fight: Adds.
If you aren’t good at juggling you shouldn't consider fighting this guy. There will be adds upon adds upon adds. There are debuffs that need to be dispelled and the adds need to be killed within a certain time window. Between adds there will usually be maybe a 5 or 10 second window before the next waves spawn. If that’s not enough, the second phase of the fight includes an aura that deals raid wide damage. As the minutes tick on the aura gets stronger and eventually wipes the raid. If you want to beat this boss, bring a friend.
1. C’thun
C'thun and his buddy Sauron hanging out.
The number one boss on this list is this guy, C’thun. This boss looks nasty which is very fitting since it lives in the giant bug city of Ahn’Qiraj. This boss is a God which should give you a little idea of how tough it is to beat. It is one of the most powerful beings to ever walk across Azeroth. When this boss first became available it was unbeatable with the current level of gear that existed in the game. Even though it was patched quickly, it set the precedent for how insane this boss fight would be. Although a level 100 character would easily defeat this boss today it had to be on the list as number 1 because even if it is beatable now, there was a time when this God of a boss was truly immortal.
There are hundreds of big bad monsters that could’ve made the wow hard boss list. Many lie forgotten in old raids that haven’t been touched in years. If you are looking for a way to spice up your gameplay then take a trip back in time and revisit some of these old friends. Who do you think is the toughest boss in World of Warcraft? Share your opinion in the comments!