Is Your Favorite League of Legends Female On This List?
Does League of legends sexualize women? Yes, yes they do. It’s a fact, deal with it. Now let’s talk about which League of Legends girl characters are the hottest. Let’s skip the chat, here they are. The 10 hottest League of Legends girl characters:
10. LeBlanc
Le'Blanc is considered by many to be the most mobile champion in the game
We are starting it off on the bit of the tame side with this character. LeBlanc is the mysterious regal looking dame you would meet while out late in the fancier part of town. You would have a fantastic night together and then you would never see her again, or your wallet. She is incredibly deceiving which makes her even more attractive for those who like to play the hard to get game. That and she can clone herself wink wink.
9. Caitlyn
Caitlyn, the superhero that Piltover deserves
For some reason almost all adc's will make it on this list, except for Twitch of course. If you like a strong independent woman then Caitlyn is for you. She is a part of the superhero clique in Piltover that fights crime, and she does it with style. While Caitlyn is still on the tamer side of the hyper sexualized characters in the game, she still has some skins that’ll make you want to loosen your collar. Don’t count this girl out.
8. Janna
So hot she'll blow you away
The poor support that no one plays. Janna comes in at spot number 8 because she… well she doesn’t really dress much. Almost all of her skins make her look like she is flying around in some sort of bikini lingerie. I suppose most players in the community don’t mind. Unfortunately though, she is claimed to be untouchable and as unstable as the wind. It doesn’t sound like the makings for a healthy relationship.
7. Riven
Practicality was never taken into question when making this outfit
Riven is Riot's ultimate love bug. She has been extremely strong in the game for a very long time and we still haven't seen any nerfs come. She is one of the most played champions due to her powerful and fun kit, her huge damage, and sweet mobility. Riven isn't all brawn and steel though. She is one of the best looking female champions in the game, and as a result she has been given her very own battle bunny skin.
Her story is quite depressing as she is betrayed by her homeland of Noxus even though she was one of the greatest soldiers they had. Her sword was shattered and her identity crushed. Noxus is not what she hoped it would be, and so she is venturing foth on a journey to try and reform the city state to a better place.
6. Ashe
The Queen of the Freljord
Ashe is a beautiful champion both in heart and in pixels. She has one of the more righteous personalities among the champions on this list of League of Legends girl characters. She wants peace and unity among the Freljord. She is one of the few female champions that isn’t totally exploited sexually on the screen, and as such there is an elegance to her character. Don’t get to excited though; she is already taken by Tryndamere.
5. Sivir
Snow Day Sivir!
If you are looking for a girl in touch with her inner barbaric self you’ve found her. Sivir expresses animalistic instincts and is very primal in nature. If that floats your boat then by all means climb aboard the Sivir train. She is attractive and strong and carries a massive boomerang that could cut your head clean off.
4. Akali
This will only hurt a lot
She is a ninja determined to maintain balance in the world of Valoran. She grew up with rigorous dicipline and trained since she was able to form a fist. This has all resulted in Akali being one of the strongest hybrid champions in the game. She also happens to be one of the best looking ones as well. As it often is with female video game ninjas, she too wears very revealing clothes.
Akali and her ninja peers in the game all recieved medical professional skins that look great. Shen and Kennen got to be doctors and Akali got to be the hot nurse. Nice!
3. Miss Fortune
The elegant mobster
Miss Fortune is a gorgeous pirate that has undoubtedly sparked numerous fantasies in the minds of the 12 year old boys who get perma-banned for toxic behavior. Her feminine charm is too strong for most of the criminals she hunts to withstand, so it is probably too strong for most of the players as well. The various skins only increase the hypersexualized portrayal of Sarah Fortune. Her story is actually quite sad and her purpose on the battlefields of Justice is a quest for vengeance. Don't judge a book by it's covers, or rather it's lack of covers.
2. Ahri
The alluring nine tailed fox demon
The demon fox that seduces men in order to prey on their life energy is bound to carry sexual appeal, and Riot delivers. With the release of her popstar skin some time ago, the Ahri craze picked up big time. Ahri was on the top of almost every League of Legends girl characters poll on the forums. By the way, I don’t recommend browsing the GD forum, but if you must I guarantee you’ll find some stuff written about Ahri. Her whole champion is designed for sex appeal, even her abilities. Her charm forces all that are touched by it to approach her in a lustful helpless stupor. Sounds like a good time.
1. Katarina
Phew! Innuendo maybe?
The number one spot on the list goes easily to the QQ master Katarina. A monster champion if she gets fed, and totally useless if the player sucks. The reason she is number 1 is not only because all of her skins are incredibly hyper sexualized, but because if you go to any convention anywhere, you’ll find at least 1 girl cosplaying as Kitty Cat Katarina.
The reason for her popularity is unknown, but she is the romantic fantasy of 90% of the male League population. She has also been featured in the League of Legends cinematics which definitely helps to define her role as a mascot image for Riot.
That concludes our list of the most attractive and drop dead gorgeous League of Legends girl characters. Unfortunately a lot of the attractive female champions weren't able to be featured on this list so you all have to speak up in the comments and voice your opinion. Do you think I’m wrong? Is Kog’Maw or Urgot the true Miss League of Legends? Let us know what you think, if you agree or disagree in the comments below.