With over 500 mounts to choose from, World of Warcraft has the largest available selection of mounts. In another article we looked at the most awesome ground mounts available in the game, this time we will look at flying mounts. Here is the list: The Top 10 Flying mounts in the game.
10. Disc of the Flying Red Cloud
You need to collect all 7 Dragon Balls
This mount is completely unique and something a lot of players prefer to use. The mount is a floating disc on top of some clouds. The character stands on this mount unlike all other mounts where you sit which is a nice change. Flying around on this disc makes you feel like you need to get your Super Sayan on, or go and collect the Dragonballs.
The mount is easily obtainable after a very short reputation grind with the Mists of Pandaria Lorewalkers. In fact, other than the faction mounts, this is one of the easiest mounts to obtain in the game.
9. Ashes of Al’ar
The flying golden chicken will enhance your Paladin's righteousness and zeal
Who doesn’t want to fly around on a golden phoenix that leaves fairy dust in its trail? This mount is very rare and is dropped by Kael’thas Sunstrider in The Eye raid. The drop rate is very low so farming this mount can take a long time due to the weekly lock out.
There aren’t really any more fitting flying mounts for righteous Paladins to fly around on. The Sunstrider Kodo beast sure can’t fly, so this will have to do.
8. Sky Golem
If only you could fight in this mount
After getting your engineering profession all the way up to 600 you can build this mount. The Sky Golem recipe is a world drop and can be easily farmed from elite’s in Pandaria. After getting the recipe you’ll need 30 of Jard’s Peculiar Energy Source and 30 bars of Living Steel. Then you can craft this masterpiece of technology.
Something really neat about this mount is that it is not profession bound like the Choppers or the Tailor’s magic carpets. This way you can make big money off of these at the auction house.
7. Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent
It's a snake in the sky!
Cloud serpents were a new type of flying mount introduced in Pandaria. We had the chance to ride around on massive dragon snakes in the sky. It was awesome! After doing a long reputation grind and getting the ability to fly these things for good, you could head out to Timeless Isle in search for this mount.
Huolon was the most popular rare mob on the island and was usually downed in a matter of seconds after he spawned. There were often 100-200 players spawn-camping him, hoping to get this mount to drop. Now you’ll probably need to get a pre-made group together since Timeless Isle is deserted.
6. Time Lost Proto Drake
Farming the Time Lost Proto Drake will result in lots of lost time
This is perhaps the rarest mount in the game. The model of this mount is the same as several other proto-drakes so you can always look for one of these dragon mounts elsewhere. However, if you are a collector and you’re determined to get this mount, then head to the Stormpeaks in Northrend.
There is a rare Time Lost Proto-Drake that spawns in this zone as a world boss. You kill it and it has a chance to drop the mount for you. Beware though, the spawn time is long and the boss is hard to find. Good luck!
5. Smoldering Egg of Millagazor
This is totally a pokemon
This mount works “eggcelently” as a Paladin mount or as a Pokemon trainer role play. The massive golden bird is one of the children of the Firleands boss that you so heartlessly killed. The actual item drops from Ragnaros though. Maybe Millagazor believed that Ragnaros could protect her children from you… but she was wrong.
There is another model for this mount that is purple instead of golden that you can get for completing the Glory of the Firelands Raider Achievement.
4. Invincible
This either belonged to Arthas or a Nazghul
This mount really will make you feel Invincible. It is the horse that belonged to the Lich King, and you stole it from him after you killed him. That makes you pretty awesome! The item description reads like this:
“The famous steed of Arthas Menethil, who serves its master in life and in death. Riding him is truly a feat of strength.”
This mount drops from the Lich King on 25 man heroic difficulty. It is by far the coolest horse mount in the game.
3. Mimiron's Head
That is a gnome's head
This mount is the single largest engineered Gnome head in Azeroth. The mount was a token from the Old God, Yogg-Saron , that symbolized his amazing craftsmanship. Why he chose to make a Gnome head is puzzling though. Certainly there are more majestic creatures.
Anyway, this mount drops from Yogg-Saron in Ulduar and is an awesome mount to ride around on. You sit on top of a massive mechanical gnome head, it’s great!
2. Life-Binder's Handmaiden
The pride of the Red Dragonflight
This is as close as you are going to come to riding the massive Alexstrasza, the dragon Aspect of Life. This dragon is one of her most dedicated pupils and will serve as your willing mount if you get the drop from the Elementium Fragment in the Dragon Souls raid. By riding this dragon you are demonstrating your willingness to serve all living things and protect life on Azeroth. Not recommended for the Forsaken.
1. Vial of the Sands
This could be you!
This mount is even more tedious to get ahold of than the fossilized Raptor. Not only do you need to do archeology until you find this recipe, but then you need to level alchemy to the point where you can actually use it. On top of that, the reagents for this mount are very expensive. On the bright side though, you can sell it on the auction house for a nice profit.
This mount is number one on the list because not only is the mount a massive dragon, but it is you transforming into a massive dragon and allowing your friends to ride on your back. How awesome is that?
This concludes our list for the best flying mounts in the game. Let us know in the comments below which ones are your favorites.