Youtube Gaming vs. Twitch: Who Will Win?: Page 4 of 4

Youtube Gaming vs. Twitch: Who Will Win?
The fight that will rock the world, courtesy of

Quality: One Point to Youtube Gaming

That’s 1-2, with Youtube Gaming in the rear.

This one was easy to decide upon. Twitch videos do not have the best quality. They can be good, don’t get me wrong. But I have encountered a large number of people who have run into stuttering livestreams, inability to connect, and other such bugs.

For the most part, Twitch runs well. That’s why it has so many viewers, after all.

But then…  Youtube.

Youtube videos are the gold standard. They are simply the highest quality, with the smoothest frames per second, at the fastest loading rate. It has problems, certainly, but they are much smaller and farther between than those of Twitch.

Therefore, Youtube Gaming earns its first point.

The Aftermath: The MOBAs Take It.

A lovely rendition of a MOBA arena by Twitch. Nice work, chaps.

It’s going to be an ugly fight. Rivalries resembling those of PC Gamers versus Console Gamers are likely to erupt between loyal Twitch watchers and fresh Youtube Gaming lovers. It’s inevitable.

Just like I believe Youtube Gaming, with higher potential viewership and superior qualities are probably going to emerge victorious. But the victory will be many years in the making, and Twitch might still have a few cards up their sleeve.

TLDR: What I see happening is this:

Youtube Gaming releases. Twitch remains main source of live streams.

After four to five months, the quality and convenience of Youtube Gaming wins over some viewers, evening things out.

The deciding factor in this fight will be the MOBA championships early next year; League of Legends, DOTA 2, Heroes of the Storm, and SMITE. Those are the biggest E-Sports events that exist in gaming. Whichever streaming service is favored by these MOBAs is going to have the advantage going forwards, and it will stay like this for years.

So, in summary…

It’s Up to the Gamers.

Whichever platform you prefer, go with it. It’ll serve you well in the future, as both streaming services are going to be competing for your affection, young gamer.

Whether Twitch manages to adapt and control the market, or Youtube Gaming sweeps the rug out from underneath them, the point is that we are going to benefit regardless of what happens. That is the beauty of the competitive market. To be successful, the company has to appeal to us, the public. Their competitor will be forced to do the same, and this results in a never ending cycle of new features and special treatment towards us. So, sit back and enjoy the show when Youtube Gaming releases this summer.

Gamer Since: 2005
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: The Elder Scrolls Online
Top 3 Favorite Games:Dragon Age: Origins, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, XCOM: Enemy Unknown

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MJuarbe's picture

MJuarbe 8 years 11 months ago

with more companies like nintendo that try to take a piece revenue money if you stream a nintendo game on youtube and a few more companies saying they will do the same, ill still see twitch the winner. youtube might have better quality and they do and better streaming, big name companies are forcing google to add rules and other things that make me as a gamer mad. as long as twitch keeps doing its thing and if you can afford to upgrade your ISP for faster download and upload speed to stream at a higher quality. i will have to say twitch will win hands down

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