Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3
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Far Cry 3 (2012)

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Far Cry 3 takes place on a remote tropical island in between the Indian and Pacific sea. The story follows the life of Jason Brody, who faces something no individual would ever want to experience: a kidnapping by pirates. While Jason manages to escape, his brother, Grant is killed and the rest of his friends are taken hostage. Fueled with rage, Jason is forced to give up his morals and take up the life of a warrior that knows no limits. With the help of the inhabitants on the island, Jason must rescue his friends and take back control of the island from the pirates.

Play in a fierce and demanding jungle atmosphere against brutal enemies that are always on the hunt for you and carefully devise plans that will ultimately lead you to rescuing your loved ones.

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KatiW's picture

KatiW 9 years 3 weeks ago

Farcry 3 is in my top 10 favorite games to play. It has the commonality of FPS games, with the open world element of Skyrim. Of course it is not the same as Skyrim there are not as many side missions and such but the map is huge and full of camps to take over and radio towers to reactivate which makes running around all the more fun. The game has weird but on occasion likeable characters and the gameplay is not too complicated so when you start playing be prepared to be sucked for a while.

All Comments (15)

SpazzyMurphy02's picture

SpazzyMurphy02 1 year 6 months ago

Far Cry and all it's various versions are great games. They're fun to play, have plenty of content, and more than anything... They are known to have truly hilarious AI and glitches. I dare you to look up Far Cry 3 compilations; you won't be disappointed!

Nicolas Merle's picture

Nicolas Merle 2 years 1 month ago

I can still remember when this game came out, gathering around my friend's PC to watch the intro. It instantly grabbed my attention, and I enjoy returning to this title, if not to help Jason, then to see my old friend Vaas. If you have not yet, definitely give this a play.

Chodale's picture

Chodale 4 years 3 months ago

Open world of far cry beautiful scenery and ruthless action will catch you so fast that you won't have a chance to resist. Great game one of the classics.

DatBoiCellist's picture

DatBoiCellist 5 years 9 months ago

Endless hours of fun. Ranging from freeing civilians to destroying bases. Anyone can find something to be had here.

RKChauhan's picture

RKChauhan 7 years 8 months ago

I played far cry 2 and it was a meh experience. A pretty boring kind of meh. Pretty reluctantly I grabbed Far Cry 3 and BOOM!! I was blown away. It is one of the greatest FPS EVER! The story, the gameplay, the story the setting and environment it creates is all great. A definite must play.

ThangaMK's picture

ThangaMK 8 years 5 months ago

Great story :)

timochin's picture

timochin 8 years 11 months ago

I over all like the idea of island stranded games. This is a perfect representation of how an FPS shooter should be. Incredible graphics, perfect story, superb characters and most important is the freedom of choice. Another thing i really really loved in this game is the music combination with the missions. One special example would be where you burn the weed and skrillex comes on, EPIC. The amount of "sidequests" you can do is incredible, like taking over enemy bases and stuff like that. Buy it , Play it, period.

RumHouse's picture

RumHouse 8 years 11 months ago

I had a good deal of apprehension in taking on 3 after the debacle that was its predecessor, but the sequel proved its worth! Great open world play with some nice mini games tossed in for very good effect. I put more hours into playing Poker than the actual game. Superb map, storytelling and all around game play! Thank you God for delivering me from Far Cry 2!

zolotic's picture

zolotic 8 years 12 months ago

For me, the best open world game. Excellent game plot, amazing graphics, moving across the map,hiding,killing is astonishing. The best thing about game is that you can play campaign or just simply go across the map and do whatever your heart wants to. 10/10 !

HillbillyZT's picture

HillbillyZT 9 years 6 hours ago

The open world design allows you to explore and to take break from the rich story built in to this game. The minimalistic but enjoyable multiplayer is a worthwhile addition to a game that is amazing without it. This is a must play combination of FPS and an RPG, with the development executed perfectly.

Jamie_Hall's picture

Jamie_Hall 9 years 2 days ago

Fraking Tigers. That is all.

Hassan10's picture

Hassan10 9 years 4 days ago

Far Cry 3 has got to be one of the best first person shooters out there. Its open world interactions are lively. Stunning graphics that would leave you astonished. Ubisoft has done a great job. Considering it as a heavy game, the game works perfectly at 60 fps. The twisted plot makes the game even more fun. All in all, the introduction of multiplayer missions is what i liked the most. The game is near perfection. I personally like Vaas more than Jason for his sadistic approach. A must play!

makhan129's picture

makhan129 9 years 1 week ago

It is one of the most epic FPS game in sense of graphics, gameplay, shooting ,environment and the most importantly 'story' is too damn awesome. Once you start playing it you feel like there is no character like jason brody , its you that is going hunting and riding all across the ocean .It has awesome sceneries and mission levels. Riding different vehicles in mountainous regions and ambushing infidels check posts with epic guns in next level camouflage makes it compulsory to be played once.

Gentle85's picture

Gentle85 9 years 2 weeks ago

I personally rate Far Cry 3 on the list of my top 3 favourite games. This is one game among the far cry series that I have played twice. The Plot, the Setting, the Story line, the Characters; all captivating. Come on, I lack words to qualify the suspence; you can imagine me thinking myself to be Jason Brody, during some battle clashes, I feel my blood burning hot in me after killing all the pirates. The open world element and the option of taking missions at will puts incharge of your choices.

KatiW's picture

KatiW 9 years 3 weeks ago

Farcry 3 is in my top 10 favorite games to play. It has the commonality of FPS games, with the open world element of Skyrim. Of course it is not the same as Skyrim there are not as many side missions and such but the map is huge and full of camps to take over and radio towers to reactivate which makes running around all the more fun. The game has weird but on occasion likeable characters and the gameplay is not too complicated so when you start playing be prepared to be sucked for a while.

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