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GameProphet's Profile

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Available GD Points: 6
About - Chris A.: When it comes to gaming, Chris set out on his adventure with an olden goldie called - Sky Roads, moving on to Dangerous Dave, Prince of Persia & More. Encapsulated by a powerful new world of imagination and fun, he then fell in love with games & the escape they brought along with them. As most gamers aspire, he followed a path that led him into a competitive scene where he garnered a whole new level of respect, love & friends from a multiplayer community that, as a kid, he'd only ever dreamt of would ever be possible. He now spends his days balancing a healthy life between work, family, love & gaming. Two of which are synonyms for him. (If you could figure those out.) On weekends when hours meld into minutes, Chris prefers spending his time with friends & gaming or in bed, dreaming of retirement by 45. It's what works best to refuel a mind that works on after-burn for 5 days a week as a Professional Copywriter.

Level 5 Newbie

1122 xp

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Level 10 xpTotal Noob
Level 2200 xpTotal Noob
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