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the3rdletter's Profile

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About - Elijah Jeffery: Elijah Jeffery is a professional author, completionist, and consumer of spice. As a doubly unpublished fantasy writer, his primary power track is writing fiction. In case you haven't noticed yet, Elijahs' favorite types of games are RPGs and fighters. From The Witcher 3 to For Honor, if it's got cinematic, up close and personal action, and/or an immersive world and story to share, it's right up his alley. He's also not the kind of gamer who plays a broad range of games and knows a little bit about each one. If Elijah says he "plays" a video game, he means he researches, practices, and explores every aspect of it, and you can trust him to know what he's talking about when he makes a bold balance claim or a guide on how to optimize your character. Elijah is a graduate from High School, and currently attending college. He is finding great success, particularly in courses related to writing, so keep up with his journalism, if you want, but keep up with his writing if you can.

Level 5 Newbie

1322 xp

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Level 2567474 xpInsane