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Bambibimbap's Profile

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Available GD Points: 7
About - Bam V.: Gamer, writer, Pokemon master, collector and a frustrated artist and baker. Bam is a skilled writer producing articles for all the things she likes. Her dedication to her hobbies and interests have allowed her to hone her skillset as an experienced writer and storyteller. Initially sharing her expertise and love for games and good food to her closest friends, she was able to indulge herself in a community of people sharing her interest with writing, adventure, and RPG games. Bam believes that her work as a member of the gaming community and a storyteller helps make the online community a more relatable space for everyone. She sees her writing as one of the best ways to express herself and her passion for things that open a new door of adventure and wonder. Experienced with in depth game reviews rating a game through its design, storyline, repetitiveness and uniqueness. As a storyteller, her expertise also lies in sharing her in-game experiences and how enjoyable a game is for a casual player. Her appreciation for every newly introduced meta and playstyles allows her to keep her mind interested in every new coming patch. With her excellent communication skills and commitment to her work, readers are surely left satisfied to have stumbled upon her creative content. When not working, she is glued to her mobile phone testing out new games that has piqued her interest and scrolling endlessly through subreddits for fun. Gaming is one her most time-consuming activity of the day. Open world adventure games just engulf her for hours on end. The ability to explore a whole different world just hits her different. Ofcourse, her gaming experience is not limited to a single genre as she also keeps tabs on different multiplayer games. Afterall, gaming is about getting to enjoy with the people and the community around you. Bam has been playing Pokemon Go, MLBB, Among Us, Jackbox, and Left4Dead for years. As long as someone is available for multiplayer play? She’ll hop on. The last bits of her time are used up at uni as she is taking up a design related degree at a local university in hopes of adding her own personal touch to the world.

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1612 xp

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