Mr. Joshua T. Horton is an Ohio native who dabbles in the worship of technology, science, and lesser known elder gods. He has spent the past decade in project controls, management, and scheduling. These endeavors include the drafting of multi-million dollar budgets, executive level proposals, and board presentations. In other words, Mr. Horton is a fiction writer of the highest caliber. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering with a sub-specialty in Nuclear Power. This means that he doesn't get invited to parties and has managed to transition his nerdom into reasonable financial success. In his spare time Mr. Horton pursues his passion of gaming in order to vent his overwhelming desire for world conquest. He general spends his time in strategy games such as Civilization to feel the joy of destroying a heartless AI opponent in the easy setting. However on more benevolent days Mr. Horton can be found honing his none existent survival skills in games such Subnautica or attempting to escape his depressing life of tedium with Sunless Sea being a dispirited sea captain with tedious errands.
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Subnautica to finally get of this rock.