I’m a gamer with a niche for creative writing. I’ve been writing for years and entered poems and short stories into many competitions, some inspired by games I’ve played. I enjoy games with a wonderful narrative experience such as “What remains of Edith Finch,” but my personal favorites are the difficult RPGs that’ll leave your controller with bruises. I spent the better half of my teens trying to beat games like Hollow Knight and Sekiro, and after I thwarted Sword Saint Isshin, best believe I picked up another souls-like to dedicate my time into. I’ve defeated some of the hardest games to brush the decade between the 2010s and 2020s, and I will continue to do so in the decade to come. The thing I like the most about writing about games is hearing others perspectives on the same game that I’ve played. It’s fun to hear about how one boss I struggled could be easy for another player and vice versa.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Dead Cells
Top 3 Favorite Games