Top 11 Games Like God of War (Games Better Than God of War In Their Own Way): Page 6 of 11

Games Like God of War

6. Bayonetta 

Bayonetta Gameplay

Bayonetta is a frenetic over the top action game. The game knows it is over the top and revels in its own ridiculousness.  If you loved the crazy combated of the original God of War games, Bayonetta will be right up your alley! The action is frenetic, and Bayonetta’s “Witch Time” is comparable to Kratos’s Spartan Rage. The combat of both games is almost like a dance, but at the end all your partners are dead. Bayonetta also has you covered on the awesome huge boss fight front. Small Caveat: if you want to play the equally awesome Bayonetta 2 and Bayonetta 3, you need to invest in a Nintendo Switch.


Bayonetta: Style and substance!

Utter Chaos. This is common in Bayonetta

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Stephen is a writer, historian and tour guide in DC . He has 3 Masters Degrees and was once captured by pirates. His proudest recent achievement was getting an NES controller to work on the Switch.
Gamer Since: 1988
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: God of War
Top 3 Favorite Games:Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine , Portal 2, Baldur's Gate

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