League of Legends Best Ways To Climb [Top 5 Ways]: Page 2 of 2

league of legends climb, lol climb, league of legends ranked, lol ranked
How to escape elo-hell

How to improve mechanics  

2. Roam

Roaming is a very powerful tactic that you can use to gain the lead in a game. This means you will gank other lanes for a purpose of helping your team and snowballing the game. Taking kills and objectives while roaming will put you in a bigger lead than if you stayed in your lane and farm. Missing a wave of the farm is always better if you are taking kills and objectives. But you shouldn't roam all the time. It's up to you to estimate when the roam will be successful, otherwise, you can lose farm and experience. If the roam won't get you any kills or objectives, you can at least ward the jungle, which means your lane will be safer to play. Map awareness and lane control are important factors when it comes to roaming. They can often dictate if the roam will be worth it or not. Slow pushing is ideal for roaming since multiple minion waves will crash at enemy towers. This means if the enemy tries to follow you, they will lose a lot of gold and experience. This will allow you to safely roam around the map and still get back to the lane on time.

9 roaming tricks  

1. Take a Break When Tilted

If you lost 3 or 4 ranked games in a row, that is a sign to take a rest from ranked games. Queueing up constantly after losing games will just lower your rank and ruin your MMR, which will make it hard for you to climb. Constantly losing games will make you frustrated and you automatically won’t play to your best potential. If you keep convincing yourself that you need to win to take a break, you won't have a fun time. If your MMR becomes very low, you will start to lose more LP than you win. That means it will be super hard for you to climb in the future. To prevent tilt, try to play a couple of normal games or just take a rest from the game for an hour or two. This will help you calm down and to focus better when you start playing ranked again.

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Ivan, and experienced traveler who visited many wolds and cultures, comes back to Earth to share stories about his adventures.
Gamer Since: 2002
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Currently Playing: League of Legends
Top 3 Favorite Games:League of Legends, Assassin's Creed III, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine

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