Warframe Guide: Top 100 Tips, Tricks, and Strategies: Page 4 of 5

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Becoming a Powerhouse Endgame

Warframe doesn’t have a traditional endgame like other games do. Endgame is more about collecting all the mods and weapons including their primed versions. This is so that you have the right tool for every type of content you’ll encounter.

You’ll reach the endgame once you’ve unlocked all of the planets and completed most of your quests. By now you should have unlocked most of the content that the game has to offer.

The most difficult missions that you will encounter daily once you’ve reached this stage would be Sorties and Kuva Floods which sport level 80-100 enemies.

Endgame Mods

You basically want to get the primed versions of all of the mods you use or are available from the Void Trader. These provide higher bonus’ than their normal versions, but also require more Credits/Endo to rank up.

  • To farm credits to rank mods up, you can do the Index on Neptune as it awards large amounts of credits depending on how many rounds you do. I only recommend 2 rounds at most as the enemies will get tough really quickly, even with the best-modded frames/weapons.
  • For farming endo, you’ll need to do the highest level Arena mission on Sedna called Vodyanoi. However, you will need frames such as Nekros and Hydroid to farm endo from fallen enemies as they will yield a higher chance to drop resources.

Rivens are also something you want to consider for endgame mods but not really necessary.

If you have access to the Orokin Derelict, you should consider doing Orokin Vault runs for a chance of acquiring Corrupted Mods. Missions in the Orokin Derelict will spawn a random room that can only be opened with a Dragon Key. There are 4 types of Dragon Keys:

  • Bleeding Dragon Key which reduces the health of your warframe when equipped.
  • Decaying Dragon Key which reduces the shields of your warframe when equipped.
  • Extinguished Dragon Key which reduces the damage you deal when equipped.
  • Hobbled Dragon Key which reduces the movement/sprint speed of your warframe when equipped.

I recommend doing these with a squad of 4 people as it will make searching for the room faster as well as splitting the penalties of equipping the Dragon Keys up to 1 per person.

There are 5 very important warframe mods that you’ll want to get from Orokin Vaults. They are:

  • Narrow Minded which increases Ability Duration at the cost of Range
  • Fleeting Expertise which increases Ability Efficiency at the cost of Duration
  • Overextended which increases Ability Range at the cost of Strength
  • Transient Fortitude which increases Ability Strength at the cost of Duration
  • Blind Rage which increases Ability Strength at the cost of Efficiency

These warframe mods allow you to min-max your abilities and push it to their highest potential. These mods are required for specific builds for a specific purpose.

  • For example, a Nova with Overextended is able to speed the enemies up with her Molecular Prime to make certain missions like Defense more quicker.

I recommend having 2-3 copies of each of these with varying ranks as the negative bonus’ will be higher per rank. Some frames abilities may benefit from one stat while others need to be balanced between all of them.


These are the most difficult missions that you will encounter in Warframe daily. They range from a plethora of conditions and mission types. More info found here.

  • Depending on the conditions and mission types, you will definitely need well modded-frames/weapons to tackle these missions.
  • I would highly recommend doing these with other players unless you’re sure you have all of the gear/mods needed to complete it.
  • It is broken down into 3 missions, all with increasing enemy level.
  • Sorties will typically be just one faction that you’ll have to face. As such, you can mod your weapons with elementals that are most effective against them. Refer to the Damage section. Do keep in mind the conditions associated with the missions as it may render the damage type less effective.

Kuva Missions

If you’ve done the quests, you’ll probably get an idea and a bit of backstory behind Kuva and its origins.

Kuva is the resource that you’ll need to build certain warframes and roll Riven mods. You can do this in different ways.

  • Kuva Siphon - Low to moderate level missions which you will need your Operator for to complete, you have to guard the Kuva machine and watch out for Kuva clouds
  • Kuva Flood - Same as Kuva Siphon, only with level 80-100 enemies. They will reward double the amount of Kuva than Siphons. Only tackle these missions if you know you are ready to deal with the higher level enemies.
  • Kuva Survival - Located in Kuva Fortress. It is known as Taveuni. It is a Survival mission with one twist where the life support capsule becomes a kuva harvesting point that you have to defend much like a console in Mobile Defense.

Which one is the best?

  • Start with doing Kuva Siphons until you are comfortable. Only do Kuva Floods if you are properly prepared and equipped.
  • Kuva Survival can award a lot of Kuva with a difficulty that you can decide on. Enemies will get stronger as time passes, but you are free to extract whenever you want after the 5 minute mark.

I highly recommend a Resource Booster if you plan on farming Kuva because you will earn double the amount of Kuva you receive.

The key to getting Riven mods with attributes to better increase the effectiveness of your weapons is to farm the Kuva. You can roll the Riven as many times as you want so long as you have the Kuva for it.

Bring a Smeeta Kavat with you for these missions as they have a chance to double the amount (quadruple with a Resource Booster) of Kuva you receive.

Endurance Runs

These missions are typically tackled by only the most elite players and are just missions that players can do for hours without stopping. They need very good coordination and setups between players. This is more as a means of bragging rights between seasoned veterans of the game.

These missions are typically missions which players can continue playing for as long as they want, from an hour to even as much as 8. Enemies will infinitely scale in level, damage, and toughness. This leads to enemies that range in the levels of 1000 to 3000 which are very challenging to take on.

  • Those that want to tackle this challenge typically do Survival and Excavation.
  • These will require very specific setups, and most other setups used in Sorties and lower level missions will fall off with endurance runs.


These are missions that you can do once you’ve completed every single mission on every planet at least once. They have fairly high-level enemies and mission types are modified to make them more challenging.

There will be a bonus for specific warframes and weapons to encourage more gameplay diversity

  • Despite the specific bonus’ you do not have to play as that specific frame nor use that weapon. Pick whatever you feel is right for the mission type.
  • Pick warframes that you can survive with these missions. These missions do NOT let you revive, nor will it let you enter bleed out state where other players can revive you when you’re down. If you die once, then you're out for the entire mission.

Prioritize the drones in these missions because they render enemies near them invulnerable.

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