10 Things Players Hate About League of Legends: Page 3 of 10

10 Things Players Hate About League of Legends
This stuff sucks

8. Dodging

Dodging in Team Builder is even worse since it takes so much longer to find team members

                Dodging from ranked or draft mode is highly irritating because champion select can take almost 10 minutes as it is. It sucks when your whole team finally selects their champs and the last pick of the enemy team dodges… Don’t be that guy! On the other hand, the pressure to dodge can be strong when you recognize a troll in champ select. Dodging not only gives you a small timed lockout from playing again, but you lose points in your ranking. Dodging is one of the things that make League of Legends suck!

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Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Diablo 3, League of Legends, Dragon Age Inquisition
Top 3 Favorite Games:League of Legends, Diablo, Dark Souls II

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