10 Things Players Hate About League of Legends: Page 8 of 10

10 Things Players Hate About League of Legends
This stuff sucks

3. Ragers

Calm down and let it go man

            In my opinion there is nothing worse than playing with a rager. The only reason this isn’t number one on this list is because I believe the next two items are even more hated by the general League public. The game is fun and enjoyable until someone decides that they want to throw death threats and awful slurs at their jungler for not giving them blue buff. Raging is often accompanied with heavy feeding, lousy play, and a loss. It is sometimes funny to see ragers react to when the team turns the game around and wins. Seriously don’t rage! You’ve all watched streamers that threw a tantrum and you probably turned the stream off because it made you feel yucky. Well stop being douche nozzles in game and share the love instead.

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Gamer Since: 1997
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: Diablo 3, League of Legends, Dragon Age Inquisition
Top 3 Favorite Games:League of Legends, Diablo, Dark Souls II

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