21 Indie Horror Games You Probably Don't Know About: Page 2 of 19

indie horror games
The Nighmare is Real

4. Emily Wants to Play

The doll likes to play peek-a-boo

Emily does not like to be alone

A terrifying game in Emily Wants to Play

A pizza man fights through the storm, up to the front door.  It is the final house on his route before ending his shift.  The lights are on and the front door is open.  Entering, the door slams shut.  It will not open.

Emily has trapped the player inside the house, forcing them to play with her and her friends for the night.  Split up into hour-based checkpoints, the players must face the different doll enemies, each with their own way to jump scare you into a game over.  Every passing hour increases the difficulty, and the player must adapt if they plan on surviving Emily’s twisted game.


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Gamer Since: 1995
Favorite Genre: RPG
Top 3 Favorite Games:Outlast, Rocket League, Five Nights at Freddys

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