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Turb0ii's Profile

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Available GD Points: 6
About - Joshua O.: Their love for racing knows no bounds; anything that combines air with a volatile fluid and makes noise. Here I am writing about it, or rather expressing the elations felt through myriads of sensations I’ve shared with myself and camaraderie. There is nothing I love more than other people being able to approach me in my “zone” and immediately understanding why I drive or write the way I do, without having to exchange a single word. Letting flow in extreme details, the extreme amount of detail that I absorb and disperse in the context of motorsport. Your fingers will clutch as you’re on two wheels, at a flying pace, acknowledging incoming blind corners yet keeping a level head and full control with your own voice clear above the action; all from wherever you’re seated. Extending beyond my long flirtatious tendencies towards word composition, I’ve easily wrote expertly on the rapture of racing games and the broad spectrum of individuals lured by them. Simulation to arcade genres, with probably more than 10 “favorites” somewhere in between the Gran Turismo and Need For Speed series’, I’ll simply advise you to “fasten your seatbelts”.

Level 5 Newbie

1542 xp

until level 6

  • Country:United States
  • Favorite Genre:Pro-gaming
  • Gamer Since:1998
  • Currently Playing:Gran Turismo
  • Favorite Games:
  • Games rated:0
  • Comments posted:0
  • Forum posts:1
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