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Lbabb's Profile

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Available GD Points: 11
About - Lewis B.: Fully trained, prepared & motivated - charging across the battlefield, Lewis is a soldier of game-audio. Equipped with vast knowledge of sound design for games, he is an MVP when it comes to writing about the subject of game-audio and it's importance. With university education in creative music technologies and audio design/implementation, Lewis is an accomplished audio professional with technical knowledge about one of the fundamental yet often under-appreciated stages of game-development, the audio. FPS games have always been top choice. Halo 3 Forge mode was a frequent hub of creativity where he would spend hours designing maps and game modes to battle his friends on and would always be the first one to reach First Prestige in every Call of Duty. An insight into the creative-processes that go into the games we love helps us appreciate the all the little things - both inside and outside of gaming.

Level 6 Amateur

314 xp

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