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Hawkguy's Profile

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Available GD Points: 7
About - Chris N: Chris is an experienced writer with about 5 years of writing under his belt. He's been trained as a grant proposal writer, a data analyst, a philosopher, a voice actor, and oddly enough a dog trainer. But the good news is that he gets to apply everything he's learned to the games that he plays. As a writer, he's written grant proposals, blog posts, entire websites (code too), and of course stories. What would a writer be if they weren't working on a story? He's also worked on voice over projects and is currently working on a podcast. On the gaming side, Chris is a lifelong gamer - starting all the way back on the original NES, to today with his trusty PS4 and his handbuilt computer he's lovingly named Box. His favorite games tend to be fighters or shooters, but he also has a soft spot for monster hunting games. Chris has also competed in tournaments for Super Smash Brothers Melee, Team Fortress 2, Blazblue, Persona 4: Arena, Halo 2, Overwatch, and Magic: The Gathering. While his tournament postings aren't the best, his time playing and competing in games has taught him that he loves to help other players learn how to get better at the games they play. Creating guides or informative articles is both his passion and his specialty - it's like dog training, but the subjects post online comments instead of barking. Nothing makes him happier than watching a new player go from "learning the ropes" to "upcoming competitor."

Level 5 Newbie

1342 xp

until level 6

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Level 10 xpTotal Noob
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Level 2447116 xpHardcore
Level 2567474 xpInsane