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TedEconomo's Profile

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Available GD Points: 6
About - Ted Economo: Coming out of Boston, we see a veteran of PVP, someone who has completed Lego Star Wars TCS a whopping three times (with his brother on player 2 of course) and the man who's attempted the COD Zombies Origins Easter egg far too many times! Ted has been a die hard sports fan and an equally die hard gamer ever since he could remember, cutting his teeth in the original Star Wars Battlefront maps and playing as the Patriots in NFL 2k5, which might very well be the greatest football game ever made in this geek's opinion as well. It's not hard to please this avid player, and if you too are stuck in the Overwatch Platinum ranking, you very well might have just run into this Reinhardt main. Discovering creative writing in high school and acquiring a degree while attending Ithaca college, writing has become his chosen path, whether it be scripts, articles or creative writing, this man lives for putting words on the page and improving his K/D ratio. Oh and the Celtics of course too.

Level 5 Newbie

1392 xp

until level 6

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