
The first video game I ever played was my cousins copy of Super Mario on the Super Nintendo. Since then my favorite video games are ones that I can get lost in for days on end be it of the story or environment. I am a filmmaker who loves to pull fantasy out of the painfully mundane or find the other worldly and ground it in our dimension. I am a Noldor at heart and a Pratt Institute graduate whose favorite part of film and video games is the building of worlds. RPG's all day. I am always looking for a game the pushes the boundaries of production and development. I try my best each day to look far ahead of what is in front of me and write about things in a way that that can gives us all a gimps into the future
Abaffo's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
A lot of Overwatch
Top 3 Favorite Games