
Meet Alberto, an experienced creative writer with two full-length novels under his belt, all as a result of years honing his self-taught experience learning the craft of writing. Balancing out the ardous work of being a writer, Alberto retreats into virtual worlds, like Skyrim, the far reaches of space in Mass Effect, Raccoon City and Rapture. The intriguing lore and development of these games are what pique Alberto's interest to write engaging discussions about certain elements of video games that often are overlooked, like sound, atmosphere, music and of course, the gameplay loop that keeps gamers returning to some of their favorite video games. Whether it's survival horror, first person shooters, or the good-bad games that make up the mammoth industy of video games, Alberto's more than excited to talk about what makes Max Payne 3 a masterpiece, or giving Splatterhouse remake it's flowers and everything in between.
albertomrn15's Rank: Total Noob
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Resident Evil 4 Remake
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